Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2173: Evil running **** monkey

Ziyunxiao was very unlucky. He encountered the most powerful wild beast in the world. This wild beast was a divine ape. This was not an ordinary divine ape. It contained the blood of ancient divine beasts in its body.


With a roar, the divine ape slammed directly at Ziyunxiao. The powerful force shook the world, and the void in front of the fist collapsed and turned into a chaos.

The destructive force is coming towards Ziyunxiao.


The void shook, and Zi Yunxiao's whole person was blurred. The next moment, he appeared on the left side of the **** ape, and then swept towards the **** ape.

His right leg was like a magic whip, and it swept directly on the waist of the **** ape. The **** ape seemed to be okay. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his right leg.


The divine ape directly grabbed Ziyunxiao's right leg and smashed Ziyunxiao on the ground fiercely. The earth was shaking, the dust washed up on the sky, and a big pit appeared on the ground.

"Big Brother..."

Zi Yun'er saw this scene in the distance, and the shock was truly extraordinary.

"Damn it."

Zi Yunxiao rushed out of the big hole on the ground, and saw him with a gray head and face, embarrassed.

Although the fall seemed fierce, it was difficult to hurt Ziyunxiao. You know, Ziyunxiao was born in the Ziyun family and has supreme blood in his body. How could it be so easy to be injured.

"go to hell."

Zi Yunxiao's hands danced, and purple divine light appeared on his hands, and then went to the divine ape like an overwhelming hole.

In every purple light, there are Dao patterns looming.

It seems that Zi Yunxiao is really angry.


The divine ape moved quickly between the mountains, avoiding the purple divine light that penetrated into him.

Although this divine ape was tall, he walked around very quickly, and was not affected by its huge body at all.

After avoiding the attack of Ziyunxiao, the divine ape opened his mouth and spewed countless black lightning towards Ziyunxiao and bombarded Ziyunxiao.


Zi Yunxiao let out a cold snort, and then saw his hands moving in front of him, the power of the five elements quickly condensed between his hands, and a colorful roulette appeared in front of him.

"go with."

Zi Yunxiao didn't hesitate, and directly played the colorful roulette, and the extremely powerful Five Elements power went down on that roulette.


The heavens and the earth shook, and the aura of Bafang Heaven and Earth gathered frantically toward the five-element roulette. The five-element wheel was like a world-destroying roulette, directly obliterating thousands of electric lights and suppressing it toward the gods.

Ziyunxiao is a big five-element divine body, this physique is naturally close to the five elements of heaven and earth, and it is even more effective when practicing.

There are multicolored Dao patterns intertwined on the Five Elements Wheel, like a true peerless artifact, the mighty and terrifying fluctuations that shocked the divine ape.

This human race is already so powerful before it is sanctified. If it is sanctified, it will be fine.

However, the sacred ape quickly woke up. In this world, unless there is a major change, otherwise, no one can be sanctified in the human world.

The human world can be said to be the burial place of the saint. As long as someone dares to unlock the seal on his body and restore the cultivation of the holy rank, there will be a terrible killing and robbery between the heavens and the earth, and this saint will be wiped out.

Unless it is the existence of the level of Human Sovereign, otherwise, even Xianzun can't bear the killing force.


The divine ape shook his fist and slammed directly upwards, and the powerful Saint-rank body burst out with a palpitating power. Every time a punch was punched, the round of colorful roulette suppressed from the sky vibrated.

"Good guy."

Zi Yunxiao didn't dare to be careless, he fully drove the five-element roulette, and the five-element Taoist patterns interweaved mysterious and ancient patterns on the roulette.

The power of destruction came down from the colorful roulette.


The divine ape roared again and again, and punched it upwards with punches, but the colorful round of millstones was still suppressed towards him, just like the real world-destroying millstone appeared in the world.

At this moment, Zi Yun'er was extremely nervous. He knew that Zi Yunxiao had already used all his strength to make a move. The essence of the five elements was transpiring on her body. He had already exerted this great technique of the five elements to the extreme.

"Fight with you."

The divine ape felt danger. This human race really had the ability to threaten him. He opened his mouth and spouted a black divine bead, and endless black lightning burst out from the divine bead.

The black divine bead directly rushed towards the five-element chakra suppressed from the sky.


With a loud bang, the divine bead directly collided with the five elements wheel, and there was an earth-shocking loud noise, and the world-destroying magic plate that Ziyunxiao had evolved with all its strength was directly hit by the black divine bead.

Countless five-element Taoist patterns are dissipating.


Just when the black divine bead smashed into the Five Elements Wheel, Zi Yunxiao received a great impact, opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out.

"Big Brother..."

Zi Yun'er was shocked. She never expected that the battle situation would reverse so quickly, that black **** orb was definitely a sacred weapon, and it was also a powerful sacred weapon.

She rushed towards Ziyunxiao quickly.

Dao Dao spiritual light rushed from all directions and sank into Zi Yunxiao's body. Zi Yun'er was performing a great technique to heal Zi Yunxiao's injuries, but in an instant, Zi Yunxiao's injuries healed.

"Born to be close to Tiandi Dadao, there is such a physique in this world."

When the **** ape saw Zi Yuner's great technique, his eyes suddenly lit up. This means of waving all directions between raising his hands was not something anyone could do.

However, the kind of people who are born to be close to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth are different. People with this physique are like the darling of heaven and are favored by heaven and earth.

"Brother Ziyun, how about we jointly killed this old ape."

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance, and then a woman with a golden mask on her face came step by step from Yuankong.

"It's you."

When the **** ape saw the golden goddess, his eyes were erected immediately, and the eyes flickered. It was this human woman who killed his powerful warrior Ho Dao Ren.

If these two races join forces, it would be bad.

The sacred ape knew that although he was strong, this human woman carried a sacred object, and the two human races might also have a sacred object.

He had guessed where these human races came from, and the ancient human race road may have been repaired by the human race, otherwise, no human race can come here.

The divine ape had lived for endless years, his eyelashes were empty. He didn't wait for Zi Yunxiao to do anything, so he retreated to the distance, led a group of men, and quickly disappeared into the wilderness.

Careful makes the Wannian Ship, this old ape is too careful, but it is precisely because of this that he can always live well.

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