Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2147: Human Race Second Level

Gu Fei didn't move the super seal. You know, the power of the big formation with the supreme bone cloth is absolutely unimaginable, even if he just got an immortal Dao body.

In front of this super seal, even Xianzun Dao body is not enough to see.

Gu Zhong and the others didn't enter the ruins of the shrine. With their current cultivation base, it was impossible to get close to that super seal formation.

The wisp of vitality radiating from the supreme bone was not something they could bear.

Gu Fei waited for a few months. During this period, although he sensed the existence of the Golden Goddess, he did not intend to see the Golden Goddess.

In the past few months, the unknown existence in the super seal will hit the seal every few days, trying to break the seal and rush out.

However, this super seal is too powerful. It is based on the supreme bones. Such a method may only be used by the supreme.

Although the existence suppressed by the super seal is extremely powerful, it is difficult to break through the seal.

Finally, Gu Fei left here, took Gu Zhong and others out of the dark ghost world, and then returned to the ancient city on the ancient star of Burial.

At this time, darkness enveloped the entire ancient star again, but there were fewer ghosts in the darkness, and few powerful ghosts appeared.

"Master, shall we leave here and continue on the road."

Gu Zhong asked.


Gu Fei nodded, they had no reason to stay on the ancient star of Burial, the super seal in the dark ghost world was not something that he could touch now.

Then, Gu Fei gathered the Three Undead Emperors and the death army under them into the inner world, and the rest of the people boarded the teleportation platform.

Gu Fei activated the teleportation formation, and the pattern on the teleportation formation immediately lit up, and the divine energy turned into a divine light that enveloped Gu Fei and the others.


The divine light flashed, the void vibrated, and Gu Fei and others disappeared above the teleportation formation.

Just as Gu Fei and the others left, the pattern on the teleportation platform lit up again.


A group of divine light emerged on the teleportation platform, and the divine light dissipated. Two figures appeared on the teleportation platform, a man and a woman.

The man's tools are exaggerated, while the woman's is full of aura, with a sly look in her big eyes.

"You are here too."

At this moment, a figure walked out of the darkness outside the city.

"Golden Goddess."

The man and woman walked down from the teleportation platform.

"Zi Yunxiao, the speed of your brother and sister is really slow."

The golden goddess came over, and she waited for several months in the super large formation deep in the ruins of the temple. At this time, she also knew that the existence in the seal would be difficult to break through the seal in a short time.

In this case, then she didn't need to stay on this desolate ancient star.

"Hmph, you are ashamed to say that you have caused trouble, but you want us to carry it. It is really despicable."

Zi Yun'er said in anger.

It turned out that the reason why Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters came to the Ancient Star of Funeral is because they were trapped in a Jedi and finally broke out.

And the person who made them stray into the Jedi is the golden goddess.

"I just blame you for being so careless. Gu Fei has just left, and I have to go too. You can play here slowly."

The golden goddess boarded the teleportation formation, then activated the formation and directly teleported away.

"Gu Fei."

Brother and sister Zi Yunxiao couldn't help being startled when they heard this name.

"That nasty guy just left, brother, let's catch up."

Zi Yun'er said excitedly, during the months in which they were trapped in the Jedi, they had passed by death every day, and under that extreme environment, their strength had improved rapidly.

Now their brothers and sisters have joined forces, asking themselves that they can fight Gu Fei.

But what they didn't know was that Gu Fei was also making progress, and that Gu Fei's Yuan Shen Dao fetus had bred the Immortal Dao Divine Body, and the Immortal Dao Divine Body merged with the body of the Immortal Venerable, capturing the Tao fruit of the Qilin Immortal Venerable.

Zi Yunxiao brother and sister didn't know all of this.

"Catch up."

Zi Yunxiao was also very moved. His purpose in setting foot on the ancient road of human race was not to defeat Gu Fei.


Do what you say, Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters once again boarded the teleportation formation, activated the teleportation formation, and continued to set foot on the ancient human race road to the next stop on the ancient human race road.

Just when the Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters were chasing Gu Fei, Gu Fei and the others had already reached the second pass of the Ancient Human Race Road.


When Gu Fei and the others teleported from the void to the second level of the human race, they couldn't help but be shocked by what they saw before them. They saw that there were corpses floating around them, and they were actually in a ruin. Among.

Broken stones, splashing mud, and the shattered **** soldiers, **** corpses, this is definitely a tragic battlefield.

"what happened."

"Could it be that the second level of Human Race has been destroyed by others."

Everyone was shocked to the extreme, and a teleportation formation under their feet was still intact, and it was suspended in the air.


Gu Fei rushed out first, and everyone quickly followed.

After a while, they rushed out of the ruins of that side, they came to the sky above, and then looked at the ruins below.

"this is……"

"An ancient city was directly blown up."

The ruins below were actually formed when an ancient city was bombed, corpses, fragments, and countless intact or broken bricks.

Countless fragments showed the trajectory of shooting out from the inside to the outside. At a glance, it was known that this was an ancient city that was destroyed by people. Everyone in the ancient city was not immune, and they were all killed.

Such a method is so cruel that it is unimaginable.

"Please check it carefully and see who ruined the second pass of the ancient human road." Gu Fei said in a deep voice, does the guy who shot want to cut this ancient road of the human race.

If it is really such words, it is dangerous.

Gu Zhong and the others immediately dispersed, entered the ruins below, carefully looking for all kinds of clues, and soon they found something.

It was a broken black spear. The spear was completely black, with magic patterns carved on it, and an extremely cryptic wave was uploaded from the broken spear.

"It's a demon."

Gu Fei couldn't believe it, the Demon Race had reached out to the ancient human race road, which is really hateful.

Moreover, the time when the second level of the human race was broken by the demons shouldn't be long, because the human body floating in the void is still not corrupt.

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