Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2037: Thunder Strike

The Great Fire Golden Crow Array is still in operation, the terrifying heat is overwhelming, and the vegetation in the area of ​​thousands of miles has been evaporated and turned yellow.

After this battle, this place will turn into a desert,

This is still the result of the control of the God of Fire. If the power of the fiery golden crow array is allowed to go away, I am afraid that the life in the area of ​​thousands of miles will be wiped out.


The earth quake sounded, and the raging flames and divine fire on the ninety-nine and eighty-one banners burned out a big hole in the void of heaven and earth, and the void was silently annihilated under the burning of the divine fire.

At this time, on the periphery of the cave sky that was sealed in the center by the eighty-one big flag town, there were continuous lines on the periphery of the cave, and the large formations continued to collapse.

This is definitely not a good thing for the thirteen bandits in the Fengchao Forbidden Land.

"What's the matter, if the iron-blood boss doesn't come to save us, we will be served in a pot."

The man on the cheeks was extremely anxious. Seeing that the forbidden law outside the Fengchao Forbidden Area was constantly being wiped out by the fiery golden crow formation, they had reached the point of life and death.

"Good fellow, it's been six hours, it's unbelievable that the thirteen big bandits have persisted for six hours in the fiery golden crow formation."

Outside the city of Xianzun, City Lord Wuji is still watching. At this time, standing behind him is a neat silver armor fairy soldier. This is a city guard composed of three thousand immortal emperors.

As long as the Promise City Lord gives an order, these three thousand city guards will directly rush into the mountains, defeating the 100,000 Vulcan warriors with lightning speed.

However, the Promise City Lord still did not order an attack. He knew the Fire Venerable God General very well. This old man would never fight an uncertain battle.

The Promise City Lord once suffered from the loss of the Fire Lord God General,

There seems to be no conflict between Zhongzhou Xianfu and Ziyun Family, but Ziyun Family is always thinking about restoring the glory of Ziyun Supreme.

However, only the supreme has the ability to unify the entire life ancestor star. In an era without supremacy, even the super powers want to conquer the entire life ancestor star, which is very unsubstantial.

Of course, the Ziyun family has never given up the idea of ​​conquering the entire life ancestor again.

As the ten tribes of the Ziyun family, the top ten religions in the southern region are the pioneers of the Ziyun family. Just like this time, the true power of the Ziyun family has not yet been revealed.

"That guy can stand it."

On the mountain peaks in the distance, Gu Fei and the iron-blooded Taoist who were watching the movements of the Promise City Master had to admire the Promise City Master. This guy was too careful.

"This guy is still a quasi-sage, how can he be so courageous."

The iron-blooded Taoist said disdainfully, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Taking advantage of the fire **** will fully control the fiery golden crow formation to attack the forbidden area of ​​Phoenix Nest, and then give him a fierce knife from behind, even if it is not. It can directly defeat 100,000 soldiers, and it can also severely damage this soldier.

"This guy is not simple. He is not timid, but cautious. On the surface, this is a good opportunity to defeat the Vulcan warriors, but this is not a trap for the Fire Lord to ambush the Lord of Promise.

"What should we do then, we can't just watch those brothers die in the hands of the old man Huo Zun."

The Jagged Taoist said excitedly,

"Since it is difficult for City Lord Promise to choose, then we will help him choose."

Gu Fei looked at the city lord of Wuji. The three thousand silver armor immortal soldiers behind the city lord of Wuji were definitely an elite soldier, because they were composed of masters of the fairy emperor level.

This is the most powerful force in Xianzun City. This power is firmly in the hands of City Lord Promise. This warrior of the Celestial Emperor will only listen to one person's order, that is, City Lord Promise.


Gu Fei stepped directly on the eight desert steps, showing the eight-step extreme speed, and disappeared on the mountain in an instant.


Upon seeing this, the Jagged Daoist couldn’t help being taken aback. Gu Fei’s speed was incredible, even he could hardly catch Gu Fei’s figure.

He hurriedly pursued,

Soon, Gu Fei came near the camp where one hundred thousand Vulcan soldiers were stationed.

Without hesitation, he directly blasted towards a mountain in front of him with a palm, and a big hand immediately appeared between the sky and the earth, a mighty and terrifying energy wave, and fell towards that mountain.

"Enemy attack."

"Enemy attack."

A loud roar immediately sounded, and then countless formation patterns rushed from the ground, and a peerless murderous intent suddenly broke out.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, he seemed to have expected the same. He didn't stop his hand. The sky-shielding hand still shot towards the mountain. The powerful force pressed the void under the big hand to crack and collapse.


With a loud shout, a phalanx made up of ten thousand Vulcan soldiers rose into the sky. The ten thousand Vulcan soldiers raised the spears in their hands and pierced them towards the big hands in the sky.

Numerous formation patterns loomed around the ten thousand Vulcan soldiers. The power of the formation gathered the power of ten thousand Vulcan soldiers together, and then blasted towards the big hand in the sky.


The big hand fell, and the powerful force swept everything. The power of the Heaven-shattering Killing Array was directly suppressed by the big hand. Even the combined force of the 10,000 Vulcan soldiers was blocked by the big hand.

The endless sacred fire was broken under the big hand,

Thousands of Vulcan soldiers received a tremendous impact at the same time. A trace of blood oozes from the corner of each soldier's mouth, and his expression is also lost.


In the distance, the Ziyun Dragon who saw this scene was shocked. Someone was making the shot that could withstand the combined force of ten thousand Vulcan soldiers.


At this moment, the big hand fell, and the entire mountain peak was directly exploded. The sky was full of dust. Many camps on the mountain were destroyed. Thousands of soldiers on the mountain also turned into blood fog.

It’s not that the combined force of ten thousand soldiers shows little power, but the opponent’s strength is much stronger than the combined force of ten thousand soldiers.


A roar sounded, and the fire **** would be furious. He drove the chariot, like a bloodthirsty ancient beast, and rushed towards Gu Fei fiercely.

"Go to death for me."

The fire **** rushed to the crown. Thousands of soldiers were slapped to death by the opponent's palm. This made him startled and angry. The fire **** danced his hands, and a series of fire dragons rushed out from between his hands, towards Gu Fei below. Pounced over,

A full nine fire dragons rushed out from the hands of the fire **** general, and each fire dragon revealed extremely powerful fluctuations of fire power.

This is the fire dragon condensed from the real fire of Zhiyang. It has great power. As long as it is wrapped around the body by these nine fire dragons, even the Dacheng quasi-sage will be burned to ashes, and its form and spirit will be destroyed.

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