Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2095: Break through Zhongzhou Xianfu

Zhongzhou Xianfu ushered in the biggest crisis since the opening of the palace this evening. The four powerful superpowers came to kill with the sacred tools and directly sealed the Quartet with the sacred tools.

However, after all, Zhongzhou Xianfu is a super power that has passed on for endless years. It has a profound background. Even if it faces the four powerhouses with sacred tools, it has the power to fight.


The golden dragon is like falling from the nine heavens, bursting out with earth-shattering power, and the endless Dao pattern looms on the golden dragon, motivating the great power of the holy step.

Everyone was shocked. The golden spear is definitely a treasure in the golden family. The spear transforms into a dragon, just like the real nine-day golden dragon appeared in the world.

"I am Immortal Venerable Supreme Treasure, save some energy."

An old man rushed out of the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. This old man was the old man of the Zhongzhou Mansion. Ten years ago, he fought against the sacred beast in the wild and small world, and he was already badly injured.

Ten years later, he seemed to have regained his vitality, his tall body exuded an extremely powerful aura, a pair of divine eyes gleaming and sweeping towards the four directions.

This is a strong and unparalleled old man, even if he is old, he still has the momentum to look at the world.


At this moment, the golden dragon formed by the big golden spear slammed into the divine fire cover formed by the nine-day **** fire pillar. This was a big collision. The endless Dao pattern was disillusioned, and the fire and golden light illuminated the whole film. world,

The mighty power of the holy steps in ten directions, making the creatures within a hundred thousand li tremble, as if two true supreme saints appeared in the world,

"What's going on, this power..."

At this moment, on the land of Zhongzhou, and even on the entire Star of the Ancestor of Bu Zhou, the strong people who were not born in the world all felt shocked and shocked.


A snowy mountain in the far north of Buzhou suddenly exploded, and the sky of ice and snow rushed up to the sky, and a figure rushed out from the exploded snow mountain.

"Haha..., is it finally going to be messy."

The man laughed and directly used his great magical powers and disappeared into the void. However, because of this, a rare avalanche occurred in the Daxue Mountain.

"It's going to be chaotic, and the opportunity for sanctification is about to appear."

In the endless sea of ​​Antarctica, on a big island, a long sigh came out. On the big island, there is a huge mountain towering into the clouds. On the top of the mountain, there is a beautiful fairy palace.

This fairy palace is the Antarctic fairy palace,

In the southern region, the Ziyun family is respected, but this is only on land, and in the endless sea in the southernmost part of the world, the overseas casual cultivation is headed by the Antarctic Xianfu.

Antarctica Immortal Venerable, is the master of the endless sea in the south,

In a savage land in the West, in a bottomless abyss, there are also powerful fluctuations. There are extremely powerful big monsters lurking, and the surrounding monsters are far more powerful than they seem on the surface.

"The Immeasurable Buddha, the world is moving, the opportunity for sanctification..."

In the Holy Land of the East, there was an old voice,

At this time, the impact of the Nine Dragon God’s Pillar of Fire and the Great Golden Spear has reached a white-hot stage, waves of incomparably powerful forces rushing out, shattering the void of heaven and earth,

The golden Dao pattern and the fire dragon-shaped Dao pattern are intertwined, and they are eroding each other,

This is the power of the Holy Path contained in the two sacred soldiers. After all, the Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar is the supreme treasure of the Immortal Venerable. After the two sacred artifacts stayed together for long, the golden spear was flew away.


At this moment, the other three powerhouses took action, and the three sage soldiers launched together, and terrifying power swept the sky and the earth.

The white tiger roared to the sky, showing supreme ferocity, just a pounce, and the whole world of void broke into a series of hideous cracks.

In the east, three Buddha relics are floating and sinking, and a golden figure emerges from the void. It is a phantom of a big Buddha.

The old monk from the east sacred realm aroused the power of the Buddha in the relics, condensing a phantom of the Buddha, a huge Buddha shadow, as tall as a mountain, and then a big golden hand fell towards the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion.

The Buddha's power is mighty, the Buddha's phantom shot down on the palm of the Buddha's hand, there are ten thousand-character Buddha seals appearing, and the big hand shot down, immediately crushing the world.

"The Buddha's relic is really amazing."

Seeing this scene, in the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, the old mansion master couldn't help being moved, coming to the holy realm, the Buddhist monastery opened by the great disciple of the ancient Buddha master,

The relics left behind by the great disciple of Buddhism Nirvana are definitely not comparable to ordinary sacred objects. Buddhism relics have great magical powers and great power.

However, this was not the most powerful attack. The strongest attack came from a mountain peak three hundred miles away in the south. A purple sword light soared into the sky, directly splitting the Nine Dragons Divine Flame covering the sky above Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover opened a thousand-meter-long crack,


Baihuyin, the hand of the big Buddha, and the two holy powers immediately broke into the Zhongzhou Xianfu from the crack above the Zhongzhou Xianfu. These two forces caused a great destruction in the Zhongzhou Xianfu.

The peaks were collapsing, and the pavilions directly turned into fly ash. In the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, countless Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion’s disciples turned into a blood mist, and their bodies and spirits disappeared.


The old palace lord of Zhongzhou was roaring, seeing countless disciples directly shocked into blood mist by the power of the holy step, his eyes were red, these are the elite disciples in the fairy palace of Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou Xianfu has ruled the land of Zhongzhou for endless years. The disciples of Zhongzhou Xianfu are all over the Zhongzhou region. However, the disciples who can enter Zhongzhou Xianfu to practice are the most outstanding among countless Zhongzhou Xianfu disciples.

These disciples represent the future of Zhongzhou Xianfu, but now, they have been directly obliterated. If this wait destroys the future of Zhongzhou Xianfu,


Just as the power of destruction was about to spread to the ancestral court in the depths of Zhongzhou Xianfu, a scream came from the ancestral court, and then a magical mace flew out of the ancestral court, a strong force From above the divine mace, it moved away mightily, blocking the power of Baihuyin and Buddha,

Not only that, the mighty force from above the divine mace also immobilized the entire Zhongzhou Xianfu and protected the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu,


Seeing this scene, the ancient demon from the Buzhou Demon Race and the old monk from the Eastern Holy Realm couldn't help but move their faces. The fluctuations from this divine mace made them feel palpitations.

"The Supreme Sacred Artifact."

Someone exclaimed,


An old man from the Golden Family holding a big golden spear in the sky said such words, this divine mace is not the supreme sacred instrument, but even if it is not the supreme sacred instrument, it might not be much worse.

"You all deserve to die."

At this time, a white figure walked out of the ancestral courtyard of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

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