Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2077: Shaking conspiracy

Huo Zun was dead, the Vulcan Palace shook, and the palace lord of the Vulcan Palace roared. Huo Zun was his powerful warrior, and he had already followed him in the ancient years.

Huo Zun’s death made the palace lord of the Fire God Palace almost run away.

However, Gu Fei’s strength made the Palace Master of the Fire God Palace dare not act rashly. You must know that they are just the outer power of the Ziyun family.

The founder of the Fire God Palace was a warrior under the command of Ziyun Supreme.

Before the Ziyun family gave the order, even if Vulcan Palace wanted to find Gu Fei to settle accounts, it would be rebellious if it did not listen to the order.

"Gu Fei, I want you to die."

In the ancestral land of the Fire God Palace, the Lord of the Fire God Palace was roaring,

There is definitely more than the palace owner of the Fire God Palace who thinks about Gu Fei's death. The figure of Patriarch Helian appeared in a deadly extremity.

This is the Jedi that the monks in Zhongzhou talked about, infinite purgatory,

Infernal Purgatory is a terrifying cave, but this cave has channels to connect with the outside world, even ordinary monks can enter at will.

However, it’s easy to get in and get out,

In the infernal hell, there are terrifying demons and psychic corpses. These are powerful existences. Anyone who goes out can cause an uproar in the cultivation world.

As powerful as the Patriarch of Helian, after entering the Infernal Purgatory, he has to be cautious. You know, no one knows when the monsters in Infernal Purgatory will suddenly jump out.

Patriarch Helian went deep into Infernal Purgatory and came to a huge crater. The strong heat made him sweat profusely. Inside the crater, there was tumbling lava.

This is not ordinary magma, but a kind of lava in the center of the earth. This kind of lava in the center of the earth will never cool down, always maintain this extremely hot state, and always release a powerful fire force.

Someone entered the center of the earth with great magic power, found this kind of lava, and brought them into the infernal purgatory.

"Vulcan, come out and meet old friends."

Patriarch Helian spoke to the crater,


Just as Patriarch Helian had just transmitted the sound, a cold snort came out from the crater.

"Boy Helian, you found here, do you want me to fulfill that promise?"

The old voice rang, rippling in the crater,

"Yes, I want to kill someone."

Patriarch Helian nodded and said,

"Dead someone, haha... I heard you right, you want to kill someone, and you have to come and ask me to take action."

The person in the crater laughed loudly. In his opinion, it is better than Patriarch Helian who wants to kill someone. Isn’t that easy?

You know, there are three big ancestors in the Helian family. With these three ancestors, the Helian family can definitely compete with Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"Humph, do you want to kill the old palace lord of Zhongzhou."

The man in the crater said,

Patriarch Helian couldn't help but smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said, "What am I going to kill that old guy? Although that old guy is powerful, he is not necessarily the opponent of our ancestor."

"Okay, let's talk about who you want to kill, you kid, you shouldn't have promised you back then. This matter has become my heart disease. The sooner it is resolved, the better."

The man in the crater said impatiently,

"That person is called Gu Fei, he is a descendant of the Wuzu family, kill him, you and I will be strangers."

Patriarch Helian knew that he had only one chance to invite this fire god, of course, this fire **** is not the ancient fire **** in the legend.

This is a strong man with the name of Vulcan,

Only this guy dared to enter the center of the earth, took out the lava in the center of the earth, and then entered the Infernal Purgatory to retreat and practice for nearly ten thousand years.

In these ten thousand years, this Vulcan has never left the Infernal Purgatory in one step. His cultivation base and combat power are not even clear to the Patriarch Helian.

"What you want to kill is actually a descendant of the Wuzu lineage, interesting."

The old voice sounded again, and then, amidst the tumbling magma, a man appeared. It was an old man, an old man whose whole body was shrouded in almost transparent fire.

The old man wore a fiery red shirt. He was thin and bald. He was a bald old man.

However, the old man’s eyes flickered with fire from time to time. They were golden eyes and fire eyes. Between the opening and closing, the flames dazzled and made the heart palpitating.

"Shoot, or not."

Patriarch Helian looked at the old man emerging from the lava and said,

"Kill, why not kill,"

The old man said, the promise he made by himself has really become his heart disease as he said, always thinking about this matter, always thinking about when the Patriarch Helian will come to him.

This makes it difficult for him to enter the deep level of cultivation.

Since this is a mental illness, it must be resolved, otherwise it will hinder his cultivation, which is very bad, so no matter who it is, he will have to die.

"Very well, this is about Gu Fei's information, you can understand it, and then you can do it."

With that said, Patriarch Helian threw a piece of jade slip into Vulcan’s hand.

Just when Patriarch Helian found the God of Infernal Vulcan, the five thousand soldiers under Gu Fei had already taken over the city of Xianzun. Within two hours, the city of Xianzun was captured by them.

Such a record, even Gu Fei felt a little incredible,

"War Soldiers of the Fire God Palace, but so."

The eldest white-faced Langjun among the twelve bandits said that he had long wanted to meet the Vulcan warriors for a while, and today he finally let him teach these guys severely.

After taking over the city of Xianzun, Gu Fei repaired the fragile moat formation, and then he personally sat in the city lord’s mansion.

He knew that he had captured Xianzun City, and he must have alarmed all parties. There were definitely many people who were making their own ideas.

Sure enough, before the evening, the envoy sent by Zhongzhou Xianfu came to the door, wanting to canonize Gu Fei as the new City Lord of Xianzun, in order to win Gu Fei,

The war in Zhongzhou has begun, and it is impossible for Zhongzhou Xianfu to take care of Xianzun City, and it is even more impossible to send war soldiers into Xianzun City. Therefore, the canonization of the city lord is just a legal title for Gu Fei.

"Master, those old guys in Zhongzhou Xianfu really have a good calculation."

In the city lord's mansion, Gu Zhong said disdainfully,

"Yeah, Lord, we can't be fooled by them."

Zhuge Liang also said that Zhongzhou Xianfu’s intention was too obvious, that is, to use an empty title to pull Gu Fei into their camp.

If Gu Fei is really on their side, then Gu Fei is a sharp knife in their hands, which can deter one party and make the Ziyun family members throw a rat-avoidance weapon.

However, Gu Fei didn't want to be played as a monkey.

"Just ignore them."

Gu Fei made such a decision. The reason why he attacked Xianzun City was to warn the Ziyun family that he is not so bully, and his people are not something they can kill at will.

Sure enough, Gu Fei had a good guess. For several days, the major superpowers extended an olive branch to him, trying to win him over, but he did not say that he wanted to join forces with that superpower.

"Brother Gu, don't be unharmed."

On this day, a woman with a golden mask on her face entered the city lord’s mansion and directly met Gu Fei.

"Oh, what brought the eldest lady of the Golden Family here."

Before Gu Fei made a sound, Gu Zhong already screamed.

"Naturally, I want to share the benefits with Brother Gu."

The golden goddess sat down on a chair,

"Benefits, let's just listen."

Gu Fei said, the Golden Family is extraordinary. This is the family created by the Supreme. The Golden Supreme was a fierce man who once ruled the ancestors of Zhou.

"I don't know if Brother Gu Lu Gu is interested."

The golden goddess said, she was wearing a mask on her face, no one knew her expression,

"Ancient Human Road."

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Isn't the Ancient Human Road in Zhongzhou Xianfu?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang spoke out. He was the boss of the twelve great bandits, and the military division among the twelve great bandits. He was a wise man.

"Yes, don't your Golden Family want the idea of ​​hitting the Ancient Human Race Road."

Gu Fei looked at the golden goddess and said very seriously.

"Hehe, Brother Gu praised our family too much. The strength of our Golden Family is at most comparable to that of Zhongzhou Xianfu. We would never do something that hurts both sides."

The golden goddess said,

"Don't you think you and I can fight together to win Zhongzhou Xianfu?"

Gu Fei was a little upset, this golden goddess also came to fool herself.

Zhongzhou Xianfu is a behemoth, no one dares to say that it can deal with Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"Brother Gu, I haven't finished it yet. I mean, of course it is impossible for our two families to join forces. But if several super powers join forces, can they shake Zhongzhou Xianfu?"

The golden goddess said,


Gu Fei was shocked when he heard this. Gu Zhong and Zhuge Liang in the living room also opened their eyes. Could it be that this golden goddess really contacted a few super powers to make a move to Zhongzhou Xianfu,

"These people are finally going to have an operation at Zhongzhou Xianfu."

Gu Fei thought to himself that if several superpowers really joined forces, there would still be a great chance of destroying Zhongzhou Xianfu, but the price paid would be great.

Zhongzhou Xianfu is a super power. It is very difficult to destroy such a big power. No one knows what is left in Zhongzhou Xianfu.

In Zhongzhou Xianfu, there is definitely more than one self-sealed saint. The old Zhongzhou mansion may be a self-sealed saint on the face of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"Very well, I agreed."

Gu Fei pondered for a while before he made up his mind. He had no scruples, because he was just a passer-by to Zuxing Bu Zhou, and he would return to Zuxing Tenglong sooner or later.


The golden goddess smiled, but no one could see her smile because of the mask.

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