Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2135: Confrontation


After Gu Fei’s distraction swallowed most of the essence of the second life imprint, his combat power rose to an unimaginable level. He turned into a Yuanshen Dao sword and moved across the sky and the earth, forcing the six powerful figures to constantly retreat. .

"Sure enough, it's a shortcut to quickly improve cultivation and strength."

In front of the mountain and river, Gu Fei felt his distraction in the supreme bones, and couldn't help being a little excited. If he could swallow all the essence of life imprints inside the supreme skull, his power would also be greatly increased. The promotion of sage will accumulate a deep foundation for the future saint's catastrophe.


Among the supreme skulls, the vast sword energy of the Yuanshen Dao sword directly enveloped the six figures together, and Gu Fei actually wanted to kill the six life imprints at the same time.

The six life imprints seemed to feel the danger, and they joined forces to attack and kill Gu Fei.


Peerlessly powerful power erupts, and the power of the six powerful imprints of life gathers together, and even the true saints have to retreat.

The Yuanshen Dao Sword was directly shaken away. This powerful force was not something that Gu Fei's distraction could contend with, even if it swallowed the vast life force.


Gu Fei's distraction was directly retreated from the state of the Yuanshen Dao Sword. This was definitely not a good thing for Gu Fei's distraction.


The terrifying figures formed by the six life imprints simultaneously slaughtered towards Gu Fei's distraction. The murderous aura was earth-shattering, and the world inside the Supreme Skull was shaking.

At this time, the two vital signs of vitality were also forced to Gu Fei again, and the soul divine light from the life mark was as dazzling as a Shenyang, making it difficult to look directly at.


Gu Fei's distraction used the Ascension Secret Art, and his combat power soared several times in an instant. The strong fluctuations made the eight figures have to stop and be careful.

In the end, Gu Fei's distraction forced all the enemies back, and retreated to a small corner of the heaven and earth inside the Supreme Skull, confronting those powerful figures.

"It seems that it is not easy to completely swallow those life marks."

Gu Fei, sitting in front of the mountain and river tripod, was muttering to himself that the ten life imprints were extremely powerful and extraordinary. Before, his distraction could cut off two of the life imprints, but it was because the two life imprints were compared. Other life marks are much weaker.

The remaining eight life imprints are all ancient imprints of life, it is no longer known how many years have existed and still have not disappeared.

This kind of antique life imprint is very powerful and difficult to dissipate.

Gu Fei also knew that he could not be impatient, because if he was not careful, his distraction in the supreme bones would also be in danger of being swallowed by the power of other life marks.


At this moment, another abnormal noise came from the depths of the shrine, and the unknown existence that was sealed in the depths of the shrine by the super-seal town was hitting the seal again.

How could it be so easy to break through the super seal under the supreme bone.

Gu Fei was not worried that the existence that was sealed in the depths of the shrine would jump out.


At this time, strange fluctuations came from the outside of the shrine, and a group of dead souls rushed from far away and soon came to Gu Fei's body.

"Meet the Lord."

The undead skeleton emperor brought a group of his men to the ancient flying salute.

"Get up, who is this little guy."

Gu Fei saw that beside the Undead Skeleton Emperor was a crocodile more than ten feet high. What really interested Gu Fei was that this crocodile showed signs of rebirth.

"You are the master of Skeleton King."

The Undead Skeleton King hadn't spoken yet, the **** crocodile had already said first.

"You little guy is very good, you want to reverse life and death and rebirth."

Gu Fei took a serious look at this crocodile, he couldn't help nodding secretly, this crocodile was an immortal creature with great perseverance, no wonder the Undead Skull Emperor looked at this guy differently.

"I heard that you have a secret method to reverse life and death."

The crocodile is very straightforward. It pursues the rebirth of flesh and blood. It has touched the threshold, but it doesn't know how to cross that threshold.

"It's not difficult to reverse life and death."

Gu Fei nodded and said, rebirth of flesh and blood is not a difficult task for him, as long as he asks for a drop of essence and blood of the ancestor dragon immortal medicine, he will have a way to regenerate the flesh and blood of the immortal spirit.

Even without the essence and blood of Ancestral Dragon Immortal Potion, Gu Fei still has a way to regenerate the undead, but this requires Shanhe Ding.

However, no matter which method it is, he doesn't seem to be worth using on this crocodile. He doesn't want to exert so much effort for outsiders.

Reversing life and death, rebirth from flesh and blood is not a trivial matter.


After getting an affirmative answer, the **** crocodile was extremely excited, but Gu Fei's next words were like pouring cold water on it.

"But I won't help you reverse life and death."

Gu Fei knew what the crocodile wanted, but the opponent was not worth his shot, because the crocodile was not his own.

"I want to surrender."

The **** crocodile quickly bowed to the ground.

"But how do I know if you really surrender."

Gu Fei said indifferently, although this **** crocodile is very strong, it is nothing in front of him. You must know that even Dacheng Quasi-sage is not his opponent.

This **** crocodile is just the cultivation base of the peak power level.

"I would like to make a vow of spirit and soul, if I betray the Lord, I will be destroyed, and I will not die."

Said the crocodile.

"Very well, then you can follow the Skeleton King first."

Gu Fei stopped paying attention to this crocodile, but said to the Undead Skeleton Emperor: "How is the matter going."

"Back to the Lord, in the entire dark ghost world, except for the territorial prestige that Nether Emperor is responsible for, other regions have already been conquered by us."

The Undead Skeleton King said.

"What's the matter with Emperor Nether, I met an opponent."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, and no one dared to speak out.

"Take this little guy to take a look. If Nether Emperor can't handle it, you can help him."

Gu Fei pondered for a while before speaking to the Undead Skeleton Emperor.


After the Undead Skeleton Emperor took his orders, he took the crocodile and other undead skeleton soldiers, quickly left, and soon disappeared into the dim world.

The Dark Ghost Realm is so big, and there are several powerful people hidden in it. It is not surprising that the Nether Emperor still has not completed the task, and must be in trouble.

At this time, the Nether Emperor and the God and Demon Emperor had reached the white-hot stage, and various great arts were constantly being used, and the void of heaven and earth was constantly being broken.

Soon, the Undead Skeleton Emperor brought a group of hands down to the neighborhood.

"That old ghost has really met his opponent."

The Undead Skeleton Emperor saw that there were ghostly powerhouses who could fight endlessly with the Nether Emperor, and couldn't help being surprised.

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