Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2028: Invincible

Gu Fei's shot was extremely powerful. The strong men from the north were not his opponents at all. He threw them out of the valley directly with one hand.

"The undead tree is mine."

After Gu Fei threw out the few northern experts, he took a step, and instantly approached the Immortal Orb. He stretched out his hand to take away the Immortal Tree.


At this moment, Gu Fei felt that the void above his head suddenly shook, and then a powerful force came down from the sky.

"this is……"

He suddenly raised his head, only to see a big golden net falling from the sky, facing him as a hood, high above the sky, standing a woman wearing a golden mask,

The golden goddess arrived,

"Chaos Fist."

Gu Fei did not hesitate, and directly played his strongest combat skills. Chaos Dao pattern emerged on his fist, and a sacred aura swelled from his fist.

This is a quasi-saint-level power, and it has some characteristics of a saint. Although it is not the real power of the holy way, it is also extremely powerful.

The fierce boxing force blasted a big hole out of the big golden net that was shrouded in it, and the golden glow dissipated into the void. The monstrous boxing force directly rushed towards the figure above the sky.

"Daobing now."

The golden goddess wanted to fight Gu Fei very much. This was a rare opportunity. She shouted, and then divided her hands. Nine golden soldiers immediately appeared around her.

"That is……"

From the nine Taoist soldiers around the golden goddess, Gu Fei sensed the powerful aura of the Holy Dao, which is unique to a real Taoist soldier.

However, the nine Dao soldiers are not real Dao soldiers, but the Nine Dao phantoms. How did she do it,

Gu Fei was shocked, could it be that there were nine sage soldiers on her body that failed.

Obviously, the golden goddess is mobilizing the power of the holy soldiers for her own use, if she does not have the holy soldiers on her body, how can she mobilize the unique holy power of the holy soldiers,

At this time, as soon as the golden goddess stretched out her hand, she brought a Taoist soldier beside her into her hand. It was a golden war knife.


The golden goddess cut it out with a single knife, and the bright golden sword blasted across the sky immediately, turning into a peerless heavenly sword to directly break through Gu Fei's chaotic fist, and fell towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei was surprised when he saw that the sword of the Goddess of Gold was so powerful, he moved his hands up and folded his hands together, and put the "Heavenly Sword" that would directly split from the sky into his hands.


The surprise of the golden goddess was really extraordinary. The other party actually closed her own sword with both hands. The other's two palms are like two ancient sacred mountains. After the golden sword is closed, it is difficult to sink again. Half a minute,

"How can a body of flesh and blood be so powerful."

The golden goddess was unbelievable. She knew very well that her magical powers were the magical powers that inspired the nine real golden Taoist soldiers and cultivated them.

In the Golden Family, there are nine golden Dao soldiers. In order to practice this magical power, the Golden Goddess used to fight the Nine Dao soldiers alone for thousands of years, communicating with the Nine Dao soldiers day and night, and absorbing the essence of the Dao soldiers. body,

With time and effort, the golden goddess cultivated this magical power.

This is the use of the power of the Dao soldiers. Although it is not the arrival of the real Dao soldiers, it is also a manifestation of the power of the Dao soldiers. The golden sword blow can definitely be compared with the real quasi-sage soldiers.

This is the assassin of the Golden Goddess, and he will not easily use it, but Gu Fei is no ordinary opponent. This guy is definitely a killer.


Gu Fei closed the ten thousand zhang golden sword light with his hands, struggling, he roared with all his strength, and a shocking force came out of his dantian, rushing to his hands, condensing on his two palms,


The sword light was trembling, and the power erupted from Gu Fei's hands shook the light of the sword formed by the power of the golden holy sword. Cracks appeared on the solid blade light.


The golden goddess was shocked and angry. This Gu Fei's physical strength was too strong. Could it be that this is what the ancestor said, an invincible martial art of the same rank,

"Only our supreme bloodline can be invincible at the same level, what kind of martial arts."

The golden goddess shouted in her heart that the supreme bloodline is her proud capital. Compared with those ordinary monks, she was already in the initial stage and left these people far away.

Gu Fei is nothing but a martial body cultivated by the day after tomorrow, but it is stronger than the natural supreme bloodline. How could such a thing happen?

The superiority of the supreme bloodline is not an advantage at all in front of Gu Fei.


The golden goddess fully drove the power of the Taoist soldiers, with long hair and no wind. The golden holy sword in her hand showed great power. The cracks in the light of the knife showed signs of being repaired.

"Break it for me."

Gu Fei was roaring, and a terrifying force burst out from his body. The sleeves on his two arms shattered in an instant, revealing two powerful arms with blue veins protruding and muscles vibrating.

The martial arts real power erupted from Gu Fei's hands, "touch." With a sound, the ten thousand-foot golden sword light finally broke apart, turning into a little bit of aura and dissipating in the void.

The golden goddess was flew away,

Blocked by the golden goddess, the undead medicine blocked in the valley took the opportunity to soar into the sky and escaped without a trace again.

"Damn it."

Seeing the undead tree that was about to get in his hands, he ran away again, which made Gu Fei furious, but this time, it was not the time to find the golden goddess to settle accounts.

At this time, eighteen ancient chariots rolled over the valley, the world shook, shocking all directions, the people of Zhongzhou Xianfu, after all came,

Gu Fei stepped forward, walked straight out of this valley, and chased in the direction where the undead tree disappeared.

"This Gu Fei..."

The golden goddess was shocked to the extreme. Gu Fei could actually break the magical powers she had cultivated. This was really hard for her to accept. You know, this is one of the strongest magical powers she has cultivated.


The figure flickered, and the golden goddess chased after her.

That undead tree is like hide-and-seek with everyone, constantly appearing in the depths of the restricted area, causing the powerful from all sides to explode.


Gu Fei shook a strong human race like an iron tower and knocked that person away.


Ziyunxiao suddenly appeared and shot towards Gu Fei. The power of the five elements sealed the void and set Gu Fei above the sky. If he were to be replaced by a general Dacheng quasi-sage, he would be directly strangled by the power of the five elements.

However, Gu Fei, who was imprisoned by Ziyunxiao with five elements, is a martial body, a martial art body in the realm of quasi-sage, and the power of the flesh is comparable to the power of the ancient dragon elephant.

Gu Fei's body just shook slightly, and the power of the five elements immediately collapsed. Then, he punched out and directly pushed back Ziyunxiao.

"You are Gu Fei."

At this moment, cold words rang out from the dim void, and three white figures came out of the chaotic mist.

When Gu Fei saw these three people, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. These three white-clothed monks, who is not the third Zhongzhou?

The three sons of Zhongzhou came together, even Gu Fei felt a lot of pressure.

Among the three Zhongzhou sons, Gu Fei only fought against Wu Daoyi, but the other two only met today. Judging by the breath radiating from these two people, these two are better than Wu Daoyi. Only strong and not weak,


Gu Fei looked at the approaching Zhongzhou three sons, and only said one word.


The third son of Zhongzhou immediately changed color when he heard the words. This Gu Fei is really crazy. Since his debut, no one has dared to talk to them like this.

"I want to see if you have the arrogant capital."

One of them directly took out a magic mirror and irradiated it towards Gu Fei. The magic mirror revealed a yin and yang force, which was a famous yin and yang mirror.

The white-clothed monk who shot was the yin and yang son of one of the third sons of Zhongzhou.

Being photographed by the shadowy face, no matter what the immortal, will die, even the soul will be wiped out, but if it is photographed by the sun mirror, no matter how many injuries the person has suffered, he can heal in an instant.

At this time, the yin-yang mirror in Yin-Yangzi’s hand illuminates Gu Fei is the yin-mirror. A destructive force spreads out from the yin-yang mirror, and this force can wipe out all vitality.

Gu Fei has no extra words. Since these people want to die, they will be fulfilled by themselves.


Gu Fei rushed forward, breaking through the extinct mirror light from the yin-yang mirror on the yin-yang mirror, and then punched the yin-yang mirror in the hands of Yin-Yangzi.


The sound of shattering sounded, and the yin and yang son with a yin and yang mirror was beaten by Gu Fei and flew away. The yin and yang son was in the air and vomited blood.


Wu Daoyi and the other person were taken aback. This Gu Fei was so powerful and unparalleled. He even knocked away the Yin and Yang son of Zhongzhou's three sons with one punch.


Gu Fei exerted his strength, and the power fluctuations radiating from the Dacheng Quasi-Saint-level martial arts made the void around him vibrate, and the transparent spatial ripples spread.

Wu Daoyi was unable to contend with Gu Fei with another person, and was directly forced to retreat by Gu Fei.

"You little guy has a shadow of a martial ancestor."

Just when Gu Fei forced Wu Daoyi and the other person back, an old voice suddenly came from above his head, which made Gu Fei's face changed greatly.

Someone came to the sky above his head, but he didn't realize it. This person's cultivation is definitely far above him.

He raised his head sharply, and saw an old chariot stopped in the air. On the chariot stood an old man with white beard and hair, and this old man was the old palace master of the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion.

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