Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2177: Mysterious old man

Not Zhou Zuxing Antarctic Immortal Mansion, that is a force beyond the world, deep in the Antarctic Divine Sea, mysterious and powerful, no one dares to provoke it easily.

As the younger brother of the palace lord of the Antarctic Immortal Palace, Land Immortal Weng's status is undoubtedly very detached. As time passed, this Immortal Venerable's younger brother was a bit fluttering and didn't pay attention to the world.

However, Land Immortal Weng is not a stupid person who can cultivate into a quasi-sacred path fruit. He also knows who can be killed directly, and who must not be easily provoked.

For those who can directly kill them, as long as they offend themselves, Land Immortal will never be soft-hearted and kill them directly.

However, he also has some scruples for those who cannot provoke.

On Bu Zhou Zuxing, there are really not many people who can make Land Immortal Weng jealous, but Gu Fei is definitely one of them, and he is regarded as one of the people least willing to provoke Land Immortal Weng.

Gu Zhong is Gu Fei's eldest disciple. If Xiannu wounded him, or even injured his life, Gu Fei would never give up.

That was a ruthless man who even dared to offend the Supreme Family. Land Immortal knew very well that such a ruthless man, no matter how loud his eldest brother’s name was, the other party would not take it seriously.

You know, the name of the Supreme Family is loud enough, and they won't buy it either.

Zi Yunxiao almost died under Gu Fei's fist. This was something that the entire monks who were not Zhou Ancestor knew, that Zi Yunxiao was the most outstanding descendant of the Supreme Family.

"You want to see my master."

Gu Zhong came to Xian Weng Lu's body and looked up and down the old man with a childlike appearance. He couldn't see the depth of this person's cultivation.

"Quan Sheng?"

Gu Zhong smiled. Although this old man is powerful, he is not necessarily an opponent of his Master. Especially this time, Master has been sitting withered for ten years, and he is even more unpredictable.

The cultivation base and strength of this terrestrial immortal were actually in the same position as the Jagged Daoist.

"I have something that your master is interested in. I want to join hands with your master."

Lu Xianweng said.

At this time, Gu Fei's apprentice appeared in the third level of Human Race Ancient Road. It was definitely not accidental. If Gu Fei could be invited, the matter would be more secure.

"whats the matter."

Gu Zhong asked directly.

"Hehe, as long as you invite your master to come, you won't know."

Lu Xianweng didn't disclose what it was, but in this way, it aroused the curiosity of Gu Zhong and others. What was it, he actually asked Master.

"My Master is not free recently, let's talk about it when he is free."

Gu Zhong groaned for a moment, and then said such words.

"Haha, that's great. I have time. When your master is free, you can come here to find me directly."

Lu Xianweng didn't have any discomfort. He knew very well that Gu Fei was not someone who could be easily moved. He was also on the spur of the moment. It didn't matter if he moved unsolicited.

He has already passed the news back, and I believe that soon, his brother will send someone to come. At that time, even if Gu Fei is not invited, it doesn't matter.

"Well, let's say goodbye."

Gu Zhong arched his hand towards Ludi Xianweng, then turned around and walked outside.

Yaoyue and the others hurriedly followed, only the Jagged Taoist stood still.

"Old man, what is your idea."

Jie Xue Dao Ren's eyes flickered, and a cold murderous aura leaked from his body, and the surrounding temperature immediately dropped rapidly.

"Huh, fellow Jagged Daoist, this seems to have nothing to do with you."

Lu Xianweng's face immediately became cold, squinting his eyes, and looking at the Jagged Taoist, there was a cold light flashing between his eyes.

The Jagged Daoist didn't say anything, but took a step directly, and a powerful coercion immediately erupted from his body and went to the land of Xianweng to suppress it.


There was a tremor in the void, and with the naked eye you could see transparent ripples spreading from the iron-blooded Taoist body, and the void was rippling.


Sensing the powerful killing intent on the iron-blooded Taoist, the expression on Lu Xianwen's face had to become serious, and a breath no less than the iron-blooded Taoist's body leaked out of his body.

Compared with the strong and violent aura on the Jagged Daoist, the wave of the wave emanating from Land Immortal's body is like a spring breeze Buddha face, seemingly weak, but it resists the power that erupted from the Jagged Daoist. Down.

"Spring weather turns rain, very good."

Jie Xue Dao Ren's eyes became brighter, and he was about to further test the old guy from the Antarctic Immortal Mansion, but at this time, Gu Zhong's voice came from a distance.

"Brother Tie, don't you want to reminisce with this old guy here."

Gu Zhong's voice came from far away. Although the sound was not loud, it clearly passed into the ears of the Jagged Daoist.

"Gu Fei's disciple is really extraordinary."

Lu Xianweng's expression changed when he heard Gu Zhong's voice. He knew very well that his floating island was a divine island guarded by a large formation of holy ranks.

None of the voices can be transmitted far on this divine island, because there is the barrier of the formation power, but this ancient voice can penetrate the barrier of the formation power and reach here.

"I will let you go today."

The Jagged Daoist naturally knew that this fight was impossible, so he directly took back the coercion on his body, then turned around and left.

Lu Xianweng didn't stop him. At this time, he didn't want to provoke Gu Fei.

Gu Zhong and others left the Hanging Island and returned to the ancient city ruins on the ground. At this time, many monks gathered in the ancient city ruins.

The sky gradually became dim, and night was approaching.

The monks on the third pass of the ancient road of the human race had already regarded the ruins of the ancient city as their stronghold. After night, the wilderness became more dangerous.

But in the ruins of this ancient city, there is no danger, because there are powerful powerful men here, especially the existence on the **** island in the sky.

In fact, the big reason why human monks built strongholds on the ancient city ruins is because even if there are no strong guards, the fierce beasts in the great wilderness dare not approach the ancient city ruins.

Among the ruins of the ancient city, there seems to be something that scares the wild beast.

It is not difficult for a powerful person to find a place to stay temporarily on the ruins of this ancient city, but it is another situation for the weak.

Gu Zhong and others set up a tent directly in the northeast corner of the ancient city ruins about a hundred meters in length, and set up a bonfire in front of the tent.

Among the twelve bandits, Old Twelve and Old Eleven walked into the forest outside the ruins of the ancient city, and soon they hunted back a sacred deer.

This is a sacred deer with colorful antlers, weighing two to three hundred catties. The meat of this sacred deer is very good. They hunted this sacred deer before Zhou Zuxing.

Soon, old twelve and old eleven took care of the sacred deer and put the whole sacred deer on the bonfire for roasting. After a while, a scent of meat that made one's forefinger trembling, floated away. .

"It's been a long time since I had eaten this fine venison."

Jade-faced Langjun among the twelve bandits couldn't help but swallowed. The venison was roasted to a golden color, and the grease on it dripped on the fire from time to time, making noise.

"Old twelve roasted venison has become more and more exquisite."

Zhuge Liang, the first big bandit among the twelve bandits, couldn't help but praised.

Taking everyone's cultivation base, in fact, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not, but the twelve big bandits are a good one, and you can't change some habits of being big bandits, often big chunks of meat and big bowls of wine.

After the venison was roasted, let alone other people, even Yaoyue and Zhong Limeng were drooling.

"What if you have meat and no wine."

The third of the twelve bandits, the rough man directly opened a storage void and took out a few jars of wine.

"Haha, the youngest still knows how to enjoy."

The second great Kou Yumian Langjun smiled and directly slapped open the clay of a jar of wine, and a smell of wine immediately floated out of the jar.

"The wine is strong but not strong, the syrup is clear but not thick, it is really good."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone's surprise was truly extraordinary. Someone came among them, but none of them noticed.

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound was coming from, and saw that they didn't know when, beside the third bandit, there was actually an old man with black beard in black sitting.

The old man with black beard was holding the wine jar in his hand, pouring the wine into a big bowl with a broken corner in his hand.

"who are you."

Gu Chong stood up from the ground fiercely. At this time, everyone was extremely nervous, and some people had even quietly figured out the artifacts on their bodies.

As long as this old man changes something, everyone will take action without hesitation.

Even the Jagged Taoist squinted his eyes when he saw this old man. How this old man appeared, he didn't even feel it.

That person is a self-sealed saint.

Jie Xue Dao Ren thought of this, his face immediately became dignified, if it really existed like this, he might not be able to cope with it.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, old man, I'm just here to beg a bowl of wine."

While the old man with black beard was speaking, he put away the jar of wine directly, then raised the big bowl with a broken corner, and drank himself.

"Good wine."

The old man with black beard drank a drop of wine in the big bowl in one breath, and licked his lips, still feeling unfinished.

Everyone looked at the mysterious old man who suddenly appeared in front of them, and saw that besides the black robe, the old man was wearing a fist-sized purple gourd around his waist.


When the iron-blooded Taoist saw the purple gourd on the old man's waist, his eyes immediately changed, his face showed an incredible look, he thought of a legendary person.

But that person could not be alive at all.

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