Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2092: it's time

Zi Yan is a self-sealed saint in the Ziyun family, extremely powerful, and this guy also brought an ancestor weapon in the Ziyun family.

It was an ancient sword with a simple and unpretentious body, but it gave people a strong sense of oppression, as if facing a sleeping ancient beast.

"Unexpectedly, your cultivation base is stronger than ten years ago."

Zi Yan looked at Gu Fei with a gleam in his eyes, and the man with the appearance of a young man on the other side could receive a blow from the ancestor weapon, which made him unbelievable.

Gu Fei looked at the ancient sword in Ziyan's hand. This was the ancestor of the Ziyun family.

Feeling the aura from the ancient sword in Ziyan's hand, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel moved. He found that the ancient sword in the opponent's hand was actually an immortal sword weapon.

Even if it is not a magic weapon refined by the gods, it is the sword of the emperor.

Gu Fei did not deliberately distinguish between the sword weapon of the Immortal Sovereign and the sword weapon of the Human Emperor.

"Get out if you don't want to die."

Gu Fei looked at Zi Yan, and said such words, what about the sword weapon of the Immortal Venerable? He has the supreme sacrificial artifact refined by the Supreme Dao Supreme.


Zi Yan raised his sword eyebrows when he heard the words. The other party was still so mad, but he knew very well that the other party did have arrogant capital.

You know, even the ancestors of the Helian family died in the hands of Gu Fei.

The power of the Helian family in Zhongzhou is second only to Zhongzhou Xianfu, the first power in Zhongzhou. However, the masters in the family are like clouds, and there are three major ancestors.

However, the Helian family in Zhongzhou, such a powerful family, failed to follow Gu Fei.

"What are you doing? If you want to fight, you will fight, and if you don’t fight, you will roll."

Gu Fei said impatiently, he also wanted to learn about the power of some Ziyun family's ancestors and see if he could compete with this kind of magic weapon.

"Since you are in a hurry to die, then I will send you on the road."

Zi Yan was furious, and then directly urged the ancient sword in his hand. A sword light immediately rushed out of the ancient sword, instantly rushing to the sky, and falling towards Gu Fei.

The extremely powerful sword light seemed to split the whole world in half at once, everyone felt the chill,


Gu Feiwu moved the Nine Sky Stars Sword in his hand and directly blocked it upwards.


When Gu Fei’s Nine Sky Stars Sword collided with the sword light falling from the sky, it actually made a metal collision sound.

He only felt a shock in his hand, and the Nine Sky Stars Sword in his hand almost took off and flew out. A strong force came from the sword, causing him to step back a few steps.


With a sound of a sword sound, the ancient sword in Zi Yan's hand kept shaking, and Dao patterns appeared on the sword body. This ancient sword seemed to show signs of recovery.

For Gu Fei, this is definitely not a good thing. You must know that what Zi Hao held in his hand was not an ordinary holy weapon, but a sacred artifact second only to the supreme Supreme Dao.

In that ancient time, the Ziyun family had many amazing children. Among these people, some even became immortals second only to the supreme Supreme.

The ancient sword in Zi Gen’s hand was a peerless sacred soldier made by an old immortal of the Ziyun family.

Seeing that Gu Fei actually blocked another blow from the Immortal Sovereign Sword, this surprised Zi Gen. It seems that in the past ten years, the opponent's cultivation has reached such a level.

"You eat my sword too."

At this time, Gu Fei shouted loudly, and a sword light immediately rushed from his hand, revealing an astonishing wave of sword energy, instantly piercing the void, and slashing towards the opposite Ziyan.


Zi Yan let out a cold snort. The ancient sword in his hand shook slightly. A wave of sword spread from the ancient sword. The sword light that Gu Fei had split immediately collapsed and dissipated. In the void,

"The ancestors of the Ziyun family are really terrible."

Those who watched the battle from afar were shocked to see this scene. The Ziyun family unexpectedly dispatched an ancestor weapon to deal with Gu Fei. I am afraid that only Gu Fei can compete with the ancestor weapon of the Ziyun family.

The sword wave that spread from the ancient sword did not dissipate after Gu Fei's sword light was scattered, but still rushed towards the place where Gu Fei was.


At this moment, Gu Fei's eyebrows suddenly burst into purple light, and then, the purple light turned into a sword light and split forward.

That sword light is invincible, it actually broke the sword wave that spread from the ancient sword, and then directly penetrated towards the purple hole.


Zi Gen’s surprise was really extraordinary.

"The power of the primordial spirit transforms the Taoist sword, the nine secrets of the immortal Tao..."

After all, Zi Yan is a super old antique who has been sanctified in ancient times. He has lived for a long time, and his knowledge is naturally unmatched by ordinary people.


Zi Gen didn't think much, he walked back quickly, but the purple sword light was like a shadow, and it was difficult to get rid of it. This made Zi Gen a cold sweat.


Zi Gen was unable to maintain his composure. He directly swung the ancient sword in his hand and blocked it forward. The powerful surge of sword energy was like a frenzy of anger, sealing the void in front of him.

However, a scene that stunned Zi Yan took place, and saw that purple sword light suddenly penetrated like a shadow of nothingness.

By the time Zi Yan wanted to escape, it was too late.


A blood flower appeared on Zi Yan’s chest, the Yuanshen Dao Sword pierced his body directly, and then flew back towards Gu Fei, submerged in Gu Fei’s eyebrows.


It is hard for Zi Gen to believe that he would be injured by the other party. The power of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao is really not to be underestimated. The wound is attached to it with the power of the great road, making it difficult to heal.

At this time, everyone is watching the battle above the sky,

"The Lord's strength is unfathomable."

Some of the twelve bandits were amazed,

"It's too bad to hurt the Eucharist with bare hands..."

Some people have seen the origin of Ziyuan. This Ziyuan is a self-sealed saint. The Eucharist has immortal divinity and is extremely powerful.

Ordinary magic weapons can not hurt the Eucharist at all. Only holy soldiers can hurt the Eucharist.

"Come again."

Gu Fei was holding the Nine Sky Stars Sword and rushed directly towards Zi Yan. Sen Han's murderous aura stunned Shi Fang, making Zi Yan feel heart palpitations.

Just when Zi Yan wanted to make a move, Gu Fei's figure in front of him suddenly became blurred.


Zi Yan's heart jumped. At this moment, there was a flower in front of him, and Gu Fei's figure suddenly became three. These three Gu Fei were exactly the same, and each of them showed shocking weather.

"how is this possible……"

Zi Yan was talking to herself,

"It's the secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clearings."

At this time, the three Gu Fei had already attacked and killed them.

There is no suspense, even if Zi Yan has a big killer in his hand, he can only deal with one Gu Fei, but now there are three Gu Fei attacking him together.

Zi Gen was really good at it. He was stunned to cut off the two figures that Gu Fei had evolved by using the Secret Art of One Qi to Transform the Three Clears, but Gu Fei's real body suddenly appeared behind Zi Gen, and then he palmed his back. Hit Zi Yan's vest,


The sound of broken bones sounded, Gu Fei’s palm was so powerful that he broke Zi Nan’s spine and almost cut Zi Nan’s body in two.

"I said, you are not my opponent."

Once Gu Fei succeeded, the latter moves would be overwhelmingly launched, and there was no room for Zi Gen to fight back. Even the Ziyun family ancestor weapon in Zi Gen’s hand was finally snatched by Gu Fei.

"Damn it."

The ancestors were all taken away by the opponent, which made Zi Yan almost vomit blood, and the opponent's speed was too fast.


Gu Fei stepped on Zi Yan’s chest and crushed Zi Yan’s breastbone. The Zi Yan fell from the sky and hit the earth like a meteorite.


The old voice sounded immediately, and the old **** would see that the momentum was wrong, and immediately ordered to retreat.

This Gu Fei is so strong that even Zi Gen can hardly match it, and his ancestor weapon was snatched by the opponent. It is an indispensable ancestor weapon in the Ziyun family.


Suddenly, Gu Fei's expression changed. He landed from the sky and landed on the ground. At this time, the Ziyan who was stepped on by his foot from the sky was gone.

"Take the soil to escape."

Gu Fei was very surprised. He couldn't think that an existence like Zi Yan would also run away.

The Ziyun soldiers came in aggressively, but they came back stubbornly. This made everyone who saw this scene feel an unreal feeling.

The Ziyun family dispatched the Zijia fairy soldiers, and also invited the ancestor weapons, they were not Gu Fei’s opponents, which made the spectators unbelievable.

"The Ziyun family is defeated."

"Look, the Ziyun soldiers are retreating."

Gu Fei used his own power to repel the Ziyun family's offensive. Such a record is really amazing. If it were not for his own eyes, no one would believe it.

"It's cheaper for you."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, he didn't chase and kill the purple armored soldier, nor did he attack the defeated purple armor fairy soldier. With his current cultivation base, he didn't bother to attack the defeated purple armor fairy soldier.

He then flew down from the sky and entered the city of Xianzun below,

"Gu Fei is really that strong."

The result of this battle quickly spread to the ancestral court of the Ziyun family, and the five giants of the Ziyun family were shocked to the point of incredible.

This result makes it difficult for them to accept,

However, after this battle, the Ziyun family is really much more honest, and no longer makes moves to the ancient city.

On the third day after the war, the golden goddess finally heard the news, they were about to do it, they were fully prepared, it was time,

"Hmph, are these guys finally going to do it."

In the city lord’s mansion, Gu Fei was sitting high on the throne. At this time, on the seats on both sides of the hall, Gu Zhong and others were sitting.

Zhongzhou Xianfu may be a thing of the past,

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