Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2030: The crisis of the Jagged Thirteen Banners

The five hundred strongest selected in the Zhongzhou Grand Competition represented the five hundred most powerful quasi-sages of the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star. However, after a battle in the wild and small world, more than three hundred people fell inside.

This news soon spread to the entire Buzhou Ancestral Star cultivation world, and the entire cultivation world was in an uproar. This is not a trivial matter. There are strong people in all regions falling into the wild small world.

There are only one or two quasi-sages among some great religions, but they have all fallen. This is definitely a fatal blow to this great religion.

The entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star's cultivation world is not calm anymore, a single stone stirs up a thousand waves, and the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star is enveloped with a wind and rain.

After so many quasi-sages have died, the entire cultivation world may have a major reshuffle. Apart from those super powers, I am afraid that there is no power to avoid.

The tense atmosphere on the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty made all the forces frightened.

No one wants to be swallowed by others, no one wants to be killed by others, or slaves to others, but once defeated, life or death cannot be controlled by oneself.

Soon, some small forces were wiped out, or directly annexed, there was no suspense, this was a wrestling between big forces.

The fate of the small forces caught between the big forces is tragic.

The area of ​​Zhongzhou is extremely vast, and it is the region with the most human races on the entire Fuzhou Ancestral Star. In Zhongzhou, there is only one super power, that is, Zhongzhou Xianfu.

In addition to Zhongzhou Xianfu, there are countless large and small forces, but none of these forces are attached to the big tree of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

At this time, Zhongzhou Xianfu was too busy to take care of itself, so a super storm that swept across the entire Fu Zhou Zuxing started with Zhongzhou Xianfu as its source.

Disputes broke out on the land of Zhongzhou, and the major religions were fighting against each other. For a time, the creatures on the land were smashed, and I don’t know how many creatures have suffered.

After leaving the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, Gu Fei found that someone was following him. He just made a blindfold and caught the person who was following him.

The person who followed Gu Fei was actually a Jagged Taoist.

In the great turmoil in the wild Xiaotiandi, Gu Fei had no time to take care of this iron-blooded Taoist, but he did not expect that this iron-blooded Taoist actually survived.

Gu Fei soon understood the purpose of the Jagged Taoist man tracking himself. This guy wants to follow him, and the weak follow the strong. This is a normal phenomenon.

The Thirteen Flags of Iron and Blood is a powerful force, and if you can control this force, it is not a bad thing.

However, now there are regional disputes in Zhongzhou. The Jagged Thirteen Banners at the junction of Zhongzhou and the southern region are not so optimistic.

You know, even in the past, among the Zhongzhou Xianfu and Ziyun family, some people wanted to eliminate this gangster force. Now this opportunity, these people may not miss it.

There were also riots in the southern region, but the Ziyun family was so strong that they soon sent masters to suppress the chaos that had just emerged.

At this time, in the southern region, the Ten Great Sects of the Ziyun family were gathering. The Ziyun family was unwilling to nest in the south. At this time, there was a great chaos in Zhongzhou.

The key is that there is definite news that the old palace owner of Zhongzhou has been greatly injured in the battle of the wild Xiaotiandi, and Zhongzhou Xianfu has been unable to suppress the turmoil in Zhongzhou.

In the opinion of the seniors of the Ziyun family, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Ziyun family’s territory will no longer be limited to the southern part of the Zuxing Star.

In the place where the Fire God Palace, one of the top ten religions in the south, is located, on a crimson peak that is as tall as a flame, there are countless soldiers wearing flame armor and holding fire spears.

At this time, it was noon, the sun star was high above the sky, on the Vulcan Peak, the steam was hot, with red glow and mist lingering,

If you observe carefully, you can see that the sunlight falling from the sun star is constantly being absorbed by this mountain, and the sun's essence continues to converge into the mountain.

Above the mountain peaks are densely littered with fiery red silhouettes, with a terrifying aura of killing and cutting, which is vast between the world.

"Warriors, it's time for us to fight the world."

An old voice rang from the heavens and the earth. In front of the battle formation, an old war general standing on a red chariot said loudly to the countless soldiers in front.




As soon as the old warlord’s voice fell, countless soldiers raised the fire spear in their hands, roaring loudly, the sound was earth-shaking, and the entire void reverberated.

"Okay, let's go, let us regain the glory of the ancient times."

The old warrior wielded the spear in his hand, and then drove the red chariot, soaring into the sky, and rushing into the air. At the same time, the countless soldiers also rose into the air, maintaining a neat battle formation, and chasing the old war. Will rush into the distance,

The war has begun, and the members of the Ziyun family want to regain the supreme glory of the ancient supreme, and want to once again unify the entire imperial ancestor.

Ten soldiers are gathering, and the Vulcan soldiers are just one of the ten soldiers.

At this time, in the Phoenix Nest, the nest of the Thirteen Flags of Iron and Blood, the thirteen gangsters gathered together. At this time, the thirteen gangsters, who are usually fearless and fearless, are now on everyone’s face. Dignified,

The news that the Ziyun family wants to attack Zhongzhou has spread. The Thirteen Banners of Iron and Blood is located between the Zhongzhou region and the southern region. It is in such a geographical location. For the Thirteen Banners, it is not a thing. Good thing,

"Ada, what should I do? Now that the iron-blooded boss is not there, I have received the news that the Huoyun soldiers from the Fire God Palace have set out to kill us."

A man with a beard and a black **** armor said to a middle-aged Taoist man wearing a Taoist robe and holding a colorful feather fan sitting on the top.

"What else can I do, immediately send a letter to the iron-blood boss, please come back as soon as possible."

The middle-aged Taoist shook a feather fan, still looking calm,

"I'll do it right away."

Hearing this, the big man stood up quickly, and then walked out.

"Da, I'm afraid that the iron-blooded boss may not be able to come back in time."

One of the thirteen big bandits, a handsome young bandit with white face, said worriedly, this young bandit looks very young in appearance, but all the bandits here dare not look down on this young bandit.

This white-faced handsome man is a ruthless character. He once swept through seven sects of cultivation in one day, drove these seven sects up and down, and killed a chicken or dog.

The fierce name of the white-faced pretty man has existed for thousands of years.

"Huh, although the soldiers of the Fire God Palace are powerful, we are not easy to bully. The most important thing now is to find out the spy as soon as possible. If it weren't for the high-density spies, the people from the Fire God Palace, how could they know Phoenix Nest? position."

A stern cold light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged Taoist, a cold murderous aura, spreading from his body,

The big bandits present can’t help being shocked. They haven’t seen Ah Dadong murderous for a long time.

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