Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2068: ready

Gu Fei’s return made everyone excited, and the previously interrupted Holy Blood Tempering can be carried out again.


A great cauldron flew out of Gu Fei’s hand, and a medicinal fragrance diffused out of the great cauldron. After everyone smelled the medicinal fragrance, the whole person's spirit was lifted, and the strength in the body seemed to be It's like boiling,

Zhong Limeng, Lao Jiao, did not hesitate, and jumped directly into the cauldron, which is the magical medicine of the legendary holy blood.

A drop of blood in the saint’s body is precious blood, enough to compare to those rare medicine kings in the world, especially the immortal divinity contained in the holy blood, this is the most important thing.

Gu Fei tempered his body for everyone again, and the people of the Meng clan of Dahuang Xing were surprised and happy, and Meng Long was even more excited and trembling.

He knows exactly what this means to him, the holy blood quenches the body, and his physical potential will be gradually stimulated. This is the key to unlock the treasure of the divine body.

One way of martial arts is to constantly break through the limits of the human body so that the treasures of the divine body can be reproduced.

At this time, the rest of the people who had tempered their bodies with the holy blood dispersed, and the twelve great bandits continued to retreat. Only Gu Zhong was left behind by Gu Fei.


Gu Zhong hesitated to speak, he didn't know why his master left him alone, what he wanted to do most now was to continue to retreat.

After the Holy Blood quenched his body, Gu Zhong received great benefits. His cultivation has reached a bottleneck. This is an opportunity to break through his shackles.

Gu Zhong didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

"this is for you."

Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a purple spear appeared in his hand. On the spear, there were ancient Dao patterns intertwined, and purple lightning could be seen looming on it.

"this is……"

An infinitely long breath rushes towards your face, which is a combination of ancient surprises. Don’t ask, the divine spear in Master’s hand is definitely a holy weapon.

A ray of holy path aura lingers on the divine spear,

"Master, this is for me, it's really for me."

Gu Zhong was extremely excited. He is now missing a weapon that is worthy of his hand. This purple spear is really good, and it is also a sacred weapon.

The martial arts of warriors are extremely powerful, and ordinary magical soldiers cannot withstand their power, and there are only a few magical weapons that can be used by warriors.

Gu Zhong is a powerful four-layer warrior, a mighty soldier who can barely withstand his power, but for him, only a holy weapon is the most suitable weapon for him.

Because the Holy Soldier is strong enough to not be easily damaged, he can wield it as much as he wants without worrying about the weapon suddenly breaking down or being shattered by his own power.

"Take it."

Gu Fei directly threw the divine spear in his hand to Gu Zhong.

"Thank you, Master."

Gu Zhong quickly reached out to pick it up.

The moment Gu Zhong caught the purple spear, he only felt that his hand sank. The purple spear was unexpectedly heavy, and he quickly grasped it tightly.

Even so, the purple spear almost fell from Gu Zhong's hand.

"Good weight."

Gu Zhong was taken aback. He never expected that this divine spear was so heavy. He knew the strength of his hands. It was because of this that he was surprised.

"Well, you go."

Gu Fei knew that Gu Zhong’s cultivation level was already at a bottleneck. After being tempered by the Holy Blood, Gu Zhong’s cultivation level finally showed signs of breakthrough.

All breakthroughs in the cultivation of the disciple, this is definitely a good thing for Gu Fei, he is now lacking the kind of disciple who can be alone.

Although Gu Zhong’s cultivation base is powerful, he is just a powerful four-layer warrior. In this world, there are more people who are stronger than him.

Only when his cultivation base broke through to the mighty fifth heaven and became the emperor among the mighty, would Gu Zhong possess the strength to stand alone. Otherwise, he would not be able to deter the descendants of the great powers of the big family.

"Xie Shizun for giving soldiers."

Gu Zhong said to Gu Fei Li, and then he left.

Among the martial arts techniques, there is a magical power that transforms soldiers into the body. Gu Zhong wants to refine this holy instrument into his body, so that his martial arts will become more powerful.

At this time, Zhong Limeng and Lao Jiao both rushed out of the mountain and river tripod.


The old Jiao looked up to the sky and screamed in all directions, his body was surging with blood, the power of the true dragon was mighty, and the dragon qi was lingering around him,

He is going to advance again,

"Master, I will go too."

The old Jiao’s voice rang in Gu Fei’s heart, and then the old Jiao showed his body and turned into a long red dragon, rushing to the depths of the world.

Since the dragon was transformed, the old Jiao’s cultivation level has not been improved. Now, the old Jiao can’t manage that much, so he just left. He finds a place to retreat.

The same goes for Zhong Limeng. After absorbing the essence of the Holy Blood, her physical body not only became incomparably powerful, it was also difficult to hurt by ordinary soldiers, and it also improved her cultivation.

She is no exception, she also finds a place to retreat and digest what she has learned,

Afterwards, dozens of people from the Meng clan successfully tempered their bodies with the help of Gu Fei. After these dozens of people came out of the mountain and river cauldron, their bodies were extremely vigorous and stronger than before. More than double,

These people have the qualifications to embark on the martial arts journey,

However, Gu Fei would not directly accept these people from the Meng clan as his descendants. He did not have much energy to teach these people.

The people of the Meng clan should be managed by Gu Zhonglai. It is necessary to wait for Gu Zhong to exit before determining the fate of the Meng clan.

People of the immortal race cannot quench their bodies with the holy blood. They are different creatures, but the holy blood contains powerful life force.

Not to mention the use of the holy blood liquid in the mountain and river cauldron to temper the undead body of the immortal race, even if they are just near the mountain and river cauldron, these undead creatures are in danger of flying away.

Gu Fei did not put away the mountain and river cauldron. The precious liquid in the cauldron still contained a huge spiritual energy. He left the mountain and river cauldron here, and other people of the Meng clan could also enter the cauldron to temper their bodies.

But Gu Fei himself took a step forward and came directly to the depths of this divine soil.

He sat cross-legged on a big rock next to the sacred fountain of life. He fought the little old man before, and he had some feelings, so he should take a good look.

The ancient road of the human race in Zhongzhou Xianfu still has ten years to open. During this time, Gu Fei wants to improve his cultivation and strength as much as possible.

You know, it’s not easy for people who can set foot on the ancient human race road.

Time is passing, no one dared to enter the depths of this divine soil to disturb Gu Fei. The place where Gu Fei is, the birds and the flowers, is a thriving scene,

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