Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2063: The Nine Secrets

"The show just started, so hurry to go."

The old voice of the little old man sounded behind Gu Fei,


Gu Fei was taken aback. Could this little old man have not shown his true strength before? How could this be possible? This time it’s troublesome.


Gu Fei only felt a pain in his vest, and a skinny palm pierced the clothes on his chest. He wore it out. This was a blood-colored palm covered with his own blood.

This time, Gu Fei was not so lucky. His body was directly penetrated by the little old man. A martial art as powerful as a quasi-sage could not withstand the attack of the little old man.


Gu Fei hurriedly wanted to use the Anti-Void Secret Technique, but at this moment, a powerful force surged from the blood-colored arm that came out of his chest.


Before Gu Fei had time to react, his entire martial arts exploded, his muscles and flesh flying across, and a cloud of blood mist appeared above the sky.

"The descendants of the Wuzu lineage are nothing more than that."

There was a look of disdain on the little old man’s face. In fact, deep in his heart, he was already moved. A great quasi-sage who was not a saint could even behead a saint’s body. No one will believe it when going out,

You know, even if a self-sealed saint stands and allows Dacheng quasi-sage to attack, Dacheng quasi-sage cannot kill a self-sealed saint.

The saint’s immortal body can only be hurt by the sacred instrument. The person who can kill the saint can only be other more powerful saints.


At this moment, the countless broken flesh and blood in the void are glowing, and every piece of flesh, even every drop of blood, is revealing powerful life fluctuations.

"Blood rebirth."

The eyes of the little old man lit up. The descendants of the Martial Ancestor line have not yet been sanctified, and they can be reborn with a drop of blood. The vitality of this little guy is really strong.

All the broken flesh and blood were surging, and then quickly gathered together, the muscles and bones were reorganizing, and very quickly, a figure appeared in the void.

"Forcing me to work hard, it will not do you any good."

Gu Fei said coldly, his martial art has reached the point where he can be reborn from a drop of blood, and the blow from his flesh cannot really hurt his vitality.

"Good boy, you are the first person who dared to talk to me like this since the broken world."

The little old man narrowed his mung bean eyes, and there was light overflowing between his eyes. He glanced towards Gu Fei, his words were extremely calm.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort and didn't say anything more.

"Oh, you're so arrogant, do you think I can't kill you, my old man is not the stupid Helianmo."

The cold light in the eyes of the little old man became more intense, and the cold murderous aura caused the surrounding temperature to drop.

"Then you have a try."

The expression on Gu Fei’s face was extremely solemn. He knew that he had encountered the most dangerous opponent since his debut. This little old man seemed to be too old, but he knew that the strength of the little old man was really not comparable. Fengdu ghost emperor on Tenglong ancestor star is weak,

Fengdu Ghost Emperor, that is one of the most powerful supreme beings on Tenglong Ancestral Star,

"I can kill you without using the ancestor weapon."

The little old man took a direct step and instantly disappeared in place. Almost at the same time, a thin arm suddenly appeared in front of Gu Fei, and then grabbed his heart.

"Inverse chaos."

The moment the little old man’s fingertips touched Gu Fei’s clothes, Gu Fei’s Immortal Dao Secret Art finally exerted an incredible power.


A circle of transparent ripples spread from his body, and then, the little old man’s arm swept aside, and was pulled aside by some magical force.


At this time, the little old man appeared in the void in front of Gu Fei. The little old man was taken aback. Since his debut, he had never encountered such a thing. His attack was even moved away.

This is something that has never happened in thousands of years,

What's more, what makes the little old man really feel incredible is that this person who moved his arm to the side is just a great quasi-sage. Such a little guy has such abilities. This makes the old man's mung bean eyes wide and open. The sons all stick out,

"Could it be in the legend..."

Just as the little old man was shocked, Gu Fei had already grabbed the little old man’s arm that slid past him with one hand, and then a divine light shot out from the center of his eyebrows.


In an instant, the little old man sensed extreme danger. He instinctively broke free from the right hand that was grabbed by Gu Fei, and then leaned back his head. At the same time, his body flew back.

However, no matter how fast the little old man’s reaction was, he just avoided the vital point of his eyebrows, and the corner of his eye was swept by the purple light shot from Gu Fei’s eyebrows, and the brow bones were shattered. Blood is flowing out,

"how can that be……"

The little old man can feel that the purple light that hurts his own Eucharist, contains the power of the great road, which is a powerful force that can hurt the Eucharist.

Only the power of the great road can hurt the Eucharist,

"Could it be that Helian Mo was planted on this kid's trick."

The little old man was shocked to the extreme, the power of the primordial spirit turned the Dao Sword, how could this be possible, the legendary Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, hasn't it disappeared in the endless years?

He made his debut much earlier than that of the Helian Demon, and his knowledge is extraordinary, but even so, he has never really seen the incredible power of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, he has just heard of it.

You know, even among the ancient Taoists, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are already incomplete.


Just when the little old man was shocked, Gu Fei was extremely sorry. He lost a golden opportunity to hit the little old man.

Who would have thought that the reaction speed of this little old man was so fast that even the speed of the Yuanshen Dao Sword could not penetrate the center of his eyebrows and destroy his Niwan Palace,


In Gu Fei's thoughts, another bright purple light shot out from the center of his eyebrows and turned into a purple Dao Sword, revealing the wave of the power of the Dao, and pierced towards the little old man.

"It's really the Dao Sword of the Origin Deity..."

The little old man recognized this secret technique, and his mung bean eyes lit up instantly, as bright as the stars in the sky.

Who is not jealous of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, who does not want to get it, even the little old man who has been sanctified is the same. After all, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao is an invincible supreme secret technique created by the Supreme Dao ancestor.

As soon as the little old man stretched out his hand, he directly shattered the Yuanshen Dao sword that had been shot, and then used a great technique, endless thunder and lightning rushed out of his body, and the whole world was enveloped in a sudden.

Purple lightning raged above the sky, revealing the destructive power of the two people’s palpitations, and enveloped Gu Fei.

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