Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2133: Super seal

There were strange fluctuations from the depths of the temple, which shocked Gu Fei, he seemed to be missing something.


Gu Fei stepped directly and disappeared in front of the mountain and river tripod. He entered the depths of the ruins of this temple, where there was an aura that made him palpitate.

The ruins of the shrine occupies a large area, the palace is continuous, covering hundreds of miles, it is hard to imagine what it was like when this shrine was intact.

Could it be the legacy of a prosperous dynasty.

In that ancient primordial land, there have been many extremely powerful dynasties. On Buzhou Ancestral Star, there was the Ziyun dynasty established by Ziyun Supreme.

Under the leadership of Ziyun Supreme, the Ziyun Divine Dynasty not only unified the entire life star field of the Ancestral Star of Fuzhou, but also extended its influence to another star field of Life Ancestor.

And on the Kunlun Life Ancestor Star, in that ancient period, there were also ancient heavenly courts established by the demon clan to control the endless sky.

On this ancient star buried in the sky, perhaps an extremely powerful dynasty once appeared, but when the catastrophe came, this dynasty fell apart and fell apart.

"That is……"

When Gu Fei came to the central area of ​​the Shen Chao, he was startled by what he saw before him, and saw that huge bones were erected around the central area of ​​the Shen Chao.

Those bones were inserted into the ground, and surrounded a place tens of miles in the central area of ​​the gods.

Gu Fei observed carefully, and he soon discovered that it was a person's bones that had been taken apart, and a thigh bone was thousands of feet high and stood in front.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a huge human race in this world, could it be the bones left by the innate gods and men of the ancient times.

The ancient gods were extremely powerful, with huge bodies and strong physiques. They were powerful men in the age of ancient mythology.

Gu Fei sensed a ray of supreme aura from those huge bones, which shocked him to the extreme, a supreme skeleton was actually torn apart.

This is really incredible. You must know that the body of the supreme is not accessible to anyone. Even if the supreme dies, the supreme aura from the corpse can still shock the heavens. Even a saint is inaccessible. Unless it is the existence of the same level, you can approach the supreme corpse.

"A formation."

Gu Fei didn't come close, he just watched from a distance, but the more he looked at it, the more shocked it was. It turned out to be a formation, a large formation of Zhenfeng under the supreme bones.

I am afraid that only the supreme can use this kind of masterpiece. To return, the supreme corpse, even a saint, is inaccessible, and it is even more impossible to disassemble it and then use it for formation.

The supreme bone still contains the supreme's immortal Dao pattern, even after endless years of erosion, the supreme Dao pattern will still not dissipate.

"Where is the town closed?"

Gu Fei was talking to himself, using supreme bones to arrange the formation. The things sealed in the central area of ​​the shrine are absolutely great, otherwise, why use supreme bones.

He didn't act rashly. Although he was very curious, the big formation in front of him was not an ordinary formation. It was definitely a supreme array of the supreme class.

Even if the saint of Dacheng broke in, I'm afraid he will fall.


Just when Gu Fei was about to retreat, a dull crash sounded from the place surrounded by the supreme bone, and he could feel the vibration from under his feet.


There was another muffled noise, which shocked Gu Fei inexplicably. Couldn't the things sealed by this ancient supreme array still die.

It's hard to imagine, you know, the existence of this shrine is definitely not short, it is very likely to be the relic of a sacred dynasty in the ancient times.

In other words, the things sealed by the Supreme Array, at least the things from the ancient prehistoric period, cannot be the things that appeared after the prehistoric period.

The supreme has fallen, and his remains were used to form an array to seal the unknown creatures, and the unknown creatures that were sealed did not die after being sealed for endless years.


Void vibrated, and countless golden patterns appeared on the ground within a radius of tens of miles, just like a huge golden net, covering the entire land.

The power of the supreme bone was awakening, and then attracted by the large array, it gathered towards the sealed place.


A dull roar came from below the earth.


Gu Fei was taken aback. The unknown creature that was sealed in the Great Underground really didn't die. It seemed to be still struggling. How could this be possible.

After half an hour, the large formation in front completely calmed down.

Gu Fei retreated straight away, he returned to the place where the Shanhe Ding was, and then sat cross-legged in front of the Shanhe Ding, and continued to observe the supreme skull in the Shanhe Ding.

"Could it be..."

A thought suddenly flashed in Gu Fei's mind, he was shocked to the extreme, whether this supreme bone and those supreme bones used for array formation were the same bones of the supreme body.

If it is true, then why should people arrange it like this.

Collecting the imprints of endless life with the supreme skull and sealing the unknown creatures with other supreme bones, Gu Fei felt that he seemed to have thought of something, but it was elusive to understand what those things were.

"What's wrong."

Gu Fei shook his head, hard to understand, but at this time, in the mountain and river tripod, the supreme skull had changed again, and a soul mark emerged from the center of the supreme bones.

"The Supreme Immortal, how is this possible."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, the shock was really extraordinary. The flame-like brand on the supreme bones was the brand of life, also known as the brand of soul.

As long as this soul seal is immortal, the supreme soul will remain.

"You can be resurrected when you die, it's too bad."

Gu Fei couldn't help changing his color. If the supreme was really resurrected, it would be terrible. You know, if a supreme is reborn, the entire human world doesn't know what will happen.

"Do you want to suppress it."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. He stared at the supreme skull in the mountain and river tripod. He soon discovered that the flame imprint on the supreme skull did not reveal the fluctuation of the soul.

"What's the matter, the soul mark reappears, but there is no soul fluctuation."

Gu Fei was inexplicable, and it was hard to imagine what was going on. You must know that the existence of the Supreme Grade had the means against the sky, which was difficult for people to understand.

What happened on the supreme bones was beyond Gu Fei's cognition.

At this time, the fluctuation of the life imprint inside the supreme skull became more and more intense, and it seemed that a terrifying beast was about to be bred.

Endless life imprint will make a strong life imprint.

Gu Fei really wanted to know this evolutionary process. This seemed to be a way to advance life, which could be used for reference, but could not be imitated.

Because this method is too hurtful.

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