Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2071: Chaos

"Iron-blooded Taoist, you still dare to appear."

A loud shout came, and a young man wearing a battle armor drove a chariot and rushed over. An extremely powerful breath came from the young man.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw that person, he couldn't help but was stunned. The young man on the chariot turned out to be Ziyun Dragon. This guy was defeated by himself, and he even dared to appear near Tianzun City. Could it be that in the past ten years, this Ziyun Dragon’s I have broken through to the point where I can be fearless of myself.

"It's you……"

In the Phoenix Nest Cave Sky, the Iron-Blooded Daoist was surprised when he saw the person coming. He and this Ziyun Dragon were dead, and he did not expect that at the critical juncture when he was about to refine the Phoenix Nest Cave Sky, this guy would do something bad again.

"Hmph, iron-blooded Taoist, how can you dare to refining a cave, today I want you to die."

The Ziyun Dragon was once planted in the hands of Gu Fei and the city lord of Xianzun, returned to the family, and was punished by the clan elders to face the wall for thousands of years.

If it hadn’t been for comprehending the Nine Dao Runes, I might have thought about it in the family’s ancestral court.

"If you want to kill me, come in if you have a seed."

The iron-blooded Taoist sneered. Although this Ziyun Dragon is powerful, he is not a vegetarian. As long as the opponent dares to enter the Phoenix Nest Cave Sky, he can arouse the power of Feng Chao Cave Sky and kill it.

"You treat me stupidly, go inside."

Ziyunlong stood on the chariot, his body was immortal and mighty, he could not enter the Phoenix Nest Cave Sky, you know, even if he realizes the nine lines, there is only one dead end.

The three-thousand-law **** chain has been completely mastered by the Jagged Daoist, that is to say, the Jagged Daoist has mastered the entire Phoenix Nest Cave Sky, and he can trigger the power of the holy rank as long as he moves his mind.

In this world, no saints can come out, no one can compete with the power of the holy ranks

"Unexpectedly, the Ziyun family is full of rat generations."

The iron-blooded Taoist said disdainfully, he knew that this Ziyun dragon wanted to take advantage of the fact that he had cultivated the Phoenix Nest Cave Sky into his body to take it for a moment before making a move.

At that time, it was indeed the weakest time for the Jagged Daoist. If Ziyunlong really made a move at that time, the Jagged Daoist would have no power to fight back.

"Whatever you say, as long as you can kill you, even if you call me the grandson of the turtle, I will bear it."

As Ziyunlong spoke, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and his eyes flashed with fierce light. This was a golden opportunity to kill the iron-blooded Taoist, he didn't want to let it go.

"good very good."

The iron-blooded Taoist gritted his teeth, but he was helpless. He never expected that this fellow who had been punished by the Ziyun clan elder to face the wall for thousands of years would jump out again.

The news of the twelve bandits is also very well-informed. The fact that Ziyun Dragon was punished to face the wall is not a secret, and the Ziyun family does not deliberately conceal anything.

Ziyunlong stood proudly on the chariot, no longer speaking, looking coldly at the iron-blooded Taoist in the Phoenix Nest Cave in front of him, he was waiting, he was very patient,

The person in the Ziyun family second only to Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters is indeed a hero, able to bend and stretch. The most frightening thing is that this guy is very patient and also has a lot of grudges.

"Ziyunlong..., give him a surprise later."

Above the clouds in the sky, Gu Fei saw this scene, he was not in a hurry to show up.

In the past ten years, many things have happened. This Immortal Venerable City has already changed a master. The Promise City Lord has been killed by Ziyun Dragon.

The strength of the Ziyun Dragon, who realized the Nine Dao Patterns, has improved a lot. It was he who led the fire department among the ten tribes to kill again three years ago.

This time, because Gu Fei and the twelve great bandits were missing, Ziyun Dragon did not encounter much resistance, so he attacked and killed Xianzun City.

Ziyun Dragon made an appointment to fight the Wuji City Lord. Within ten moves, he twisted the head of the Wuji City Lord and beheaded the strong man who guarded the side in Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion.

The Ziyun family broke through the defenses of Zhongzhou, broke into the land of Zhongzhou, and attacked the city all the way. In the past two or three years, they occupied almost half of the territory of Zhongzhou.

And ten years ago, in the wild small world, the old palace lord of Zhongzhou had already suffered a lot of energy to kill the holy beast in the restricted area.

Zi Yan and the sacred mother-in-law of the Ziyun family joined forces to enter the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, and almost killed the old Zhongzhou mansion. The movement of that battle was too great. I heard that many people died in the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. The strong,

In the end, it was Zhongzhou Laofu who took the initiative to use the ancestors to start the Ziyan and the holy mother away.

It’s the first time this happened in tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the other party was able to retreat all over the body. This was even a resounding slap in the face of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

The ancient human road is in Zhongzhou Xianfu, and Zhongzhou Xianfu masters the ancient human road, which makes many super powers very dissatisfied. They believe that the ancient human road belongs to the entire human cultivation world.

The Ziyun family launched a war in this name. After most of the superpowers responded, the Golden Family in the North and the Ziyun family formed an alliance.

The Golden Clan came out from the North, and the Golden Soldiers smashed into pieces until they reached a place less than 30,000 miles away from Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, and then stopped.

Bu Zhou Yaozu took advantage of this troubled world to jump out, a real ancient great demon awakened from a deep sleep, this great demon raised his arms, and immediately there were countless strong monsters attached.

The Buzhou Demon Race, which has gradually declined, is prospering again.

The superpowers in the Eastern Territory are not willing to be lonely when they come to the Holy Realm. There are great virtues and monks from ancient times who have been born and entered the Zhongzhou region to save sentient beings.

Now on the entire Bu Zhou Zu Xing, there are dense clouds of war, and there is only one word that can describe it, that is "chaos".

But in general, all the super powers are focusing on the ancient human roads in Zhongzhou Xianfu. Zhongzhou Xianfu is guilty of crimes.

On the surface, the major forces attacked the Zhongzhou Xianfu group, but in fact, they have their own plans.

The current Ziyun Dragon is already the city lord of Xianzun City. He, the city lord, has a Vulcan warrior from the Vulcan Palace. This is a warrior that can conquer all sides for him.

Around his body, there are strong men sent by the Ziyun family. These strong men are masters who guard Ziyun Dragon secretly. It is difficult for Ziyun Dragon to detect the existence of these people.

Since the realization of the Nine Dao Patterns, the status of Ziyun Dragon has become as important as the Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters, because the realization of the Nine Dao Patterns means that Ziyun Dragon can definitely become a holy.

Of course, the nine lines of Ziyun Dragon, like those of Gu Fei, are rudimentary, unclear, and not really formed yet.

At this time, from the direction of Xianzun City, another group of soldiers in fiery red suits rushed, and a powerful killing aura came.

The Vulcan soldiers under Ziyunlong's command came,

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