Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2181: Okorajin Monkey

The Hanging Island is not an ordinary **** island. It is a **** that was sacrificed by the Antarctic Immortal Venerable himself. The Antarctic Immortal Venerable was a ruthless person in the ancient years.

Although the Great Desolate Divine Ape is extremely powerful, it is a self-sealing existence that has sealed the cultivation base and realm of the holy rank, but his blow is difficult to shake the divine island in the sky.

"Holy Step Formation."

The Great Desolate God Ape was extremely surprised. If he could unlock the seal on his body, he might be able to break the sealing power that enveloped the entire God Island.

However, the Great Desolate God Ape knew very well that in this state, it was absolutely impossible for him to break through the holy step formation and destroy the divine island in the sky.

The Great Desolate God Ape didn't make any more moves, which made all the monks in God Island breathe a sigh of relief.

"Old Ape, do you want to fight."

The voice of Land Xianweng came from the God Island.

"Hmph, old tortoise, dare to come out to fight."

The Great Desolate God Ape vomited that in the past few years, he had had a lot of dealings with this land immortal, he didn't need to fear this old man at all.

It was the master behind Lu Xianweng that really made the Great Desolate God Ape worry.

The Great Desolate God Ape knows the origin of the land immortal. The name of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable is too loud on the ancestor star of Bu Zhou. The land immortal walking in the world represents the Antarctic Immortal Mansion.


At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly rushed out of the God Island and struck the Great Desolate God Ape. Wherever the lightning passed, the void was directly torn apart.

As the lightning struck, a light shield suddenly appeared on the huge body of the Great Desolate God Ape, and the lightning struck the light shield.

The light shield on the Great Desolate God Ape was shaking, blocking the lightning.

"Old tortoise, I still don't dare to come out, so you can stay inside forever."

The Great Desolate Divine Ape stared at the divine island in the sky, and said coldly, his murderous aura was looming on his body, and he had obviously moved to kill the land immortal.

Powerful as the Great Desolate Ape, although he was a little worried about the person behind the Land Immortal Weng, as long as Land Immortal Weng provoked him, he would still kill him.


Lightning flashes continuously in the heavenly God Island, and waves of lightning that are as huge as a mountain ridge fall from the God Island, bombarding the Great Desolate God Ape, just like the coming of God's punishment, the power of destruction is mighty between the heaven and the earth.

"You old turtle are endless."

The Great Desolate God Ape was a little annoyed, and he directly reached out his hand to grab a mountain peak beside him, and smashed it directly towards the God Island in the sky.


The huge mountain peaks exploded in the air, and they were directly crushed by the lightning blasted from the island of God. The dust was flying, the rocks were in the sky, and there was a sudden chaos in the mountains.

"So strong..."

Some people saw this scene and started to retreat away.

"If Master is here..."

Yaoyue thought of Gu Fei, that old ape was extremely powerful, with the aura of the Holy Dao lingering in her body, although it was far away, she still had a feeling of suffocation.

With such a powerful existence, I am afraid that only Gu Fei can contend with it, but Gu Fei has not yet emerged from the inner world.

At this time, Land Immortal Weng also gradually stopped, no longer attacking the Great Desolate God Ape, because unless his brother Antarctic Immortal comes, otherwise, no one can compete with this old ape.

Although the Great Desolate Divine Ape self-seals a holy-level cultivation base and power, the body of the Divine Ape is a genuine sacrament.

"Start clearing the field, get out of here if you don't want to die."

The voice of the Great Desolate God Ape rang, and then it reached the ears of every creature in the nearby area. He was extremely powerful and wanted to monopolize the Chaos Well.


Everyone couldn't help changing their colors when they heard the words. They knew that this divine ape was originally the strongest sacred beast in the great wilderness, and it has ruled the endless years.

If the Great Desolate God Ape initiates ruthlessly, the consequences will be serious.

As a result, all creatures are retreating, even Yaoyue and others are no exception. No one doubts the ability of the Great Desolate God Ape, which is enough to sweep everyone.

"That is……"

At this moment, the great desolate **** ape suddenly stared at the old Jiao, and then, the great desolate **** ape stepped forward directly and directly stopped Yaoyue and the others.

"True dragon."

The Great Desolate God Ape stared at the old Jiao, seemingly surprised, and he didn't expect to see the real dragon.

"I have seen seniors."

Old Jiao hurriedly saluted the Great Desolate God Ape.


The Great Desolate Ape didn't say anything, and directly stretched out his big hand and grabbed it at the old Jiao.


Feeling bad, the old Jiao quickly used the eight-step speed, took a step to the side, and instantly escaped the catch of the Great Desolate Ape.


The Great Desolate God Ape was taken aback. He was surprised that this true dragon could escape his catch. How did he do it? Is it that kind of footwork?

"Oh, let me eat it so I don't suffer."

The eyes of the Great Desolate God Ape gave out a terrifying light, and said such words coldly.

True dragon essence and blood are rare artifacts for every monk. In those ancient years, many powerful people used true dragon essence and blood to sacrifice and refine many elixir that can be called heaven-defying.

Even if the blood of the true dragon is directly consumed, the cultivation level and strength of the monk can also be improved.

"You want to eat me."

Old Jiao couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, this guy was really uneasy and kind.

"Hmph, you know whose disciple he is, you dare to move him."

At this time, the Jagged Daoist stepped forward and said to the Great Desolate God Ape.

"Little ants, where are you talking, get out."

The Great Desolate Divine Ape directly swept towards the Jagged Taoist with one hand, swept the Jagged Taoist into flight, vomiting blood, and smashed into the mountain a hundred miles away.


Yaoyue and the others couldn't help being shocked, the quasi-sage-level iron-blooded Taoist was easily injured by the opponent. This divine ape was too strong and no one could compete with it.

"What is this old ape going to do."

At this time, on the heavenly island, an old man with a childlike face noticed the actions of the great desolate monkey.

Land Immortal Weng did not intervene, the Great Desolate God Ape actually stared at Gu Fei's disciple, and there was a good show.

"I care about whose disciple you are, I'll take you today."

When the Great Desolate God Ape was talking, his huge body was shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a God Ape that was half a head taller than a normal person.

While speaking, the old Jiao had already crushed a jade charm in his hand.

"Hmph, do you want to inform your master to save you? If your master dares to come, I will eat it."

The Great Desolate God Ape is crazy and proud. In front of these ants, he is the strongest god, and he can control the life and death of these ants at will.

"Really, I want to see how you eat me."

Suddenly, a voice rang behind the Great Desolate God Ape.

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