Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2086: Perverted iron boss

In Gu Fei’s inner world, Gu Fei made another pot of precious liquid. He wanted to temper his flesh again for Gu Zhong and others. This time, he used the essence of Vulcan.

Holy-ranked blood, for those who have not yet been sanctified, is definitely a great panacea for people who have not yet sanctified, especially the shards of the road contained in the blood of saints.

Although he had already experienced the experience of tempering his flesh with the holy blood, the moment Gu Zhong jumped into the cauldron, he still screamed.


Gu Zhong’s screams can be heard in the entire Divine Land. On this day, the creatures in the entire Divine Land are not at peace.

In the cauldron, it was like there was a divine fire burning. It was the blood of the **** of fire boiling, and terrifying heat spread from the cauldron. Even if it was a few miles away, the force of heat could be sensed.


Hearing Gu Zhong’s tragic roar, Yaoyue couldn’t help feeling palpitations. At this time, among the mountains and rivers, it was a terrifying furnace.

Even the twelve bandits were shocked when they saw this scene.

You should know that although Gu Zhong only has the cultivation base of the Great Power Five Heavens, his martial art is so powerful that even a semi-sage can't match it. Only the body of a Dacheng quasi-sage iron-blooded Taoist can compete with Gu Zhong.

This suffices to show that Gu Zhong’s martial arts have become abnormal.

However, even a warrior like Gu Zhong who uses body refining as his main direction of training is so painful when he uses the essence of Vulcan to temper his body. Wouldn’t it be more like entering purgatory if he were to be someone else?

Gu Zhong’s screams didn’t last long before he stopped. He sat awkwardly in the precious liquid like flames, stimulating the psychic energy in the precious liquid and tempering his body.

Amidst the mountains and rivers, fire was rising, and a fire dragon loomed above the mouth of the trip.

All people who saw this scene were jealous. You know, that is the purest fire dragon essence, which can definitely improve the physical body by inducing this essence to temper the body.

Especially the old Jiao, he has already cultivated a true dragon body, if he can absorb this fire dragon essence, his cultivation level may be able to break through to the semi-sacred realm.

However, the old Jiao also knew that he was not Gu Zhong. Now if he was in the mountains and rivers, he would be burst into his body by this fire dragon essence.

After Gu Zhong's cultivation base broke through to the Great Power Fifth Heaven, his cultivation base advanced greatly, and the energy that the martial body can hold has also increased several times. This time, he sat in the mountain and river tripod for a full day and night.


At noon the next day, a loud laugh came from the mountain and river cauldron, and then a figure rushed out from the mountain and river cauldron, and a powerful aura appeared between the heaven and the earth.

"this is……"

"Broken again."

The man soon fell to the ground, this man is Gu Zhong,

At this time, Gu Zhong was completely red, as if red electric currents were flowing on his skin, continuously submerging into his body.

"What a strong breath."

Everyone felt the powerful breath of life in Gu Zhong's body, and they couldn't help being shocked, but in one day and night, this guy broke through a small realm.

At this time, the tribulation did not come, and Gu Zhong controlled the power in his body very well, making the tribulation unable to sense this new force.


Gu Zhong did not stop, he took one step directly, showing eight steps of extreme speed, and rushed into the depths of the divine soil. Soon, there was a heart-palpitating terror wave from the depths of the divine soil.

A cloud of dark clouds appeared above the far sky without warning, and lightning flashed continuously in the dark clouds, and the power of heaven and earth was condensing. This is a catastrophe.

"Good fellow, did he have an epiphany."

Zhuge, the middle-aged Taoist among the twelve great bandits, was shocked. He knew very well that Gu Zhong had only broken through to the Great Power Fifth Heaven not long ago, but today, his cultivation has broken through a small realm.

This kind of cultivation speed is too amazing. Apart from the epiphany, there seems to be no reason to explain it.

Gu Zhongdujie went away, but the holy blood refining continued. This time, even the iron-blooded Taoist came out, and his vitality still did not recover.

Sacrificing the Phoenix Nest Cave Heaven really consumes energy, but once it succeeds, it will be of great benefit to the Jagged Taoist. If he waits to bring a Cave Heaven with him,

What the Jagged Taoist lacks most at this time is the purest essence that can be absorbed by him.

The fire dragon essence is actually somewhat similar to the undead essence cultivated by the iron-blooded Taoist. It is the power of fire, which is far more suitable for the physique of the iron-blooded Taoist than the ordinary heaven and earth aura.

Without hesitation, the Jagged Taoist jumped directly into the mountain and river tripod.


There was a big tremor in the whole mountain and river tripod. The endless fire power was surging in the tripod, and a dragon shadow clearly appeared above the tripod mouth, roaring up to the sky,

Although this is just a phantom, in everyone's ears, it seems that there is really an earth fire dragon roaring,

In the mountain and river cauldron, the endless essence is tumbling. This great cauldron is very miraculous, constantly purifying the power of the essence and blood of Vulcan, eliminating the murderous intent, and allowing people to directly absorb it.

Dao Dao pure fire essence was refined by the iron-blooded Daoist, flew up from the scarlet precious liquid, and sank into his body. Soon, his whole person was enveloped in a sacred fire.

"The Iron-blooded boss is really abnormal."

The twelve great bandits were shocked when they saw this scene. The means of becoming a quasi-sage was really not what they could imagine. Some of them were semi-sages, and some were already close to the realm of the Jagged Taoist, but none of them were the quasi-sages. Holy,

If you don’t become the quasi-sage, you will never know how powerful the quasi-sage is.

Aside from Gu Fei, the Jagged Daoist is the one whose cultivation base is closest to a saint. At this time, he madly swallows the endless spirit in the mountains and rivers.

Even the divinity contained in the holy blood was absorbed into the body by him, which would make his physical body transform towards the true sacrament.

Of course, in this world, if there are no major changes that can change the world, I am afraid that no one can be sanctified.

Only the existence of saints at this level may know what happened that year and why there is a force between heaven and earth that prevents all people from becoming saints.

In addition to the saints, even those super old antiques that have existed since the ancient times do not necessarily know what happened that year.

The iron-blooded Taoist stayed in the mountain and river cauldron for three days and three nights. Only then did he leave the mountain and river cauldron reluctantly. During these three days and three nights, he received great benefits, the holy blood in the mountain and river cauldron. Most of his divinity has disappeared, this is absorbed by him alone,

The divinity of the precious liquid in the mountain and river cauldron has dropped by more than half, and even the hot breath that spread from the mountain and river cauldron has almost disappeared.


Everyone can't help but look at each other, this iron-blooded boss is too abnormal.

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