Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2120: Funeral

At the first pass of the ancient road of the ancestral human race of the Zhou Dynasty, darkness enveloped the earth, and only one abandoned ancient city had light coming out. In the darkness, it was as conspicuous as a light.

In the darkness outside the ancient city, screaming roars were heard from time to time, and heavy footsteps lingered outside, but no dark creature dared to break into the ancient city.

This ancient city is not simple. Even if it has been abandoned, there is still a certain deterrent force that can make countless dark creatures dare not enter the city.

Even Gu Fei couldn't understand why this was so.

Even Gu Fei, a powerful existence that has touched that level, could not sense any strangeness in the ancient city.

This is exactly what he wants. He doesn't need to use the supreme artifact to frighten countless dark creatures, which saves a lot of trouble.

In a flash of half a month, every time Gu Zhong and others leave the ancient city and enter the darkness to experience, they will encounter powerful opponents.

Once, the old Jiao was seriously injured and dying, and was chased by a terrifying dark creature outside the ancient city.

Gu Zhong also encountered a formidable opponent in the darkness. He fought with him through life and death. He was seriously injured and returned. The mighty mighty Emperor Martial Body was almost maimed.

This star is simply buried in a cemetery of a desolate age. There are countless dark creatures hidden here. Most of these creatures are ancient and wild alien species, and they are extremely powerful.

When the light comes, those dark creatures will retreat.

During this half month, Gu Fei only left the ancient city once. He was going to find the hidden place of dark creatures. When he walked on this star, he knew how extraordinary the star was.

This star didn't seem to be like this before. There were countless dead bones under the yellow sand. This star seemed to have buried an era.

However, there is very little news about the first level of the ancient human road on Zuxing Zhou, because no one has set foot on this ancient road for tens of thousands of years.

After Zhongzhou Xianfu mastered this ancient road of human race, it has not opened this ancient road, because Zhongzhou Xianfu has organized training, opening the ancient road of human race will be catastrophic.

This time, the people in the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu were pressed, and this opened the ancient road of human race.

There is also an unknown danger in the ancient human road entrance. Even people of the level of the golden goddess encountered a lot of trouble after entering the ancient human road entrance.

You know, the golden goddess is a powerful existence of the Dacheng Quasi-Holy Grade.

Gu Fei walked on this star, and all he could see was yellow sand. Sometimes, under some hills, there were even dry bones that were swept into the air by the gust of wind.

Soon, Gu Fei discovered something. He found an ancient stone stele that was a hundred feet high in an ancient site.

The ancient stone tablet is full of traces left over by the years. There are two large characters on the stone tablet. This type of font is extremely ancient and can be traced back to ancient times.

"The funeral."

Gu Fei sensed an inexplicable Taoist rhyme on the two ancient characters on the stone tablet. This kind of Taoist rhyme has gone through endless years and still hasn't dissipated.

Gu Fei knew the meaning of these two ancient words in the rhyme of Taoism from the ancient characters.

This star turned out to be an ominous place, buried in the sky, could it be that this star actually buried a world, where endless creatures were buried.

Funeral, these two words made Gu Fei feel extremely shocked.

The ancient star buried in the sky, the first pass of the ancient human road, the two are actually linked together, why did the ancient humans set the first pass on the ancient road here?

No one knew, even Gu Fei didn't know, because this secret had been buried in the ruthless years.

There is not only yellow sand on the ancient star buried in the sky. Gu Fei left the ancient ruins and continued to move forward. Soon, he found that the ground in front of him collapsed, and when he approached, the ground that collapsed was actually One side glanced at the endless Black Sea.

Other areas on this star were whizzing gusts, and yellow sand filled the sky, but here, the violent wind disappeared, and the yellow sand filled the sky was gone. The surroundings were extremely quiet, the black sea ahead was calm, and the water surface was as calm as a mirror.

Gu Fei could clearly feel that in the Black Sea in front of him, there was a cold breath coming out.

"Could it be that those dark creatures are hiding in the Black Sea."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. After watching for a long time, he didn't see anything at all. In the end, he simply sat down on a sand dune next to the Black Sea.

He looked at the sky, and there were still a few hours left before the star was about to plunge into darkness.

On this ancient star buried in the sky, the transition between darkness and light is about twelve hours. This kind of vision has a certain pattern. No one knows how the vision on this ancient star formed.

There is no wind on the sand dunes, and the surroundings are extremely quiet.

For Gu Fei, a few hours were just a snap. Soon, the world in front of him darkened, and then a scene that moved Gu Fei appeared.

I saw the water of the Black Sea in front of me quickly disappearing, and the world was rapidly darkening. When the water of the Black Sea disappeared safely, the whole star was shrouded in darkness.


Gu Fei saw this scene, unbelievable, the endless black sea disappeared, but the entire ancient star was plunged into darkness, and a black vortex appeared in the depths of the dry black sea.


A roar came out from the whirlpool, and then, a fierce beast resembling a unicorn rushed out from it, and the monstrous demon gas immediately appeared between the heaven and the earth.

That is not the real unicorn beast, it is just a ghost, but even a ghost has a powerful aura.


The unicorn looked up to the sky and roared, and the whole world was shaking.

Soon, the unicorn spotted Gu Fei. He stepped directly on the fire cloud, revealing a strong intent to fight, and rushed towards Gu Fei, extremely powerful.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort, stood up directly on the sand dune, and then slammed his fist towards the unicorn who was rushing forward, and the fierce power rushed out directly.


With a loud noise, the violent, powerful unicorn was actually blown up by Gu Fei's punch and disappeared into the void.

When Gu Fei bombarded and killed the unicorn, in the vortex in front of him, there were constantly powerful ghosts rushing out.

It was nine fierce and violent ancient creatures, and the ghosts of each ancient creature were extremely powerful. Among them, a purple dragon was extremely ferocious, with a mighty 30,000 li dragon, which shocked the Quartet.

However, although this great dragon was terrifying, it could not deter Gu Fei. He directly greeted him and faced the great dragon, and the battle broke out.

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