Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2080: Hands on


The void shook, and a chaotic divine light emerged from Gu Fei's body. There were nine chaotic lines looming on it, and the earth's heart and fire that would surging from all directions blocked him.

"this is……"

Vulcan couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help cursing the Patriarch Na Helian. This descendant of the martial ancestor realized the Nine Dao Runes.

Patriarch Helian didn’t tell him about such an important matter. Vulcan was extremely unhappy, and Patriarch Helian deliberately made the feelings.

Vulcan regretted that he made a promise to Patriarch Helian.

Under the cover of Chaos Qigang, Gu Fei was like a Chaos God of War from ancient times, and powerful fluctuations of power spread from his body.


Gu Fei took one step, directly breaking through the monstrous heart and fire, rushed out, and took another step, and the person had already rushed out of Xianzun City.

"Where to escape."

Vulcan roared, driving the overwhelming divine fire, revealing terrifying power, and directly chasing Gu Fei.

"That is……"

At this time, everyone in Xianzun City was shocked, the twelve great bandits rushed out, Gu Zhong rushed out, even the old Jiao jumped out.

"Enemy attack."

Everyone saw a cloud of fire rushing to the outside of the city quickly, and disappeared into the mountains outside the city in the blink of an eye. They were all shocked to the extreme.

The person in the fire cloud was so powerful that he could break into the city of Xianzun without being discovered. You know, the great formation of the city of Xianzun has been repaired by Gu Fei.


Gu Zhong was the first to soar into the sky and chased in the direction where the fire cloud disappeared. He sensed the power fluctuations of his master Gu Fei.

The twelve great bandits looked at each other, and then soared into the air, rushing out of the city of Xianzun.

Only Lao Jiao did not leave Xianzun City, because he knew that his power was limited and it was difficult to help Gu Fei, unless his cultivation level could rise to a higher level and become a semi-sage.

Lao Jiao chose to stay at Xianzun City. At this time, the great defense formation of Xianzun City had been opened, and a layer of transparent divine light like water waves enveloped the entire Xianzun City.

A wave of palpitations that caused the semi-sage capital to spread from the city of Xianzun, shocking the Quartet,

The city of Immortal Venerable that opened the city's defensive array is like a lurking Primordial Beast, entrenched on the ground, as if it could violently attack anyone who dared to invade the city of Immortal Venerable.


The sky and the earth shook, and soon, among the mountains outside the city of Xianzun, there was a loud noise, horrible fluctuations in ten directions, in this dark night, the fire in the mountains was soaring, and large areas were illuminated. ,

"Vulcan finally started."

In the ancestral court of the Helian family, the head of the Helian family has received the information. He has already sent someone to stare at Gu Fei. As soon as the Vulcan starts his hands, the Helian family’s eyeliner will send the information back to the Helian family with Taoism. Ancestral Court,

"Vulcan has been able to easily kill Dacheng Quasi-Sage in the ancient years. Today, this Vulcan must be more powerful and terrifying."

In the ancestral court of the Helian family, the head of the Helian family is talking to himself,

Vulcan’s cultivation and combat power are definitely not under the ancestors of the Helian family, and the current Helian family has been greatly injured, and only one ancestor is left to guard the ancestral court.

Now that the beacon of Zhongzhou is resurrected, the superpowers in other regions seem to have gathered to carve up Zhongzhou. This makes the Helian family feel great pressure.

The Helian family is no longer able to deal with Gu Fei, and the Patriarch Helian can only invite the God of Fire.

And when Vulcan made a shot at Gu Fei, several figures took advantage of the dark night, and actually broke into the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, and the battle broke out in a very sudden.


A dazzling divine light rushed out from the hands of a mysterious person, sweeping across all directions, and there was a terrible destruction in Zhongzhou Xianfu.

Under the violent sweep of that divine light, the large slabs of towers and palaces instantly turned into fly ashes. The Zhongzhou Xianfu disciples in the towers couldn't even make a scream, and they were completely destroyed.

"Roar, ancestors, kill them all."

The old voice sounded, and the old palace lord Zhongzhou rushed out. With a wave of his hand, nine pillars of fire rose into the sky.




Nine pillars of blazing flames fell from the sky and landed around Zhongzhou Xianfu, sealing the entire Zhongzhou Xianfu town, and bursts of dragon roars uploaded from the nine pillars of fire.


At the same time, a powerful aura that seemed to come from far away and great wildness came out from the depths of the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. A tall figure walked out with a purple gold magic mace in his arms.

"Zhongzhou Xianfu really has more than one self-proclaimed saint."

Someone is drinking,


The void shook, and the divine light swept across the sky, another mysterious person sent a strong yang power to the old man who strode out with the purple gold mace in his arms.


The old man stopped and saw his eyes rolled, two brilliant golden lights immediately cut through the darkness, and rushed out of his eyes. The white robe on the old man's body was windless, and it was extremely powerful. The coercion spread from him,


The old man held the purple gold mace in his hand and struck forward. With a loud noise, the divine light that penetrated the old man was immediately dissipated, turned into a little bit of aura, and dissipated in the void.

"Take me a bit."

The old man in white gleamed with divine light on his body, so he swiped the purple gold mace in his hand, and slammed it at the mysterious man who shot at him on the opposite side.


The powerful force shook the void, and the white-clothed old man’s majesty made the void in front of him crumble, annihilate, and the horror was extreme.


The mysterious man quickly avoided,


The mud splashed, the white-clothed old man smashed it down, and the earth shook a deep pit that was more than ten miles long and bottomless.

Everyone was stunned by the attack of the white-clothed old man.


Someone was yelling, and then, the mysterious people who had attacked Zhongzhou Xianfu quickly gathered together to stimulate the killer in their hands.

At this time, the old palace lord of Zhongzhou had already operated the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array, and a sacred power began to condense.


The mysterious people gathered together and issued a strong blow, and a destructive divine light rushed out. It turned out that the Nine Dragons Divine Fire, which had not been fully operational, broke a gap.


The old palace lord of Zhongzhou was taken aback. These people obviously also had sacred artifacts on their bodies. Otherwise, how could they break the seal of the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Array?

The mysterious people then rushed out from the gap of the opened Nine Dragons Divine Fire Array and disappeared into the darkness outside Zhongzhou Xianfu.

These people come fast, go faster,

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