Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2122: Kill with sword


Eighteen black iron chains came across the air and entangled towards Gu Fei. On each black iron chain, there was a pattern looming, and the power of the great power was condensing.

At this time, Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a divine sword appeared in his hand. He directly waved the divine sword in his hand and slashed towards the entangled black iron chain.

"Ding.", "ding.", "ding.", "ding."

The crisp sound of gold and iron crashing sounded 18 times in succession, and then a scene that made the dark giants unbelievable appeared before their eyes.

"how is this possible……"

The dark giant who fought against Gu Fei was shocked to the extreme, and the eighteen black chains that rushed out of him were all cut off by the divine sword in the opponent's hand.

"This is a holy artifact, it was cut off..."

The other two dark giants hiding in the depths of darkness were also shocked to the extent that they could not be added. The other side actually held a divine sword that could cut off the holy artifact.

"Could it be the supreme artifact in the legend."

There are dark giants talking to themselves. These dark giants have lived for endless years. Although they have lost their bodies, their insights are also extraordinary.


After Gu Feijian chopped 18 black iron chains, he took a direct step forward and pushed towards the ghost image on the opposite side. Senhan sword aura leaked from the divine sword in his hand.

The dark tycoon quickly retreated, and the breath radiating from the divine sword made his heart palpitations and had to retreat.

However, Gu Fei had eight steps of extreme speed, but after only three steps, he had already caught up with the ghost, and then directly swung his sword towards the ghost.


The ghost roared, and between the strokes of his hands, the endless power of profound Yin came out, and the void in front of him turned into a piece of iron.

However, the divine sword in Gu Fei's hand directly broke through the solidified void, and the sword light instantly fell, cutting the ghost shadow into two with a sword.


The two tycoons of the dark ghost world in the depths of the darkness were shocked. This human race was so powerful. Sword Slashing Ghosts and Emperors, this is something that hasn't happened in many years.

The King of Ghosts is one of the three giants in the Dark Ghost Realm. His cultivation and combat power are extremely powerful, and he controls the entire Dark Ghost Realm separately from the other two dark giants.

"Huh, I am immortal."

The ghost war emperor sneered, but, soon, he couldn't laugh anymore, and the half of his Xuanyin ghost emperor battle body disappeared into the void.

"How could this be."

The ghost war emperor screamed, he was terrified, because his upper half of the ghost emperor battle body was also dissipating, which shocked him.

"The sword in your hand..."

The ghost war emperor only woke up at this time, the divine sword in the opponent's hand was terrible, and even the indestructible ghost emperor battle body was disintegrating.

"You know it's too late."

Gu Fei looked at the ghost war emperor who was dissipating, and said calmly, the divine sword he was holding in his right hand was the purple gold divine sword, and only the purple gold divine sword could cut off the holy artifact.

"Roar, I'm not willing."

The ghost war emperor looked up to the sky and roared, and then, his upper half of the ghost emperor body dissipated into the void, and his soul flew away.

Being slashed by the Supreme Divine Sword, no matter what it is, the end will be the same, that is, the body and the spirit are destroyed, without any exception, even the saint.

"What, the ghost war emperor is dead."

In the depths of the darkness, there was an unbelievable exclamation. This scene was unbelievable. It turned out to be such a result. The powerful ghost war emperor died.

Although the three giants in the dark world are usually competitive, these three giants all want to unify the entire dark world.

However, when seeing the ghost war emperor who was almost the same strength as his own, the other two giants in the dark ghost world couldn't help but feel chilled.

"What kind of sword is that, it can kill the ghost war emperor."

There are dark giants talking to themselves.

"kill him."

Another giant is clamoring that the threat to them by this human race seems to be far more terrible than they thought. This human race has the ability to threaten their lives.

Dark creatures are also alive. Although they don't have a physical body, they are also an alternative existence.


Immediately, the entire dark world shook, and then countless powerful ghosts and ghosts rushed out from the depths of the dark ghost realm, forming a torrent and slaying towards Gu Fei.

The earth-shattering murderous aura broke out, among the countless fierce souls, there are many ancient survivors who have lost their bodies. Such existence is extremely powerful and their soul power is overwhelming.


Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

"bring it on."

Gu Fei held the Purple Golden Divine Sword in his hand, and in an instant, a terrifying aura that dominated the world surged from his body, and the horrible wave shook the void of heaven and earth.

The chaotic energy lingered on him, he was like a chaotic **** who came from ancient times, and he looked invincible in the world.

"Hmph, how strong Wulun you are, you will die in the end."

In the depths of the dark ghost world, there was a roar of a dark giant.


There was no retreat, only a way forward. Gu Fei did not hesitate, his eyes were very firm, facing countless rushing fierce souls, he did not shrink back, did not fear, and directly lifted his sword to kill.


The Zijin Divine Sword uttered a scream, and the cold sword aura swept across the square. With just one sword, countless fierce souls and Li Po directly dissipated into the void.

The pure soul power was swallowed by the purple golden sword.

Gu Fei held the Zijin Divine Sword in his hand and slammed into the endless fierce souls and spirits. With every sword cut, countless fierce spirits disappeared, and all souls gathered towards the Zijin Divine Sword.


A fierce soul shaped like a white tiger roared and rushed towards Gu Fei, and the violent power made the void above Gu Fei's head shatter.

This is an ancient fierce beast with the blood of a white tiger in its body. Although it has lost its physical body, its soul body is extremely powerful and condensed like its essence. This power is shocking and earth-shattering.


Gu Fei jumped up into the sky with a sword, and directly split the giant tiger in half with a single sword. The giant tiger dissipated and turned into two soul powers, submerged on the purple golden sword.


Just when Gu Feijian was slashing the fierce tiger, a big bird with boundless divine fire all over his body fell from the sky, and a pair of sharp claws grabbed Gu Fei's head.

This was the soul of a real Divine Phoenix. As soon as the Divine Phoenix appeared, countless fierce souls and violent souls evaded far away. They did not dare to approach. The dark void was illuminated by the divine fire.

Facing the extremely powerful Divine Phoenix soul, Gu Fei was still a sword. The Divine Phoenix who set off the monstrous divine fire was immediately beheaded and turned into a fire spirit, which was swallowed by the purple golden divine sword.

"how can that be……"

Secretly, the two dark giants were shocked to the extreme.

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