Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2117: Powerful ghost


Outside the ancient city, the battle continues, and everyone has encountered powerful opponents, but these opponents are ghosts hidden underground.

These yin spirits have lost their physical bodies and only their soul bodies are left. They can only condense the yellow sand and transform them into a physical form to fight. It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for these yin spirits to show their various great skills during their lifetime.

Otherwise, let alone Gu Zhong and the others, even if Gu Fei faced the heyday of these Yin Ling's life, he would have to flee, and it would be impossible to compete with them.

You should know that powerful creatures like Tiger Jiao and Dapeng were extremely powerful in their lifetime, comparable to the Supreme, even if Gu Fei was sanctified, he would probably not be his opponent.

"Master, don't really help them?"

The iron-blooded Taoist sitting in the open space next to the teleportation array suddenly said.

Gu Fei shook his head, and then said, "How can you grow into the strongest without experiencing life and death battles?"

Only those who have walked through the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain are worthy of being called strong. A monk without this kind of experience, no matter how strong his cultivation is, and no matter how high his realm is, he is only a flower in the greenhouse, when he is truly facing the battle of life and death. At that time, it is very likely to be beheaded by someone weaker than him.

In Gu Fei's view, combat experience is very important.

The Jagged Daoist stopped speaking when he heard the words. He himself was also a person who had walked from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. He naturally knew the importance of such experience to a monk.

At this time, Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue were in a predicament. The fierce birds formed by the yellow sand were so powerful that they kept circling around them, and did not regret them.

This fierce bird wants to consume them alive.

You know, on this star, heaven and earth aura is very thin, Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue can hardly replenish the aura from the outside, the more the power in the body is used, the less.

In the end, their results can be imagined.

"How to do……"

The clothes of Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue were soaked with sweat. They had a killing weapon in their hands, and the fierce bird did not dare to approach, but they could hardly eliminate the fierce bird.

Moreover, this fierce bird is not its body, it is just an existence that resembles a clone formed by the power of the ghost condensing yellow sand. Even if it can kill the fierce bird condensed by yellow sand, it is useless.

"You help me protect the law!"

Suddenly, Yaoyue shouted to Zhong Limeng, and then she sat cross-legged on the ground, running her profound arts.


An aqua blue vertical mark immediately emerged from Yaoyue's eyebrows, as if a **** eye appeared on her eyebrows and was about to open.

"this is……"

When Zhong Limeng saw this scene, she couldn't help being taken aback. She recognized the secret technique Yaoyue was performing, and she couldn't help showing envy in her eyes.

At this time, Zhong Limeng was holding a magic lamp in his left hand, and a purple magic bead in his right hand. It was the Qiantian Yiqi purple thunder orb, which was a kind of thunder orb refined by the great magical powers from the power of the nine-day purple thunder. .

If hit by this purple thunder orb, even the quasi-sage would be blown up, let alone semi-sage and mighty.

There are only three of this kind of purple thunder pearl clock in the hands of the dream. For this kind of magic weapon, use one less one. Unless you know how to sacrifice pure sun purple thunder, otherwise, no one dares to sacrifice this kind of purple. Thunderball.

You know, if you are not careful, if the power of these nine days of purple thunder loses control, you will destroy your own body and spirit.

At this time, the fierce bird hovering around Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue seemed to feel the danger, became a little uneasy, and kept crying.

The fierce bird wanted to rush towards Zhong Limeng, but he was afraid of the purple thunder bead in Zhong Limeng's hands. You must know that this nine-day purple thunder to just yang is the nemesis of all evil.


A sword sounded, and a purple light rushed out from Yaoyue's eyebrows, and then turned into a sword light, soaring to the sky, and instantly overtook the fierce bird, and then circled the fierce bird.


The fierce bird immediately turned into a pile of yellow sand, which was scattered from the sky.


Seeing this scene, Zhong Limeng was shocked. Such a powerful bird was cut off like this, which felt unreal to her.

"The power of the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao is really that terrible?"

Zhong Limeng was talking to herself, Yaoyue's strength seemed to be about the same as her own, but once she used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, she could definitely kill herself instantly.

The supreme immortal way divine art created by the supreme ancestor is really against the sky.

At this time, the Yuanshen Taoist sword that had slashed the fierce bird did not fly back towards Yaoyue, but directly flew down from the sky, breaking through the yellow sand on the ground, and entered under the earth.

Soon, a stern bird song came out from the depths of the earth.


The Yuanshen Dao Sword rushed out of the ground, flew back towards Yaoyue, and fell into her eyebrows.

"The Yuan Shen Hua Dao Sword, I can't imagine that she has mastered this killing technique!"

Zhong Limeng thought, she was very envious, you know, it is the supreme magic, extraordinary, but, envy is envy, she has no other thoughts.

You know, this Yaoyue is Gu Fei's disciple.


At this time, Yaoyue let out a long sigh, and then stood up from the ground. Just now she performed the Yuan Shenhua Dao Sword magic technique, which almost drained the essence of her body.

She is not Gu Fei, she is backed by the infinite aura in the inner world, and is not afraid of consuming the essence of the body, but Yaoyue is different, she has no inner world.

In this place, the spiritual energy is thin, the vitality in the body is consumed, and it can't be replaced.

"I can't eat it anymore, let's go back!"

Yaoyue said that at this time, her body was empty, and it was already difficult to use the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Way again. If another such fierce bird came, she would be in bad luck.


Zhong Limeng nodded and said, using their cultivation base to wander around this place is absolutely life-threatening. You know, even a semi-sage can't protect himself here!

In the endless darkness, the ancient city was like a beacon in the darkness. Soon, Zhong Limeng and Yaoyue returned to the ancient city.

Their cultivation is the weakest among the crowd. Gu Fei and Jie Xue Dao were not surprised by their return, which is natural.

In the darkness outside the ancient city, those unknown ghosts are extremely powerful.


Gu Zhong's roar came from a distance. He encountered a formidable opponent and was fighting with the opponent. The battle must be fierce, and the strong fluctuations even spread to the ancient city.

A fierce battle broke out on the side of the twelve great bandits. Even if Zhuge Liang was a semi-sage, he couldn't take advantage of the giant yellow sand.

In the end, the twelve bandits finally beheaded the ghost that controlled the yellow sand giant, but they were defeated tragically. Among the twelve, seven or eight were almost maimed.

Even Zhuge Liang was hit hard.

The twelve bandits had to return to the ancient city.

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