Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2059: Helian Patriarch


In a deep mountain and old forest thousands of miles away from Xianzun City, there was a deafening thunderbolt. Somewhere above the mountain forest, the black and crushing cloud almost fell from the sky to the ground.

The robbery cloud covers hundreds of kilometers, and the dazzling lightning bursts out from the dark robbery cloud, tearing through the dim world,

The other areas of this mountain forest are shining brightly and the wind is beautiful. The place covered by the robbery cloud forms a sharp contrast with other places.

This phenomenon is a vision. As long as there are some experienced monks, they will avoid them at the first time when they see this vision. They dare not approach it.

Someone is crossing the catastrophe, and this crossing is not a normal catastrophe, but a fairy **** catastrophe.

The person who crosses the calamity exudes a kind of magical fluctuations, this is a kind of power to cross the calamity, as long as it is stained with this kind of power, it will trigger the monk's own calamity.

This is absolutely terrible for the average monk.

Yaoyue is crossing the catastrophe. She has been supporting the catastrophe for more than half an hour under the catastrophe. She is still vigorous and full of glory, like the same female **** of war, even in the face of this powerful catastrophe. There is no fear at all, but there is a feeling of excitement,

"Not bad."

At this time, outside the area covered by the robbery cloud, Gu Fei was standing on a mountain peak. He looked at Yaoyue in the robbery cloud with martial arts, and couldn't help nodding.

He was very satisfied with Yaoyue’s performance.

As a warrior, one should have a mentality of becoming stronger when confronted with the stronger, even in the face of the robbery, the robbery can be regarded as an opponent,

"That is……"

At this time, some people began to appear in the nearby mountains. Some people were alarmed by the movement here, and then came to check.

"Someone is crossing the robbery."

When some monks who came to inspect felt the power of heaven and earth, they couldn't help changing their color. No one dared to approach the area covered by the robbery cloud, all of them were watching from a distance.

"That person is..."

At this time, someone found Gu Fei standing on the top of the mountain.


After someone saw Gu Fei's face clearly, he immediately took a breath of air-conditioning, and then dodged far away.

"Unexpectedly, that person is also here..."

People who recognized Gu Fei did not dare to approach Gu Fei. You know, this murderous man actually killed an ancestor of the Helian family a few days ago.

It is rumored that the ancestor of the Helian family who was beheaded by Gu Fei was actually an ancient saint who had been enlightened in the ancient years.

The record of sword slaying ancient sage, Gu Fei is enough to shock the world, and he is called the number one murderer on the ancestor of Fuzhou.

"Gu Fei appeared."

Soon, in the ancestral home of the Helian family, the Patriarch of the Helian family received the news. When he heard the news, the Patriarch of the Helian family abruptly stood up from his seat, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from him. Got out,

"Please ancestors, ancestor worship device, kill Gu Fei."

The Patriarch of the Helian family made a decisive decision. He personally came to the depths of the family ancestral court to invite another ancestor of the Helian family who was still sleeping.

The ancestral land of the Helian family is a place where a rare dragon vein is located. The ancestors of the Helian family sleep deep in the dragon veins and are not easily born.

However, Helian demon was beheaded by someone. Even the Patriarch of the Helian family couldn’t solve such a major matter. He had to invite the ancestor to take charge.

The ancestors of the Helian family have a superb status in the family. Even the Patriarch of the Helian family should respect these ancestors and dare not neglect.

Among the dragon veins, the dragon energy rises, and there is a kind of coercion covering the whole dragon vein.

In the depths of the dragon veins, there are several sarcophagi floating in the dragon gas, where the earth and dragon gas are so strong that they are almost liquefied.

Patriarch Helian’s footsteps are very light, for fear that the sound of footsteps will startle the sleeping ancestor.

There are three sarcophagi suspended in the sky above the dragon’s cave. One of the sarcophagi has been opened and the inside is empty. This sarcophagus is the sarcophagus of Helian Demon.

For the other two sarcophagi, the lid is still sealed and has not been opened.

The ancient saints mostly plunged themselves into deep sleep in this way, and some people always walk in the world and don’t like sleep.

Helian Demon had already woke up from a deep sleep ten thousand years ago.

But the other two ancestors still chose to continue to sleep, and had no intention of being born. This time Patriarch Helian came, he wanted to awaken one of the ancestors with a secret method.

Patriarch Helian knew that the opportunity was rare, and if Gu Fei hid again, even if they had many people, it would be difficult to find him.

He stepped forward, took out a silver dagger, and slashed a knife on the wrist of his left hand. The blood immediately flowed out of the wound, and then dripped into the three sarcophagi, the one in the middle. Above,

After Patriarch Helian’s blood dripped on the sarcophagus, the blood permeated into the sarcophagus and disappeared, as if blood had never been dripped.

After a dozen drops of blood, Patriarch Helian stopped.


Just after Patriarch Helian stopped dripping blood on the sarcophagus, the sarcophagus in front of him suddenly shook.


With a muffled sound, the heavy lid on the sarcophagus flew up, and a figure stood up straight from the sarcophagus. It was a thin, sallow face, like an old man with a zombie look.

"See the ancestors."

Patriarch Helian quickly bowed down,


At this moment, the closed eyes of the old man suddenly opened, and a cold light shot out from the tiny eyes, causing the dim void to suddenly light up.

"Use blood to wake me up, is it possible that the Helian family has reached the point of life and death."

The old hoarse voice sounded. The old man seemed to have not spoken for a long time. When he spoke suddenly, his pronunciation was a little strange.

"In return to the ancestors, the ancestor of Hellenmos has an accident."

Patriarch Helian dared not conceal anything, so he explained what happened in detail.


After the old man listened, he couldn’t help but moved. He knew Helian’s cultivation base. Among the three ancestors of Helian, Helian’s cultivation base was not the weakest.

How is it possible that a junior boy who is not even a saint defeated the Helian Demon?

The old man was unbelievable, but the contemporary Patriarch of the Helian family in front of him definitely did not dare to lie to him. It seems that Helian Demon was really planted in the hands of a younger man.

This is simply a great shame. The three ancestors of Helian used to have a lot of beauty. Even in those ancient years, they were also the overlords of one party.

Unexpectedly, endless years have passed, but Helianmo ended up like this.

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