Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2033: The empty phoenix nest


On the Chiyan chariot, the **** general was roaring, 10,000 Vulcan soldiers rushed up, and directly rushed into the Phoenix Nest from the gap, killing the sky.


Just as ten thousand Vulcan soldiers attacked the Phoenix Nest, the void suddenly shook, and bright lights shot out from the Phoenix Nest, pierced through the void, and rushed towards the ten thousand Vulcan soldiers.


The hundreds of soldiers rushing to the front were instantly pierced by the divine light, and then fell from the sky. Blood was spilled from the sky, like a rain of blood.


The **** will be surprised to see this scene,


The **** general roared, a famous soldier moved quickly, and a formation appeared in the void.


God will take the lead and kill forward, the power of the battle formation is mighty, tens of thousands of Vulcan soldiers formed a killing formation to move forward,

A blast of divine light that was enough to penetrate the fairy gods came, and they were all blocked by the power of the battle formation, and it was difficult to injure any soldier.


The sacred fire is burning. In the killing array formed by tens of thousands of Vulcan soldiers, fires continue to rise. This is the real fire of the sun, which can burn all things in the world.

As long as it is burned by the sacred fire that rushed out of the killing array, even the sacred iron will turn into fly ash, and the power of the sun's true fire condensed in the battle array is still increasing.

Hundreds of Vulcan soldiers were lost all of a sudden, and the heart of that genius was bleeding. That was an immortal soldier, and it would take unimaginable effort to cultivate such a soldier.

"Kill, kill all the garbage."

The gods were roaring, but he discovered that there was no one in the Phoenix Nest. The people here seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"How could this be."

The gods control the killing formation, rampaging in the Phoenix Nest, and countless restrictions have been triggered by the battle formations. However, these can kill the immortal gods, and even the powerful restrictions, but it is difficult to win the Vulcan warriors who have formed the battle formation. Up,

The battle formation formed by hundreds of Vulcan soldiers is absolutely as powerful as a semi-sage.

These Vulcan war soldiers are only the existence of the fairy **** level. After tens of thousands of such war soldiers form a large formation, they can show the power of the semi-holy rank. Such a battle formation is really extraordinary.

"Da, let me go out and kill these turtle grandsons clean."

The man with cheeks said bitterly, seeing the Phoenix Nest on the dazzling mirror was ruined by the huge array of tens of thousands of fire gods and soldiers.

"Be safe and not restless."

The middle-aged Taoist shook his feather fan. After closing his eyes and retreating into this forbidden area, the middle-aged Taoist calmed down. This forbidden area is different from ordinary places, and those guys can break in.

The forbidden area in the Phoenix Nest is the most important place in the Phoenix Nest. The Jagged Daoist has laid a heavy killing array around the forbidden area. Even if the Dacheng Quasi-Sage arrives, he will never want to break it.

The most important thing is that this forbidden area of ​​the Jagged Daoist was cut off by him with great magic power. No one can sense the existence of the forbidden area.

The forbidden area is hidden in the void of heaven and earth. Unless someone knows the details, no one can find the exact location of the forbidden area.

"What's the matter, the thirteen bandits."

Ziyunlong flew down from the sky. He held a divine bow and scanned all directions with a pair of divine eyes. However, even if he turned the Phoenix Nest upside down, he could not see a half figure.

"All escaped, this is impossible."

Ziyunlong knew that they had already banned all the void of heaven and earth in an area of ​​thousands of miles. No one could escape with the teleportation array, but the thirteen bandits were gone.

"Could it be that there is any hidden place in this Phoenix Nest?"

Ziyunlong stood in the air, whispering to himself, his eyes kept shining brightly. The Phoenix Nest is the old nest of the iron-blooded Taoist, and there is probably a secret that he does not know.

"I have seen Young Master Long."

Seeing the arrival of Ziyun Dragon, the **** will rush out of the battlefield and salute Ziyun Dragon.

"You all retired. Help me ask Huo Zun Laoer to send a few masters over."

Ziyunlong said, it is impossible for these people to find the secret place in the Phoenix Nest. If the Thirteen Great Bandits are still in the Phoenix Nest, then they must have hid in that secret place.


The **** general hurriedly took the order, then assembled his soldiers and withdrew from the Phoenix Nest.

"No matter where you hide, I will also pull you out one by one."

Murderous aura rose from Ziyunlong's body. At this time, his eyes were as bright as stars, sweeping around. At this time, the buildings in the Phoenix Nest had already been burned by the fire.

The real fire of the sun is not an ordinary sacred fire. When it is burned up by this sacred fire, everything will be burned and it is difficult to keep it. The phoenix nest that was originally like a fairyland has now become ruins.

"These bastards."

In the forbidden area, everyone who saw this scene through the dazzling mirror was so angry that they could not wait to rush out and fight the Vulcan soldiers.

"Boss Jagged should be back soon."

The middle-aged Taoist suddenly said,

When the Jagged Daoist came back, it was when they counterattacked, they were still waiting, but it was a bit hard to say whether the other party would let them wait.

The Ziyun family is not an ordinary family. It is a supreme heritage. No one knows how deep its background is. It is hard to guarantee that no one can find this forbidden place.




At this moment, several figures appeared around Ziyunlong.

"I have seen Young Master Long."

These are three **** generals, and three **** generals salute Ziyun Dragon. Ziyun Dragon is one of the most outstanding children in the Ziyun family except for the Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters.

This time the Ziyun Clan sent troops to Zhongzhou, and the leaders were the Ziyun Dragon and the Fire Lord of the Fire God Palace.

The God of Fire is a veteran general who has lived for endless years. In the Palace of Fire God, there are not many such veteran generals who have left.

The young **** generals in the Fire God Palace cannot be compared with the old **** generals.

"You look for it, where are those turtle grandchildren hiding."

Ziyunlong's lazy voice sounded,


The three gods hurriedly bowed to take their orders, and then dispersed,

The three gods will carefully check every corner in the Phoenix Nest. One of the gods has trained into a **** eye. Above the eyebrows, the **** eye is opening and closing, and the rhyme of Taoism lingers in the **** eye.

The other **** general has cultivated a pair of downwind ears. His ears are about twice as big as ordinary people. At this time, the ears of this **** general are slightly vibrating, listening to the smallest sounds around him.

In the end, the **** general had a mirror in his hand. On that mirror, blue light was lingering, and there were faint lines, and the light emitted could shine through all illusions and point directly to the source.

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