The Great Desolate God Ape made a strong move, and the nine primitive Dao patterns rushed out from his hands, and each Dao pattern was blooming with dazzling light, motivating the aura of heaven and earth to gather frantically.

This is the method of the sacred beast. It has already condensed its own nine-dimensional pattern. Of course, the accomplishments of this great wild ape in the nine-dimensional pattern are far from being compared with the Emperor Jiang Xuan, otherwise, this great wild ape is only With one shot, Gu Fei could be killed countless times.

The Nine Daowen walked towards Gu Fei's suppression, and fixed the void where Gu Fei was located. The entire void instantly turned into an invisible cage, sealing all Gu Fei's retreat.

The Nine Great Dao Patterns were imprinted on the void around Gu Fei's body, forming a destructive force from all directions towards Gu Fei, and the void was annihilated silently, terrifying.


Gu Fei sneered, his body shook, and nine chaotic Dao patterns appeared on his body. The nine chaotic Dao patterns were branded around his body, resisting the destructive power that had been eroded.

"this is……"

The face of the Great Desolate God Ape became extremely solemn, and the other party had realized the nine primitive Dao patterns, but what really shocked him was that the other party had not yet become holy.

Of course, the other party's Nine Dao Patterns have not finally taken shape, but I am afraid that it will not be far from the real formation. The Nine Chaos Dao Patterns are very clear and contain a powerful holy Dao atmosphere.

"Hmph, your understanding of Tao is so deep, that makes you even more embarrassed."

The Great Desolate God Ape felt a lot of pressure from Gu Fei, and he could see that the potential of this human race was huge. If it were allowed to grow up, it would not be a good thing for him to confront him.

"Want to kill me, you think you are the golden spirit ape."

Gu Fei said coldly, he was sealed with nine chaotic patterns around him, blocking all the destructive powers, even if it was as strong as the Great Desolate Ape, for a while, he couldn't help it.

"There is no golden spirit ape in the human world, only I have a line of cross-armed apes."

While the Great Desolate Divine Ape was speaking, the power of the great road radiating from the nine lines of patterns became stronger, and the void sealed by the nine lines of the Great Desolate Ape was as terrifying as a chaotic world was evolving.

The arm-armed ape is one of the four great apes in ancient times, and its bloodline can be called against the sky, especially the arm-armed ape. The Dacheng arm-armed ape can take the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, and possess supreme magical powers.

The Great Desolate God Ape is actually not a pure-blooded Ape, but a descendant of the Ape, whose bloodline is no longer pure.

If this Great Desolate Ape was a pure-blooded Ape, Gu Fei would be in danger.

The Golden Spirit Ape, like the Armed Ape, are the strongest innate creatures born from the chaos, but only the Golden Spirit Ape has ever appeared in the Supreme.

Although the arm-armed sacred apes are also very powerful, they have never been out of the supreme family, so their reputation is far inferior to the golden spirit apes.

At this time, the Great Desolate God Ape used all his powers, trying to use the nine primitive Dao patterns to wipe out the ancient rebirth and destroy its form and spirit.

However, Gu Fei was not an ordinary Dacheng quasi-sage. He was a powerful being who was infinitely close to the sacred order, and he also realized the nine lines. Although the nine lines were not really formed, the power fluctuations from the nine lines, but It can compete with the nine lines of the Great Desolate Ape.

"Is the Ape of Arms very powerful? I have never heard of it."

Gu Fei shook his head disdainfully.


The Great Desolate God Ape couldn't help being furious when he heard the words, this guy is too nasty, it is damned.


The nine lines struck by the Great Desolate God Ape gave out a radiant light, condensing the power of the avenue, suppressing everything, forcing Gu Fei's nine lines to gradually retreat.


Just when the Great Desolate God Ape thought his opponent was going to be killed by himself, the opponent on the opposite side unexpectedly snorted, with a cruel smile on his face.


Great Desolate God Ape felt bad.

At this moment, Gu Fei's body suddenly burst into a powerful wave of power.


The endless chaotic true power erupted in Gu Fei's body, like a super volcano suddenly erupting, unstoppable, and the nine chaotic lines showed the brightest divine light.

The power emanating from Gu Fei's Nine Patterns instantly increased more than tenfold, and the Nine Patterns of the Great Desolate God Ape could hardly suppress such a violent force.

The nine lines of the Great Desolate God Ape were shaken away, and he received a huge impact, vomiting blood, staggering backwards and withdrawing seven or eight steps.

"What's going on, how can it be..."

The shock of the Great Desolate God Ape was really extraordinary, and such a force burst out of the opponent's body, which was at least ten times higher than the original strength of the opponent.

What kind of secret is this, it can make this guy's power soar to this level in an instant.

The Great Desolate God Ape was shocked to the extreme, the violent power that burst out of the opponent shook him upside down and flew away, which is absolutely unimaginable.

With the Eucharist, he was shocked and flew away by an ant, which made the Great Desolate Ape extremely furious, and he could hardly accept this reality.

"Don't you want to eat me."

Gu Fei's voice had no emotion at all, and it was so calm that he palpitated his heart. He took a step forward and directly caught up with the Great Wild Ape who was flying away.



Gu Fei's fist was blooming with Dao patterns, and he hit the chest of the Great Wild God Ape, and the sound of broken bones was immediately heard from the Great Wild God Ape's body.

Strong as the sacred body, Du Gufei was injured by this fist, leaving a fist mark on the chest of the Great Desolate God Ape.

"Damn ants."

The Great Desolate Divine Ape received Gu Fei's punch, and the whole person was like a divine rainbow, instantly being beaten to fly ten thousand meters away, smashing a mountain.


The mountain collapsed, the sky and the earth shook, and at the same time, a monstrous purple gas rushed out from the dust in the sky, and in the purple gas, a huge ghost of ape appeared.

In the purple qi, the giant ape looked up to the sky and roared. Around the giant ape, there seemed to be countless stars falling.

"this is……"

Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this scene. He knew that this was a kind of virtual image formed by the bloodline power in that great wild ape.

The giant ape in the monstrous purple qi should be one of the four ancient great apes in the legend.

"It seems that this kind of magical ape possesses the supreme magical powers of the sun and the moon and Shuqianshan is not a lie, it is even much more powerful."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, those innate creatures bred from chaos are really powerful.

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