Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2009: The savior comes

"The savage atmosphere is on your face, it really is a savage world here."

Standing on the top of a big tree, Gu Fei looked around and saw what he could see. It was all green. The towering trees towered above the ground.

These big trees are huge, the small ones are more than a hundred meters high, and the big ones are thousands of meters high. The huge canopy covers a radius of 20 to 30 li. Such big trees are rare on the star of Zhou Zu.

And on these big trees, you can see vines clinging to them. I don’t know how long these vines are. The presence of humans in this place is almost negligible and very small.


There was a roar of beasts in the distance, and many big birds flew up from the forest.

The creatures in the wild world are very powerful, even those big birds exude fierce suffocation. This is formed after countless killings.

The savage world is not peaceful, there are wild beasts here, it seems that some people are going to be unlucky.

A strong and violent breath came from the distant mountains and forests. Gu Fei couldn't help frowning. In the mountains and forests ahead, there were wild beasts entrenched.

This kind of savage beast has a strong sense of territory. As long as it is a creature that breaks into its territory, it will be ruthlessly hunted and then eaten.

This is the wild world, a world where the weak and the strong eat to the extreme. Here, only the strong can survive, and the weak can only be eliminated.

"A wonderful teleportation array that actually puts everyone in this place."

Gu Fei sensed that there was no other monk's breath nearby, that is to say, the moment the top 500 entered the world, they separated.

This is the same as the original Xutian Realm, which sends people to different places.

In this way, it is not an easy task to collect five jade medals, because the monks in this small world must first be found.


Gu Fei sneered, then rose up into the sky, and flew towards the sky deep in this small world.

The Jagged Daoist is undoubtedly lucky, because he succeeded in becoming one of the five hundred strong, able to enter this wild and small world, in this small world, he only needs to defeat five people.

However, his luck seemed to disappear as he entered the wild and small world,

"Leave the jade card, go away."

At this time, the Jagged Daoist was blocked in a valley by three strong men. One of these three was like a savage, covered in animal skins, holding a mace in his hand, and a tall body surrounded by one. A terrible evil spirit,

The other two people are two young Taoists wearing Taoist clothes.

"Unexpectedly, the people from the Antarctic Immortal Mansion are colluding with what kind of murderous man of the mad wolf. Today I am an eye-opener."

The iron-blooded Taoist said coldly, the two young Taoists were from the Antarctic Immortal Mansion, and the "savage" was a murderous man, a mad wolf, in the southern region of Zhou Zuxing.

"Hmph, we are teaming up temporarily, don't say anything so bad about collusion."

A young Taoist said,

"Fellow Daoist Jagged, you don't seem to be a good person, right? The Thirteen Banners of Jagged I don't know how many people have been harmed. You are the boss of the thirteen bandits. Of course, there is no less.

Another young Taoist said,

"What are you talking about with this person, hit to death with a stick, and then continue to grab the next one."

The mad wolf said impatiently,

"In that case, you can do it."

The two young Taoists then retreated, they did not intend to do it themselves,

"Cut, what a decent person, he is timid, and he has many scruples."

The mad wolf stepped forward, and then directly held the mace and smashed it down among the iron-blooded Taoists. With violent power, a series of pitch-black spatial cracks appeared in the void around the mace.

The power of the crazy wolf is very strong, and the iron-blooded Taoist can't help changing color.


The iron-blooded Taoist took a step forward and wanted to make more of the blow of the mad wolf, but the mad wolf was not an ordinary strong man. His mace was half-smashed, and he changed from smashing downwards to sweeping.


The pitch-black mace swept fiercely towards the iron-blooded Taoist, and the strong wind that blew the iron-blooded Taoist's face was sore that he could hardly open his eyes.

"This guy……"

The shock of the Jie Xue Dao Ren is really not trivial. The opponent's physical strength is very strong, and he can easily change his moves in an instant, which makes him a little at a loss.


The iron-blooded Taoist roared, and a head suddenly appeared on his body; the phantom of the fiery phoenix, the mace swept by the mad wolf, slammed on the phantom,

The powerful force directly smashed the iron-blooded Taoist man flying horizontally, breaking seven or eight big trees one after another, and then stopped.


The Jagged Taoist stood up from the ground. Suddenly, there was a flush of flush on his face, and then he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression was a little frustrated.

"Huh, the thirteen thirteen bandits are all people who have lost their reputations and can't stand a blow from Lao Tzu."

The mad wolf rushed towards the iron-blooded Taoist, every time it took a step, the whole ground vibrated, like a giant running.

"This guy……"

The two descendants of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion could not help but secretly start to see this crazy wolf so fierce.

This mad wolf is fierce, and it is indeed fierce enough. Moreover, this guy's strength is also extremely powerful. Many people have died under his mace.


The mad wolf directly picked up the mace in his hand and smashed it madly at the iron-blooded Taoist. The powerful force shook the void of heaven and earth.

"It's unreasonable. Tigers don't show their might. You treat me as a sick cat."

The Jagged Daoist was shocked and angry. This crazy wolf is well-known, but he is very fierce, but he is not a vegetarian. People with the Jagged Thirteen Banners are not easy to provoke.


An extremely powerful aura erupted from the body of the Jagged Daoist, he used the Undead Profound Art, and his injuries healed instantly.


He left an afterimage in the same place, and his real body escaped the mace.


The mace hit the ground and the earth shook. The trees within a radius of several hundred meters all fell outward, and the ground was undulating like a wave.

With this blow, a big pit appeared in front of the mad wolf.

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist's right hand was like a big knife, slashing towards the wolf,

The power of the phoenix gathered in his right hand, and his entire arm turned into a blade of light, the light of the phoenix divine fire condensed.


The iron-blooded Taoist knife slashed fiercely on the waist of the mad wolf. The mad wolf was not cut into two pieces, nor was it flew out. He just staggered five or six steps to the side, and then stood still. Up,


The iron-blooded Taoist was dumbfounded, and saw that the wild wolf's waist did not even leave a trace, and he hit himself, as if he was scratching the opponent.

The mad wolf’s body is so powerful that it can resist a semi-sacred blow without any problems. Such a powerful body seems to be comparable to Gu Fei’s martial arts.

"Very well, you successfully angered me."

Two fierce lights came out from the eyes of the mad wolf, and he continued to shoot at the iron-blooded Taoist, a mace, forcing the iron-blooded Taoist to continue to retreat, actually pressing the iron-blooded Taoist to beat.

The iron-blooded Taoist’s phoenix mystery is incomparably wonderful, this mystery is the most capable of being beaten, and the physical damage can be healed instantly and fully recovered.

Without any suspense, the defeat of the Iron-Blooded Daoist is only a matter of time, and among the three guys, only the crazy wolf is taking action. If the two Antarctic Immortal Mansion's people also shot, the Iron-blooded Daoist would have been subdued.


The mace swept, and the iron-blooded Taoist flew out again. A trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. The opponent was too strong, and he was not an opponent at all.


Since you can't win, then retreat. The iron-blooded Taoist is about to flee, but the two Antarctic Immortal Mansion monks who have not done anything have moved.

"you guys……"

In front of the Jagged Taoist, a figure appeared and intercepted him.

"If you hand over the jade card, nothing will be left."

A young Taoist in front of the Jagged Taoist said as he pushed forward, a powerful immortal aura came out of this person.

The Antarctic Immortal Mansion is the inheritance of the Immortal Dao, and these two Daoists are both Dacheng quasi-sage-level immortal experts.

"Don't think about it."

The Jagged Daoist’s eyes almost burst into flames. These two guys are really hateful. He can’t wait to tear these three lives into pieces.

These people are too despicable, they have blocked themselves in this valley, these guys are more like robbers than themselves,

"Don't talk nonsense with this guy, just kill it directly, we have to gather all the jade cards quickly, and then leave this place."

Another young Taoist said impatiently,

The mad wolf nodded with another young Taoist, and then, the three powerhouses pushed towards the Iron-blooded Taoist together, and the three of them shot, it was impossible for the Iron-blooded Taoist to compete.


Just as the Jagged Taoist wanted to use the secret method and die with these people, a figure suddenly appeared above the valley. It was a young man in black.

The Jagged Taoist immediately sensed a familiar breath and passed it down from above his head.

"Boss, save me."

The Jagged Taoist didn't even think about it, and immediately shouted.

"Haha, I'm not afraid of death again. Today we had good luck, and we got two jade medals right away."

The crazy wolf laughed and said, in his opinion, two jade medals have been obtained.

However, the two descendants of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion are much more careful than the mad wolf. When did this iron-blooded Taoist become someone else’s younger brother?

It is definitely not easy for this young man in black to surrender someone like the Jagged Taoist.

"Go to death for Lao Tzu."

The mad wolf rose directly into the sky, then picked up the mace and slammed its head at the young man in black.

However, a scene that stunned everyone appeared. The young man in black only stretched out his right hand, and then he directly grabbed the mace with his right hand.


Everyone was shocked to the extreme,

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