Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2075: Siege

"Huo Zun, come out and surrender if you don't want to die."

Gu Fei shouted to Huo Zun above the city,

"Gu Fei child, you are not qualified to make Lao Tzu surrender. If you want to fight, you will fight. It is useless to say more."

Huo Zun said with disdain, when he was in all directions, Gu Fei didn’t know where you were breastfeeding, and you asked yourself to surrender to him. It was a dream.

"Then there is no way, let's fight."

Gu Fei took a step forward as he spoke, and went straight to the gate, and then slammed it towards the gate with a punch.


With a loud bang, Gu Fei flew out of the tall city gate with a punch. The dozen Vulcan soldiers behind the city gate were unlucky, and they were directly knocked away by the heavy city gate. Was killed directly,


Five thousand soldiers shouted in unison, and then rushed towards the gate of the city.

The murderous aura gathered by these five thousand soldiers was enough to change the colors of the world, like an unstoppable torrent, directly rushing into the city of Xianzun.


The same murderous intent was soaring, countless Vulcan soldiers, led by the gods, slammed out of the city of Xianzun, and instantly rushed in with the five thousand soldiers who came in.

The flesh of Gu Fei’s five thousand soldiers was extremely tough, and the magical soldiers in the hands of the opposing soldiers slashed and slashed on those soldiers, leaving only a faint trace, and they couldn’t break the flesh.


Soon, those Vulcan soldiers wearing fiery red suits panicked. The opponent couldn't kill at all, but the people on his side kept falling down.

Those five thousand soldiers were like a dagger, stabbing fiercely into countless Vulcan soldiers. Nothing could stop this torrent. Wherever they passed, Vulcan soldiers fell continuously.

The opponent can't kill himself, but his opponent can kill. This is a one-sided battle. Soon, the Vulcan soldiers were startled and terrified.

I don’t know who was the first to escape. Less than half an hour after the battle, the Vulcan soldiers began to disperse and flee. Facing an unkillable enemy, they could only escape.

"What kind of city lord is there, there are some soldiers."

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei couldn't help but shook his head. The Vulcan Warrior was defeated, and the Vulcan Warrior, which was several times larger than Gu Fei’s five thousand soldiers, was quickly defeated.

"Only the Huo Zun who died in battle, the Huo Zun who did not surrender, Gu Fei, come on, you and I have a fight."

At this time, the Huo Venerable above the city knew that the general situation was gone. The soldier that Gu Fei brought was really strong. I am afraid that only the soldiers of the Ziyun family can contend with it.

The Fire God Palace is just a peripheral force of the Ziyun family. The core force of the Ziyun family is a soldier trained by the Ziyun family.

"Okay, as you wish."

Gu Fei directly soared into the air and flew to the top of the city.


Huo Zun directly acted, ninety-nine and eighty-one flags of blazing fire rushed out of his body and turned into a peerless killing formation, instantly trapping Gu Fei in the formation.

This is the real Great Fire Golden Crow Formation. The great formation controlled by Huo Zun is not comparable to the previous formation composed of dozens of Immortal Emperor war soldiers.

The endless sacred fire turned the void shrouded by the array flag into a sea of ​​fire. Gu Fei was like a lone boat in the sea of ​​fire, floating in the sea of ​​fire.


A bird chirping sounded, and on the eighty-one golden crow banners, the ghost of golden crows was looming. Soon, the eighty-one golden crows broke free from the banner and flew in the sea of ​​fire.

The terrifying sacred fire continuously burned the world and the void to annihilation,

"go with."

Fire Venerable ran the formation, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one golden crow phantoms rushed towards Gu Fei at the same time. With the terrifying heat, even Gu Fei felt that the water in his body had been evaporated.

"Return to the truth."

Gu Fei directly performed one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, the secret of returning to the truth. When the endless divine fire approached him, all of them were extinguished, and then turned into the most primitive aura.


Huo Zun’s surprise was really extraordinary. This Gu Fei could refine the power of the Great Formation. How could this be possible? You know, after the Golden Crow Formation is fully powerful, it is equivalent to a saint’s shot.

"One gas turns three cleansing, kill."

In Gu Fei's thoughts, the power of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao came out of him, his figure was blurred, and then, one person turned into three people.


The three Gu Fei displayed the Chaos Fist, the entire Golden Crow formation was shaken by the powerful force, the endless sacred fire was annihilated, and the eighty-one banners shook violently.

"How does this guy cultivate? His cultivation level is higher than that of ten years ago."

Huo Zun was shocked, Gu Fei’s displayed combat power was too bad for him. This is definitely not a good thing for him. I heard that this guy killed even the ancestor of the Helian family.

As a high-level member of the Fire God Palace, Huo Zun naturally knew many things that others did not know. The ancestors of the Helian family were self-sealed saints.

Among the super powers, this is not a secret at all.

Just when Gu Fei was showing great power, blood was already flowing in the city of Immortal Venerable below, countless Vulcan soldiers were beheaded, and even those Vulcan soldiers were swept away by the twelve great bandits.

In less than an hour, the five thousand warlords under Gu Fei had occupied most of the city of Immortal Venerable.

"Gu Fei is attacking Xianzun City."

Soon, news of Xianzun City reached the seniors of the Ziyun family.

"Why did Gu Fei attack Xianzun City?"

In the ancestral land of the Ziyun family, an old voice came out, and the elder of the Ziyun family spoke to each other.

"This one……"

The head of the Ziyun family hesitated a little, this is not a glorious thing.


Some elders are impatient,

"Yes, as far as I know, it is Ziyun Dragon who is to blame. He wants to kill a right-hand man under Gu Fei's command. This must be the reason. Gu Fei is annoyed."

The head of the Ziyun family said,

"Ziyunlong again."

Some clan elders are upset, this Ziyun Dragon is a troublemaker. Ten years ago, he was unfavorable and came home unfailingly. Now he has provoke Gu Fei, the killing god.

The terrible killing of the gods is recognized, otherwise, the old fellow of the Helian family would not have died in Gu Fei’s hands.

This person has the ability to kill the saint. Even a self-sealed saint would not easily provoke Gu Fei, the slaying god. That Ziyunlong is better, he actually took the initiative to provoke this guy.

"What now."

The Ziyun clan leader said that although he is the clan leader, the clan elder in the clan decides the major issues in the clan.

"It's just a city, you tell our people to withdraw."

After a while, the clan elder in the ancestral court of the Ziyun family said such words.


The Ziyun clan lord nodded, then left the ancestral court and gave an order to the palace lord of the Fire God Palace.

At this time, Gu Fei was fighting against Huo Zun,

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