Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2189: Chaos Divine Land, an opportunity for sanctification

When the old nine great spirit warlords among the twelve great bandits fought against the Black Fiend Tiger, one of the ten great wild beast kings, Gu Fei still moved fast in the chaotic passage.

"What's going on, there is still no end."

Gu Fei was surprised, he had entered the chaotic passage for almost an hour, but he still did not get out of the chaotic passage.

In an hour, with his cultivation base, he has already walked tens of thousands of miles away. Could it be that this chaotic channel is not as long as tens of thousands of miles.

The situation ahead is unknown, Gu Fei did not use the eight-step extreme speed, but moved forward in the chaotic channel at a normal speed.

In the chaotic passage, the chaotic energy is mighty, even if it is as strong as Gu Fei, the divine consciousness he releases can't reach too far, and the chaotic energy can block the divine consciousness.

Below the Chaos Well, there is really a chaotic channel, which the Jagged Taoists can see, and Gu Fei can see it even more.

The Great Desolate Divine Ape escaped here, but Gu Fei would not let this divine ape so easily. This divine ape was full of treasures all over it, which could be used to refine it into a divine medicine.

The human world can only last for a thousand years. Gu Fei knew that if he wanted to compete with countless geniuses for the aura of sanctification in this world, he needed to establish his own power.

He can't do everything by himself, he needs some people to do things for him.

As long as some superpower leaders give orders, countless people will die for them. This is a very realistic phenomenon. You don't need to do it yourself to enjoy various cultivation resources.

Those peerless geniuses among the superpowers can grow up largely because of the key training of their teachers.

Although it is said that one path of cultivation, one who wants to become a truly peerless powerhouse depends on one's own efforts, but with the help of countless cultivation resources, this will have a multiplier effect.

The reason why the cultivation base of Gu Zhong and others improved so quickly was the result of Gu Fei's help. They had a good teacher.

Sometimes Gu Fei would think that these disciples of his were so happy that they had been nurtured by themselves, and the speed at which they could improve their cultivation was even faster than their own at the same time.

When they were at this stage, they were still practicing hard.

"That is……"

Just when Gu Fei remembered his hard work along the way, the chaotic aura coming from the front intensified, and the chaotic aura in the chaotic passage actually showed signs of liquefaction.

"what happened."

Gu Fei was uncertain, could it be that there was a chaotic void ahead.

Soon, Gu Fei realized that his guess seemed to be correct. There was a constant flow of chaotic energy in front of him, and he had already seen the exit of the chaotic passage.


Gu Fei did not expect that the end of the chaotic channel would really be connected to the chaotic void.

The chaotic void is the unopened void between heaven and earth. There are no laws of heaven and earth in these voids, it is a chaotic zone that has not been opened up.

Entering these chaotic zones is very dangerous, if you get lost in the chaos, it will be difficult to come out again.

Even if there is no worry about life, it will make people crazy to wander in the chaos for a lifetime. Therefore, even the existence of the saint level is not willing to enter the chaos rashly.

Because no one knows how big the chaotic land is, even a saint can get lost in it.


When Gu Fei approached, his spirit could reach out of the Chaos Channel. He was surprised. The Chaos Channel didn't seem to be the Chaos Zone.

The chaotic energy pouring into the chaotic passage from the exit of the chaotic passage formed a strong pressure, and Gu Fei could only walk forward step by step.

As powerful as him, he also felt that the chaotic wind blew his skin faintly painful, and there was a feeling of a sharp blade passing by. The strong pressure could not stop Gu Fei's steps, and he walked directly out of the chaotic passage.

Outside the Chaos Passage, there was actually a thick ground.


Gu Fei couldn't believe it. He didn't know what kind of place he had entered, but it was certain that this was not a chaotic zone.

He lifted the martial arts Tianyan and glanced around.

I saw that this was a chaotic world. In this world, chaotic energy was everywhere, and there was a strong pressure between the world.

Gu Fei only felt that his body was as heavy as being crushed by a mountain.

To say that this is a chaotic void that hasn't been opened up, and there is a thick ground under my feet, but if this is a world, it is full of chaotic energy.


Just when Gu Fei was shocked, a roar came from a distance, and the rolling sound wave made the surrounding chaotic energy rippling, like an ancient beast roaring.

"It's the Great Desolate Ape."

Hearing this roar, Gu Fei's spirit was shocked, but he was shocked immediately, he could feel a real holy rank power surging.

"How is it possible, how can the divine ape unlock the seal and restore the cultivation of the holy rank."

The strongest holy path aura came in mighty, and the entire chaotic world was shaking.

If it were to change to the human world, this world would probably have collapsed. The mighty power of the Holy Way was in the mighty, chaotic world, and there was no major collapse.

This chaotic world seems to be very stable, even if there is a powerful existence of the holy rank, it can't destroy such a world.


There was a strong wave, and the great wild ape seemed to be in trouble, roaring again and again.

Gu Fei cautiously sneaked in the direction where the sound came from, and soon he came nearby.

"That is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback by what he saw before him, and saw that in a disk ahead, the Great Wild Ape was full of endless Dao patterns, and each Dao Dao pattern was shining a bright avenue of divine light, illuminating the chaotic world.

And the powerful existence that fought against the Great Desolate God Ape was actually a dark stone man.

The chaotic energy swelled on the stone man. This stone man was definitely a holy existence, extremely powerful, fighting endless battles with the great desolate **** ape who had unlocked the seal.

"this place……"

Gu Fei sensed the true power of the Holy Way in the Great Desolate God Ape, and a sense of powerlessness rose in his heart. Such power was too strong.

"Is this place the legendary Chaos Divine Land?"

Suddenly, Gu Fei thought of a possibility.

Chaos Divine Land, not in the Three Realms, jumps out of the Five Elements, and only drifts in the chaos.

Such a divine soil, legend has it, existed before the opening of the heavens and the earth. It is the oldest divine soil between the heavens and the earth. In a divine soil, there is no law of heaven and earth, and it is in the state when the chaos first opened.

In such a special place, even the power that can destroy the sacred in the dark has no effect.

"This is the opportunity for sanctification."

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling so excited when he thought of this, he seemed to be able to hit that realm.

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