Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2043: Arrogant

At nightfall, Gu Fei and the twelve great bandits entered the city of Xianzun, and the city lord Wuji came out to welcome Gu Fei and the others into the city lord’s mansion.

That night, City Lord Wuji hosted a banquet in the City Lord’s Mansion and invited some outstanding figures near Xianzun City to accompany him.

"Brother Gu, please."

In the back garden of the city lord’s mansion, the lights are brightly lit. Under a laurel tree, there is an ordinary stone table. The stone table is three feet long but less than one feet wide. There is a seat at the top. On both sides of the table, There are eight chairs each,

This made Gu Fei a little surprised. The City Lord’s Mansion of City Lord Promise is not luxurious at all. It can even be said to be very simple. The furnishings in the City Lord’s Mansion are also very simple.

After City Lord Wuji and Gu Fei took their seats, those who were invited by City Lord Wuji sat down. Among the twelve great bandits, only the middle-aged Daoist followed Gu Fei to the banquet.

The bandit did not like to attend such banquets,

"You are Gu Fei."

Just sitting down, there was a young man in white clothes looking at Gu Fei with cold eyes. In his eyes, a cold light flickered, and an intent to fight like nothing appeared on the body of this white man.

"There is a good show."

There were nine people who were invited by City Lord Wuji. Among these nine people, there were gray-haired old men and eleven or twelve-year-old children.

However, no one dares to despise whether it is an old man or a child who feels like something.

Especially the person who looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old child is not easy to provoke. This person has already become famous and is known as the Tongtian Boy. He is one of the most powerful people in the area ruled by Xianzun City. One,

"I am Gu Fei, how about it."

Gu Fei glanced at the white-clothed young man, and then said indifferently, this person is obviously coming for him, he can sense the warfare in this person against him.

"Hmph, I heard how good you are. You defeated Ziyunxiao ten years ago. I saw it today, but it was nothing more than that."

The young man in white said proudly,

Everyone in the room was surprised when he heard this. Did this guy get kicked in the head by the donkey, kicked stupid, and dare to say such words in front of this killing god,

Just one day ago, Gu Fei wounded the old fire **** general and repelled one hundred thousand fire **** soldiers. Such a record can really shock the world.

At this time, even City Lord Wuji frowned, but he didn't say anything.

"and who are you."

Gu Fei was still extremely calm, without any expression on his face, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Flying to the mountain, Helian Lengyue."

The white-clothed youth looked arrogant, and he didn't seem to put Gu Fei in his eyes.

"Flying to the mountain, never heard of it."

Gu Fei shook his head and said,


When Na Helian Leng Yue heard this, a pair of sword eyebrows were erected immediately, and two cold-power-like gazes shot out of her eyes, staring at Gu Fei.

Feilai Mountain, that is the first cultivation power under the rule of Xianzun City, even the Promise City Lord, dare not neglect the future master of Feilai Mountain.

The Helian family is a big family. The power of this family is spread throughout Zhongzhou. If Zhongzhou Xianfu is the ruler of Zhongzhou, then the Helian family is the second ruler of the land of Zhongzhou.

The Helian family that flew over the mountain was just a branch of the Helian family.

"Don't think you will be great if you defeat Ziyunxiao."

Helian Lengyue’s words were extremely cold,

"Presumptuous, you junior, dare to talk to my Patriarch like this."

At this time, the middle-aged Taoist couldn't help but stand up from his seat. Then, a powerful murderous aura emerged from the middle-aged Taoist.

"Why, I want to do it."

When Na Helian Lengyue saw this, she seemed to be forced to do the same, a look of excitement flashed in her eyes.

As the master of Xianzun City, City Lord Wuji didn't say anything, this Helian Lengyue was so arrogant, he didn't catch a cold to this guy.

The Promise City Lord didn’t say anything, and the others didn’t dare to say anything. They were all watching the show.

"Brother Wuji, look at..."

The middle-aged Taoist looked at the Promise City Lord sitting on the head,

"Hehe, if the two want to learn from each other, I have a martial arts arena here, so that the two of them can enjoy each other."

City Lord Promise smiled,


Seeing that City Lord Wuji said such words, everyone was very surprised. As the master here, he didn't try to persuade him to fight, but wanted the two to fight like this.

"Very good, then please lead Brother Wuji."

Helian Lengyue is very arrogant, but he actually has the capital to be arrogant. This young master of Feilaishan has reached the realm of Dacheng quasi-sage in his cultivation.

Such a cultivation base, even in the entire Helian family, is considered a top-notch existence.

In Helian Lengyue's eyes, that Ziyunxiao is definitely a generation who has lost his reputation, and the old **** of fire, who was injured by Gu Fei before, was injured by Gu Fei only under his care. ,

Helian asked himself that his cultivation base and strength of becoming a quasi-sage was enough to sweep the entire young generation of powerhouses in the southern region of the ancestor star.

You Wuji City Lord did not hesitate, you actually got up from your seat, and then walked towards a martial arts field inside the City Lord.

"If there is a kind, follow it."

Helian Lengyue looked at the middle-aged Taoist and said coldly,

"I will be afraid of you."

The middle-aged Taoist was really irritated by this Helian Lengyue. He had never seen such an arrogant guy before. Today is really an eye-opener.

At this time, Na Helian Lengyue had already followed the Promise City Lord out.

The middle-aged Taoist hurriedly followed, and he wanted to beat this boring fellow to find teeth, let this fellow know that there are people in heaven and human beings.

"Be careful, this guy is not easy."

A voice rang in the middle-aged Taoist's heart. He was secretly surprised, and then nodded to Gu Fei. This was Gu Fei's reminder.

This Helian Lengyue is from the second largest force in Zhongzhou, and his cultivation is also very extraordinary. At least since his debut, he has not encountered an opponent.

This has developed Helian Lengyue’s lonely and arrogant temperament, who thinks that Laozi is the number one in the world, and does not put everyone in his eyes, even the famous figures of the older generation.

However, I have to say that this Helian Lengyue is really a genius in cultivation, even some famous figures of the older generation are not willing to provoke this guy easily.

In this way, this Helian Lengyue is even more arrogant, but if he is too arrogant, it becomes arrogant.

In fact, the Helian family is the second power in Zhongzhou, and many people are scrupulous about the behemoth Helian family. This is why they are not willing to provoke Helian Lengyue.

If Helian Lengyue is not a member of the Helian family, I am afraid that he would have been killed by others long ago, and how could there be such a horror as he is now?

You must know that in the world of cultivation, it is a place that speaks by strength. Without strong strength and no powerful forces, then it will only be eliminated.

Although Helian Lengyue’s strength is not the strongest among the Dacheng Quasi-sages, the power behind him cannot be underestimated. No one wants to offend such a power easily.

However, Gu Fei was fearless.

No matter which super power this guy came from, Gu Fei, as long as he was provoked, even if he was the king of heaven, I would punch him to death.

The Ziyun family is awesome, it's a super power created by the legendary Ziyun Supreme. Gu Fei is as fearless as it is.

Ziyunxiao is strong enough, that Ziyunxiao even used a drop of the supreme divine blood left by the supreme, but was defeated by Gu Fei.

However, Gu Fei’s record did not make Helian Lengyue feel threatened. This Helian Lengyue even wanted to fight Gu Fei and stepped on Gu Fei’s feet.

With such a crazy idea, even people who have friendship with Helian Lengyue are shocked.

Helian Lengyue has a nickname called Helian Madman. This guy is just like his nickname. Sometimes he is really a chilling madman.

The martial arts field in Xianzun City is a somewhat special place.

Standing outside the martial arts arena and looking inside, you will feel that the martial arts arena is not that big. However, when you enter the martial arts arena, you feel like you have entered another world. I thought it was very " The small" martial arts field has a range of more than ten li.

Since it is a martial arts field, this is the place where the masters in Xianzun City will learn from each other.

However, when Gu Fei and the others came to the martial arts field, they were a little surprised. The martial arts field was very clean. Even the floor on the ground did not have a trace of cracks and was intact. It seemed that there was no damage at all.

This martial arts venue is too "new", as if it was just built.

Gu Fei and the others were outside the arena and did not enter the martial arts arena. At this time, Helian Lengyue was already standing in the martial arts arena, looking at Gu Fei and them coldly.

Then, a scene that made Gu Fei a little angry appeared. Standing in the martial arts field, Helian Lengyue actually raised her **** to them.


The middle-aged Taoist does not have such a good temper as Gu Fei, his eyes flicked, he roared, and then jumped up and jumped into the martial arts field.


When the middle-aged Taoist jumped into the martial arts arena, the void suddenly shook, and a light curtain rushed up from the martial arts arena, and then enveloped the entire martial arts arena.

A breath of holy Dao came out from the transparent light curtain, and a series of very light Dao patterns loomed on the light curtain.

"Holy rank magic circle."

Gu Fei couldn’t help being taken aback when he saw this. City Lord Promise’s handwriting was really big. The formation of the martial arts field turned out to be a holy step array. You know, the holy step array is not so easy to arrange.

After all, in the current world, apart from the power of the saints, only the master of the magic formation can arrange the magic formation of the holy rank.

"Let's get started, after defeating you, I still have to learn from Gu Fei."

Helian Lengyue said impatiently,

"Outrageous, don't cry later."

The middle-aged Taoist was really angry with Helian Leng Yue,

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