Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2084: Step on the self-proclaimed ancient sage

"How is it possible, I am the real body of the fire dragon, how can I be injured."

The fire **** who turned into a humanoid tyrannosaurus was roaring. He couldn't believe it. His Eucharist was extremely powerful. Even those old demons in the depths of the world's purgatory were not as powerful as their own fire dragons.

"nothing is impossible."

Gu Fei’s words were very calm. He continued to push towards the **** of fire. The powerful pressure made the whole world tremble with his footsteps.

At this time, the sound of bone rubbing continued from Vulcan's body. His chest that was collided by Gu Fei was creeping, and his broken breastbone was quickly repairing.

Vulcan was extremely horrified, Gu Fei’s impact was surprisingly great, and he could actually smash his own fire dragon. This is something that has never happened before.

You know, this Gu Fei is not a self-proclaimed saint, but even though he is not a saint, he possesses this kind of combat power, which is unimaginable.

At this time, Gu Fei had already used the Ascension Secret Art, and his combat power had soared ten times. He immediately appeared in front of the Vulcan when he took a step, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly.

With big hands covering the sky, Gu Fei’s palm covered the entire world. Vulcan could hardly escape Gu Fei’s grasp, and there was nowhere to hide.

"How does this guy cultivate? How can he be so strong."

At this moment, Vulcan knew that he might not be able to kill Gu Fei, but he was in danger of being beheaded by Gu Fei. Patriarch Helian was really not a good thing. Knowing that the opponent was so powerful, he even asked himself to shoot.

Vulcan has already scolded the 18th generation of Helian Patriarch’s ancestors in his heart.


Gu Fei punched out, the world shook, and the powerful force made Vulcan feel a moment of depression, as if the surrounding air was evacuated in an instant.


Vulcan roared, an extremely intense fire rushed out of him, and a dragon roar sounded, he actually turned into a big dragon, and rushed towards Gu Fei.

Long Xiao nine days, terrified all souls, the creatures within tens of thousands of miles felt a shocking dragon power, all trembled, and a panic from the depths of the soul surged into their hearts.

A large fire dragon, a mighty sacred fire, just a pounce, and instantly rushed in front of Gu Fei, colliding with Gu Fei’s fist.


The two shocking powers shook each other, Gu Fei only felt a sharp pain from his right fist, and then, a strong force sent him upside down.

"So strong."

Gu Fei was shocked. Vulcan's attack seemed to have really attracted the power of the ancient earth fire dragon. It was so vast that he was shaken back even if he used ten times the power of ascending to heaven.

However, at this time, Vulcan was more miserable than Gu Fei. The dragon head of the Fire God dragon he transformed was blown away by Gu Fei's punch.


Vulcan was hit hard, vomiting blood, and flew out.

"What kind of fire dragon's real body, but so."

Gu Fei quickly stabilized his body, and then stepped into the wild, rushing towards the flying out of the fire god.

"Eight steps and eight kills, kill."

Gu Fei shouted, and took the first step of the eight kill steps. With this step, he instantly caught up with Vulcan, came to the sky above Vulcan, and stepped down.

The power of destruction came from under Gu Fei’s feet, and his feet were pitch black, and flashes of lightning-like qi flashed in the pitch-black void.


Vulcan roared, and the moment Gu Fei stepped down, he felt an extremely dangerous aura. He desperately concentrated all his power on his hands, and then his hands blocked upwards.



A muffled sound was accompanied by the sound of broken bones, and a ball of divine fire fell from the sky. In the dark night, it was like a round of divine sun descending from the sky.

This scene shocked everyone,


With a loud noise, the fireball fell directly into the mountains, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept away from the falling point in all directions. The mountains were collapsing, the trees were swept up into the sky, and the dust soared into the sky, forming a punch that was hundreds of feet high. The big waves of smoke and dust spread around,

The area with a radius of thousands of miles was completely destroyed by this "big wave", even the hardest stones were crushed, and one area turned into a desert.


Void trembles. Just when Vulcan fell from the sky, Gu Fei had already taken the second step. The power of this second step was at least twice as powerful as the first step.

This is the power of eight kill steps, the second step is superimposed with the first step, and the third step is several times the second step. This is not a simple superposition of power.


With this step, Gu Fei stepped down, and the whole earth was shaking. The powerful force caused terrible settlement in the mountains, and large areas of ground were collapsing.

What is a landslide and a rift? This is a landslide and a rift. The ground with a radius of 100 miles was directly stepped into the earth by Gu Fei, forming a huge and bottomless hole.


Everyone who watched the battle above the sky was shocked. This Gu Fei was really too strong. He stepped the ground out of a bottomless hole with one foot.

"The Lord is really a fierce man."

The twelve gangsters were amazed. Gu Fei’s displayed combat power was too amazing. This was the power of the twelve gangsters who really saw Gu Fei’s action.


Deep in the earth, there was an unwilling roar of Vulcan,


The earth shook violently again, and Gu Fei took the third step deep in the earth. As soon as this third step was taken, the whole ground collapsed again, and the dust skyrocketed.

Vulcan was completely suppressed, even if he was a self-appointed saint, it would be difficult for him to gain any advantage in front of Gu Fei.

You know, Gu Fei's cultivation base and realm are already infinitely close to that level. As long as he is willing, and then subdues He Dao Guo, he can attack that level.

"See if you can bear my first step."

Gu Fei’s voice came from deep underground, every step of the Eight Kills step, his strength would increase sharply, and Gu Fei had already taken the third step.

Without hesitation, Gu Fei took the fourth step. The great underground was destroyed. The powerful force shattered the earth and the dust washed up on the sky.

The battle deep underground did not last long. Although Vulcan was strong, Gu Fei was no longer the Gu Fei ten years ago. Ten years of sitting withered, his cultivation level surpassed the scope of Dacheng Quasi-Saint, and approached infinitely Order,

If he hadn't had any scruples, he would have been prepared to attack the holy steps, but in the current human world, it is impossible for a holy person to appear, even if he has the confidence to break through the shackles of the world, fight the heavens and become the supreme saint, but this will not work either.

Because if you guess it right, when he becomes holy, it’s probably when he falls.

Finally, Gu Fei rushed out from the depths of the earth with Vulcan in one hand, everyone was shocked to the extreme, Gu Fei actually defeated a self-proclaimed saint.

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