Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2115: Haunted?

The unknown stars, I only know that this is the first level of the Fuzhou Human Race, but the ancient city here has been abandoned for many years, and the sight is full of ruins, only one teleportation array is well preserved.

At this time, darkness enveloped the earth. Except for the ancient city illuminated by a divine bead suspended in the air, the rest of the place seemed to be in total darkness.

In the darkness, the wind is whistling, the sky is full of dust, yellow sand is blowing into the city from time to time, and the dust is rolling


Horrible roars sounded from time to time outside the city, huge figures loomed in the darkness, and people sometimes even heard heavy footsteps coming from outside the city.

"What it is!"

Everyone camped next to the teleportation array. The various visions outside the ancient city made everyone feel uneasy. In the darkness, it seemed that something was peeping at them.

"Although it is dangerous, it is also a good place to sharpen yourself."

Gu Fei stood on the top of a broken wall, looked around, and then said something like this, the light in his eyes appeared, as if he could see through the darkness outside the city.

"Master, are you asking us to go out of the city to meet those ghosts for a while?"

Gu Zhongwenyan looked at Gu Fei above the broken wall

"Be careful, it shouldn't be life-threatening, and I'll take action when necessary"

Gu Fei said

"I'll just wait for you, Master!"

Gu Zhong was surprised and happy when he said that, he was the first to rush out of the ancient city and broke into the darkness outside the ancient city. Soon, Gu Zhong's cries sounded out of the darkness outside the ancient city.

"I am coming too!"

Old Jiao can't sit still anymore, he can become a semi-sage only one step away, but he can't get out even if he is one step behind. He wants to make a breakthrough in his cultivation by sharpening himself


The old Jiao roared, rose up into the sky, and transformed into his own body. A huge dragon appeared above the ancient city, a terrifying dragon with mighty spirit.

The darkness around the ancient city seems to be dispelled by the true dragon

The giant dragon leaped in the air, then rushed into the darkness outside the ancient city, disappeared, but the powerful breath of real dragon still came.

Next, people kept walking out of the ancient city, and finally even Yaoyue left the ancient city and entered the darkness outside.

Zhong Limeng is not lagging behind. She is walking with Yaoyue. The two women share common topics. Together, they can take care of each other.

The Jagged Taoist did not leave the ancient city, but sat cross-legged in a clearing next to the teleportation array, closing his eyes and resting.

However, the twelve bandits under the iron-blooded Taoist were all dispatched and entered the darkness outside the ancient city together. Soon, the twelve bandits met with the mysterious creatures in the darkness outside the city, and a fierce battle broke out.

Gu Fei did not leave, because he felt that he didn't need any training anymore, he could reach that level, but it is not the time yet.

The only people who came out of Gu Fei’s inner world were the iron-blooded Taoists who stayed in the ancient city, and everyone else left.

The first stage of the human race has already been flew up. This star is completely occupied by unknown dark creatures. These dark creatures are extremely powerful. Before, the Jagged Taoist encountered a tiger who lost his body.


Void shook, and at this time, Gu Zhong was full of golden light. With him as the center, within a radius of a thousand feet, the golden glow from his body was reflected in a golden light, and the powerful golden power came out from him. Dispelled the surrounding darkness


A roar sounded from the darkness in front of Gu Zhong, and the sound was earth-shaking. In the darkness in front, a monstrous yellow sand was set off.

A giant tiger came out of the darkness

"this is……"

I saw this giant tiger, three feet tall, four or five feet long, and it was made up of yellow sand. A fierce and violent aura spread from this giant tiger.

"Could it be that these things hiding in the dark are not in the shadows?"

Gu Zhong knows that only when ghosts and evils like the ghosts without their physical bodies and physical bodies can use other things to condense their physical bodies.


Just as the thoughts in Gu Zhong's mind turned sharply, the giant tiger made of yellow sand had already jumped from the ground and swooped towards him.

"Naughty animal!"

Gu Zhong roared and punched directly


He slammed the tiger's head with a punch, and blasted the tiger's head directly away, turning it into yellow sand on the ground, but at the same time, the giant tiger's pair of tiger claws had already been severely grasped. Between Gu Zhong's chest and abdomen

Gu Chong cultivated the strength of Jinxing, and the martial arts of Jinxing were extremely powerful, even the **** soldiers trained by the Dacheng Zhunsheng sacrifice could hardly hurt him.

The claws of this giant tiger are scratching on his body, it is almost the same as scratching.

However, although this tiger was only formed by the condensation of yellow sand, it was not really a behemoth of flesh and blood, but the force of this attack was also very large, and it actually knocked Gu Zhong backward a few steps.

"Good guy, the power is not small!"

Gu Zhong was secretly surprised that the giant tiger condensed by yellow sand was not simple, and at this moment, the head was blasted off by him. The giant tiger condensed the tiger head again.

"It can repair itself. Could it be that the ghost of this giant tiger is hiding in the ground?"

Gu Zhong remembered the previous battle between the iron-blooded Taoist and the tiger. The ghost of the tiger was hiding in the ground. Even if the body formed by the yellow sand was destroyed, it would not have much influence on the underground ghost.

Only by extinguishing the ghost of the giant tiger, the giant tiger gathered by the yellow sand will disappear


The giant tiger roared and then pounced towards Gu Zhong


Gu Chong hit the sky with a hand, and the big golden hand directly shot the giant yellow sand tiger into the ground, but soon, the yellow sand rolled, and a giant tiger appeared in front of him again.

"Where is it hiding?"

Gu Zhong cautiously sensed the chilly breath from the yellow sand giant tiger


When the yellow sand giant tiger rushed forward again, Gu Zhong broke through the yellow sand in front of him, escaped into the yellow sand, and killed directly towards the place where the giant tiger’s ghost was.


It seems that the danger was sensed. The moment the giant yellow sand tiger on the ground escaped into the ground, it turned into yellow sand and fell to the ground.

And just as Gu Zhong was fighting with the giant yellow sand tiger, a big fight broke out elsewhere. Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue met a fierce bird and fell into a bitter battle.


With the sound of birds singing, a fierce bird condensed by yellow sand flew down from the sky, its wings spread out, it was seven or eight feet long, and a pair of sharp claws grabbed it towards the heads of Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue

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