Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2099: Sweep

There were originally demon races on the ancestor star of Zhou, but at this time, there were at least two Supreme Dao Supremes on the ancestral star of Zhou Zhou. All the demons had already been wiped out by Ziyun Supreme and Golden Supreme.

And in the endless years of the disappearance of the Supreme, the Demon Gate migrated from other life star realms to the ancestral star of Bu Zhou, which caused the root of the disaster of the ancestor of Bu Zhou.

The arrival of the Demon Gate caused turmoil on Bu Zhou Zu Xing every other period, and each turmoil caused the entire Bu Zhou Zu Xing to fall into a **** storm.

As a result, the powerful forces on Fu Zhou Zuxing united to encircle the Demon Gate, and finally killed the Demon Gate Master in the depths of the endless sea. Since then, there has been no Demon Gate on Fu Zhou Zuxing.

However, at this time, the supreme practice of the magic door appeared in the body of a self-appointed saint in Zhongzhou Xianfu, which made it difficult for everyone to be confident.

Since ancient times, the Buddha and the demons have not existed at the same time. When the demons were encircled and suppressed, the Donglai Holy Land was one of the main forces. In that battle, even the Buddha, who had been sanctified in the ancient years, fell into the endless sea of ​​the ancestor star. deep,

"Buddha Immeasurable, you shouldn't even practice the magic way."

The old monk Tianmeng sits on the golden lotus platform, his whole body blooms with boundless Buddha light, a huge Buddha shadow looms on his body, and the power of the Buddha is powerful.

"Hmph, your big bald head is really pedantic, what is a demon, what is a god, if a demon has the heart of a god, he is a god, if a **** has a heart of a demon, he is a demon."

The voice of the white-clothed old man came from the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. Although the voice is not loud, it can be heard by monks in the area of ​​100,000 miles.

"Are you a demon body and Buddha mind."

Above the southern sky, the mysterious figure surrounded by black and white yin and yang said disdainfully, what devil and **** are all shit, in the world of cultivation, only strength is the most important.

If the power of the Demon Race is strong enough, it is the Demon Race that does not rule Zhou Zuxing now, but unfortunately, Ziyun Zhizun was too strong back then. There is no possibility that the Demon Race exists in Zhou Zuxing.

"Who are you, hiding your head and showing your tail, it seems that you are also a shameless guy."

The white-clothed old man is holding a magic mace, and his gaze is as sharp as a heavenly sword, and he sweeps away from the high sky in the south. He holds the human emperor's magic weapon and asks himself that he can sweep everything.

"Bald head, if you don't do it, then I'll be on it."

The mysterious strong man in the south did not answer the white-clothed old man, two eyes from the yin and yang aura swept towards the old monk Tianmeng in the east.

"Buddha Immeasurable, since the donor wants to conquer the devil, please, the old monk will give this great merit to the donor."

The old monk Tianmeng said together,

"This big bald head is very cunning."

Above the western sky, there was a chuckle. All great merits were bullshit. The old monk saw that the other side had a soldier of the emperor, and it was difficult to deal with, so he said that.

"Don't be long-winded, let the three of you go together."

After defeating the Huang Tian old man of the Golden Clan, the white-clothed old man’s self-confidence was extremely inflated, confident that he held a human emperor soldier in his hand, enough to sweep these three offenders.

"How old are you, I alone can kill you."

At this time, the mysterious man in the sky in the south stepped forward and directly entered the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. The speed was so fast that everyone's heart moved.

The nine pillars of fire that pass through the sky still seal the ten directions, but the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover that was broken by the mysterious man’s sword is still unrepaired, and there is still a thousand-foot-long gap on the fire curtain.

The old palace lord of Zhongzhou wanted to repair this gap, but he was shocked to find that this gap cannot be repaired all at once.

"Hmph, you want to be a hero. Most heroes don't live long, and neither do you."

The white-clothed old man held the magic mace and forced it towards the mysterious man. A powerful human emperor's power came out from the magic mace in his hand, and the whole world was shaking.

The human emperor, the supreme among the human races, the human emperor's sage warriors refined by such an existence are almost comparable to the real ultimate sage soldiers. The resurrection of the gods in the soldiers will be equivalent to the arrival of the emperor, enough to sweep everything,

This is not a lie, because in history, something like this has happened before, a **** in the human emperor's army revived and directly annihilated a super power.

However, with the cultivation base of the white-clothed old man, it is impossible to completely revive the gods in the Imperial Army. Even so, there are not many people on Zhou Zuxing who can suppress him.

"I definitely live longer than you."

Yin and yang intertwined on the mysterious person, and cold words came out. In the words, there was a cold and murderous aura. This person actually practiced Wanhua magic power, which is really damned.

On the Ancestral Star of Tenglong, there are also demons who practice magical skills. Will there be any connection between the two?

Tenglong ancestor star is different from Buzhou ancestor star. On Tenglong ancestor star, there are demon ancestors. Even the legendary ancestor of the ancient Jidao, it is difficult to eliminate all the demon supreme bred from these heavens and earth.

You know, some demons are definitely not weaker than Jidao Supreme.


The war broke out, and when the old man in white clothes moved, the entire void in front of him was directly annihilated, showing the strongest power.

"It's worthy of being a soldier of the emperor, it's abnormal."

Above the western sky, the face of the ancient monster of the demon clan with the white tiger seal on the face was uncertain. There were some imperial soldiers in Zhongzhou Xian Mansion. If he knew in advance, he would not take it easily.

Even the fellow Huang Tian of the Golden Family was beaten to death by the Emperor God Soldier and had to flee for his life. Huang Tian’s cultivation base is definitely not under him.

The ancient white-haired demon looked at the battle ahead and began to ponder.

The mysterious man is a strong man invited by the little girl of the Golden Family. The ancient demon wants to know whether this mysterious man can really suppress the white-clothed old man.


The two qi of yin and yang are intertwined, and a black and white yin and yang picture appears between the heaven and the earth. The **** picture breaks through the chaos and shows great power, actually directly facing the human emperor **** soldier.


Void shook, and the human emperor **** soldier in the hands of the white-clothed old man slammed on the yin and yang **** map. The powerful human emperor power shook the yin and yang **** map violently, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

"It's so strong, the Human Emperor God Soldier really deserves its reputation."

The mysterious man retreated quickly, and the Yin-Yang God Picture was taken back, protecting the mysterious man,


Seeing that the yin and yang **** map had not been dissipated by his own strike, the white-clothed old man was shocked. What kind of magical powers it was, he could unload 70 to 80% of the power of his strike.

When the magical mace in the hands of the white-clothed old man hit the yin-yang **** map just now, it was like hitting a ball of cotton, with a feeling of being weak.

The old man in white knows that this is the other party who has moved his power to guide him elsewhere.

It is definitely not simple to be able to remove the power of the human emperor's magic weapon. This makes the white-clothed old man have to be cautious and take this mysterious opponent seriously.


The white-clothed elder directly chased him up, and the magical mace in his hand burst out with a more powerful human emperor's power. Above the magical mace, there is a Taoist imperial pattern looming.


The white-clothed old man punched it out, and the void in front of him instantly shattered. The emperor’s strongest power shattered everything, and nothing could be preserved.


At this moment, a palm appeared in front of the human emperor **** soldier, and then directly hit the human emperor **** soldier with a metal trembling sound.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. Someone used flesh and blood to contend with the Emperor of God. Is this person crazy? This is incredible.

However, what is truly astounding is that the palm of this person really resisted the blow of the Human Emperor God Soldier. It was a purple-gold palm.

On the purple-gold palm, there is a metallic luster circulating. The owner of the palm is the mysterious person.

"how can that be……"

The old man in white only felt a strong force coming from the palm of the opponent's hand, and then, his whole person was shocked by the force and moved backwards.

"What kind of magical power is this, it's really unheard of."

The white-haired ancient demon was talking to himself, he had already crossed the world in the ancient years, and he had made a name for himself. He had a lot of knowledge, but even he couldn’t see what magical power it was.

"Turn the magic weapon into the body."

Above the eastern sky, the old monk Tianmeng sitting on the golden lotus platform saw something with his eyes, but he was not sure.

You know, the only thing that can contend with the human emperor **** soldier can only be another human emperor **** soldier, or a supreme artifact made by the ancient supreme.

Could it be that this mysterious person has an emperor or a supreme artifact?

The eyes of the old monk of Tianmeng lit up. This magical power is really abnormal, transforming the soldier into the body, so that a certain part of the body has all the characteristics of this magical soldier.

This is simply a humanoid weapon,

"There are also imperial soldiers on your body."

The white-clothed old man stabilized his figure, he only felt a tingling numbness from his right hand holding the magical mace, which surprised him again. No wonder this guy is confident, for this reason.

Since Zhou Zu Xing has had Extreme Dao Supreme, there is absolutely no shortage of Human Sovereigns who are weaker than Extreme Dao Supreme. Moreover, the number of Human Soveres who have appeared on Zhou Zu Xing is more than Ji Dao Supreme. ,


The mysterious man did not speak, he directly killed the white-clothed old man, and a purple-gold fist hit the white-clothed old man in the air.

The extreme violent fist strength made the white-clothed old man feel breathless for a while. He was startled and angry, and quickly backed away. The magical mace in his hand struck forward at the same time.


Without any suspense, the old man in white was once again beaten out by the mysterious man, and the powerful force almost flew away the magical mace in his hand.

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