Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2186: Refining magical medicine

The flesh and blood of the holy-ranked beasts contain huge essences, these essences are peerless magical medicine for all cultivators. After taking them, they can improve their cultivation.

Gu Fei really set up the great cauldron, lit a fire, and threw the arm that was torn from the great desolate **** ape into the great cauldron, preparing to cook a pot of medicine.

"Master, this..."

At this time, Gu Zhong and others had already walked over and couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"You have a blessing."

Gu Fei said, and then, he attracted the spirit of life in the inner world and poured it into the great cauldron, and the great cauldron immediately burst into divine glory.

A scent of meat and medicinal scents mixed in from the cauldron, and the spirit of the smell was lifted.

"It's almost like dreaming..."

Zhong Limeng muttered to herself, Gu Fei was actually cooking the flesh and blood of the holy beast, which was too shocking for her. You know, the existence of holy step is almost invincible even in the ancient years. .

Even in this world, the powerful existence of these holy ranks had to suppress their bodies, but these holy beasts still possessed that immortal body.

If you change to an ordinary person, even if you have a magic weapon, it is absolutely difficult to hurt the divine body of a holy beast, let alone hunting the beast to make soup.

While everyone was shocked, they also had a new understanding of Gu Fei's combat power. After ten years of sitting, Gu Fei became stronger and could compete with the self-sealed holy beast.


In the distant valley, the Chaos Well was vomiting Chaos Qi, and the Great Wild Ape escaped into the Chaos Well, but did not know whether it was alive or dead.

The Jagged Taoist saw that the Chaos Well was a passage, but no one knew where this passage led.

The strong human races in the nearby area were watching. In their opinion, Gu Fei was too cruel. He even defeated the sacred beast, and now he still eats the flesh and blood of the sacred beast.

In that distant past, the human race was extremely weak and became the blood food of those powerful wild beasts, but now, everything has been reversed.

The human race is extremely powerful, and the supreme among the human race can even hunt down the strongest beasts bred from the chaos.


At this time, roars came from the cauldron, and a purple divine ape rushed out of the cauldron, spreading its teeth and dancing claws above the opening of the cauldron, trying to pounce on the people around it.

"This is the bloodline power of the Ape."

The Jagged Daoist was extremely shocked when he saw it, but it was just an arm, but it contained a ray of the spirit of a gibbous ape. This great wild ape was really extraordinary.

At least, this sacred ape has successfully awakened his own blood line inherited from the sacred ape.

The bloodline of the innate sacred beasts bred from the chaos is extremely powerful, and the descendants of these sacred beasts will return to ancestors every few generations.

The phantom of the purple divine ape quickly dissipated, turned into a little pure essence, and fell into the cauldron.

Everyone was stunned. The precious liquid of this cauldron was absolutely extraordinary. Except for Gu Zhong and others, the human monks in the distance were also jealous.

But no one dared to act rashly. You must know that even the overlord Great Desolate God Ape in the Great Desolation was not his opponent, and no one dared to make fun of his life.

Three hours later, the sacred fire below the cauldron began to extinguish, and the divine glory in the cauldron flickered, as if a huge life was gestating inside.

This kind of Yiding Treasure Medicine is really amazing. Dao patterns appear on the mouth of the Ding from time to time. It is the most primitive Dao pattern formed by the vast psychic energy in the Ding.

"All right."

Gu Fei, sitting cross-legged in front of the big tripod, stood up.


Gu Zhong, Yao Yue, and the old Jiao rushed up immediately.


The Jie Xue Daoist also hurriedly walked over with the twelve great bandits. He was jealous of such a potion of treasure. You know, this is a treasure made from the spring water of the God of Life and the flesh and blood of the sacred beast.

The average monk would be completely reborn as long as he got one drop.

"Come on, you all have a share."

Gu Fei greeted everyone, of course, this refers to Gu Zhong and the Twelve Great Bandits and others. As for outsiders, they can only look at it from a distance and are hard to approach.

This Ding Treasure Medicine was prepared by Gu Fei for everyone. Once the cultivation base reached his realm, the Treasure Medicine had no effect on him.

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Lord."

Gu Zhong and others were extremely excited.

After that, Gu Zhong couldn't wait to stretch his head directly into the cauldron, and drank a big mouthful of the precious liquid, which was a kind of spiritual circulation, showing a kind of purple precious liquid.


Gu Zhongli jumped up when he entered a large mouthful of precious liquid. A purple aura spurted out of his mouth, and the glow flickered. Then, his whole body was radiating purple aura.

An extremely large psychic energy was dissolved in his body, making him feel that he seemed to be expanding rapidly.

"The power of the medicine is too powerful."

Gu Zhong couldn't take care of that much anymore, he immediately sat down on the ground, running the profound arts, refining the psychic energy that was still increasing in his body.


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised and delighted. The medicinal power of this Ding Baoye was really extraordinary, and even Gu Zhong, the powerful Seventh Heavenly Power Emperor, could only take a sip and couldn't stand it.

Gu Zhong’s martial arts have been tempered by the holy blood and are extremely powerful, so that the new psychic energy in the body has not burst the physical body. If they were replaced by ordinary powerful seven-layered monks, they would have long been transformed into energy by the treasure liquid. Burst the flesh, the body and spirit are destroyed.

Seeing Gu Zhong's whole body steaming purple, as if the whole person was steamed, everyone couldn't help being careful.

You must know that for everyone present, only the undead Divine Phoenix body of the iron-blooded Taoist can be compared with Gu Zhong's martial body, and the flesh of other people can hardly be compared to these two.

Yaoyue and Zhong Limeng only dared to take a few drops of the precious liquid, and they had to use the profound arts to refine the new psychic energy in their bodies.

Only the Jagged Taoist drank two sips of the precious liquid, then stepped aside, refining the medicinal power in the body.

For a while, there were a dozen people with purple qi looming around Dading. The other human monks in the distance were all envious. That Ding Baoye was definitely a priceless treasure.

Although the medicinal effect of Dingzhong Treasure Liquid is not as good as the legendary undead medicine, it is still enough to shock the world, because it is a precious liquid made from the flesh and blood of a holy beast.

Gu Fei's apprentices are undoubtedly very lucky. They met Gu Fei, the master, who could get them holy blood to temper their martial arts, and they could get the flesh and blood of holy beasts to cook into precious liquid for them to eat.

The cultivation bases of Gu Zhong, Yaoyue, Lao Jiao and others can be improved to the present level in a short period of time, partly because of their hard work, but the other half is also because Gu Fei provided them with a large amount of cultivation resources. .

Undoubtedly, after taking the precious liquid in Dingzhong, Gu Zhong and the others would definitely get great benefits.

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