Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2197: Rejuvenation

Somewhere in the Chaos Divine Land, a young monk wearing a moon white monk robe was sneaking around.

This area is not simple. The mountains are winding endlessly. In the middle of these mountains, there is a low mountain. It is not so much a low mountain as it is a large mound.

In the mountains around the big mound, you can see some bones scattered among the rocks from time to time. There seems to be a big danger here, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The little monk was very careful. He had been walking carefully in the mountains around the big mound, as if looking for something, he did not directly step into the range of the big mound.

"There is really a earth-shattering existence buried here."

The little monk walked almost all the mountains around the big mound, and then climbed up one of the highest mountains, looking towards the big mound in front of him.

The big mound in front of him was taller than the mountain he was on. This big mound, with a radius of several tens of miles, appeared abruptly among the mountains.

The little monk muttered to himself on the top of the mountain, his eyes gleaming.

He comes from the east sacred realm and knows a lot of the secrets in the chaotic divine soil.

For some superpowers, it is not a secret that the Chaos Divine Land that appears once every ten thousand years is not a secret. You must know that these superpowers have been passed down for ten thousand years.

These superpowers have fought the Chaos Divine Land more than once, and naturally they know a lot of the secrets in the Chaos Divine Land.

There is no sun and moon in the chaotic sacred soil, and there is no sense that time is fading. In such a chaotic place, even the most basic laws of heaven and earth have not yet evolved.

The little monk pondered for a long time, then tentatively separated an incarnation and walked forward.

Although it was only an avatar, it was no different from the range of the big mound where he walked in front of him. Everything that the avatar sensed would be sensed by the body for the first time.


Just as the incarnation of the little monk had just stepped into the area of ​​the big mound, a divine light suddenly appeared without warning and swept the incarnation of the little monk directly.


The little monk couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. A drop of scarlet blood oozes from the center of his eyebrows, and an incarnation was cut, making him also shocked.


The little monk didn't dare to try again. There really is an ancient tomb with peerless strong men buried here, and this ancient tomb is enveloped by a layer of sealing power.

The ancient tomb is very old. There are no tombstones, only a large mound has been preserved, and other things have been completely corroded by the ruthless years.

The tomb of the peerless strong is definitely not a good place.

"Seal of the Holy Order..."

Although the little monk was very unwilling, he still chose to retreat temporarily, as long as he became holy, then all this would not be so difficult.

"This little bald guy is really careful."

After the little monk left, a black shadow appeared silently in the place where the little monk once stood, and muttered to himself as he watched the direction the little monk was leaving.

Afterwards, the shadow also disappeared.

The little monk walks in the chaotic sacred soil, this is a kind of training, even if a Buddhist disciple enters into the chaotic sacred soil, he must kill.

"What the **** is he looking for."

A mysterious black shadow has been following the little monk, and the mysterious person soon discovered that this little bald head didn't seem to be bumping into this divine soil.

I don't know how long it took, the little monk actually came to the foot of a big mountain.

This is a mountain that doesn't know how high it is. A lot of people can be seen around the mountain, but on the top of the mountain, there is a rare magic medicine growing.

This time, the little monk came here for the magical medicine on the top of the mountain.


Just when the little monk was approaching the mountain top, a roar suddenly sounded, and then a dragon shadow rushed out from the mountain top, the real dragon breathed.

"The Shou Buddha Immea."

Seeing this scene, the little monk couldn't help being shocked. The dragon-shaped creature was not a real dragon, but an old dragon with dragon horns.

This old dragon is extremely powerful, and it is definitely an old emperor in this chaotic divine soil. In the chaotic divine soil, there are not many existences that can truly overwhelm this old dragon.

The little monk retreated directly, but the speed of the old dragon was really fast, and it was like a shadow, and it was difficult to really get away from this old dragon.

Without any suspense, the war broke out.


Void shook, and the little monk's body was shining with billions of golden Buddha light, and the phantom of a giant Buddha appeared in this side of the world.

"Buddha is with me."

The little monk's right palm directly patted the old Jiao who was rushing.


Following the movements of the little monk, the huge Buddha shadow that emerged from his body was also shot forward with a palm, and the giant bergamot like a mountain shrouded the old dragon under the bergamot.

In the palm of the Buddha's hand, there are ten thousand-character Buddha seals looming.

The old Jiao seemed to sense the danger, and opened his mouth to spit out a divine bead and hurled it towards the shrouded bergamot.

There is a shocking true dragon power inside the divine bead. In the void around the divine bead, dragon shadows are constantly looming, and there are looming dragons in the void.

"Dragon Ball."

The little monk could not help being surprised and delighted when he saw the old Jiao spit out the Divine Orb. He never expected that an old Jiao who had not yet turned into a real dragon had already conceived a Dragon Ball in his body.

Obviously, the old Jiao was suppressing his own cultivation.


With a loud noise, the divine bead that radiated terrifying dragon energy fluctuations hit the Buddha's hand photographed from the sky, and two extremely powerful forces collided.

The emptiness is rippling and not annihilated.

This is Chaodu Divine Land. Compared to the outside world, this chaotic world is no longer known how many times more stable it is.

If it was changed to the outside world, when the little monk collided with the power of the old flood, I am afraid that the entire world of void would be annihilated.

The old Jiao's cultivation base is unfathomable, and the dragon ball spouted from his mouth directly defeated the bergamot shot from the sky, and still smashed at the little monk.

"Holy beast."

The little monk was taken aback, the opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Without any hesitation, the little monk was directly shaken away, and then turned and left. He didn't dare to stay at all. When he encountered the holy beast, he didn't need to fight.

Before being sanctified, even the most stunning existence could hardly contend with the real holy rank powerhouses. The real holy rank powerhouses are far from being comparable to those who self-seal a holy rank cultivation base.


The old Jiao chased and killed the little monk directly. This little human race dared to offend himself, peeping at the magic medicine he was taking care of, and he was simply bored.

This big mountain is the site of the old Jiao, and the magical medicine on the top of the mountain is also guarded by the old Jiao. This kind of magical medicine is absolutely invaluable to the old Jiao.

Between the little monk and the old Jiao chasing, they quickly disappeared at the end of the sky.


At this moment, the mysterious person who had been cautiously hiding on the side walked out, glanced in the direction where the little monk and the old flood were disappeared, and then rushed directly towards the top of the mountain.

Soon, this mysterious man escaped the traps set by the old Jiao and successfully climbed to the top of the mountain.

"this is……"

I saw a blood-colored stone on the top of the mountain, growing a small tree only a few feet high. It was a blood-red small tree, and on the small tree, there was a blood-colored fruit.

The fruit is about the size of a fist, and a layer of red aura is looming on the fruit.

"Blood flat peach."

When the man saw the fruit, he couldn't help being moved. This is a rare magic medicine in the world. Although it is not an undead medicine, it also has a magical effect against the sky.

It's no wonder that the old Jiao was so furious when he saw the little monk daring to rush up the mountain. This **** peach was so important to the old Jiao.

This is a person who can extend his life, make him grow old, regain his vitality and rejuvenate.

Blood flat peach has another name, it is called rejuvenating fruit. It is shocking that such a fruit tree grows on the top of this mountain.

The old Jiao had lived for endless years, and this **** peach was enough to make him live in the second life.

"Hey, it's cheaper for me."

The black-clothed mysterious man directly took out a jade box from his body, and then stepped forward to pluck the blood-colored sacred fruit. After that, he also displayed his magical powers and took the blood-colored boulder together with the one rooted on the boulder. Zhu Shenshu moved into the inner world.

The blood flat peach is ripe and ready to be picked.


Just when the black-clothed mysterious man moved the sacred tree into the inner world, a earth-shattering roar came from the distant sky, and an extremely powerful holy step aura came.


The mysterious man in black suddenly changed color, and he directly used the great movement technique and quickly escaped.

"Damn human race..."

Yuankong charged an old Jiao.

The old Jiao saw that the blood flat peach on the top of the mountain had disappeared. There was only a big hole where the blood flat peach tree was, which made him almost vomit blood.

His eyes were red, he was in the game, and the other party led him away, but then the other party's companion sneaked up the mountain while he was leaving, and dug away the blood flat peach and the flat peach tree.

"Kill, I will kill you all."

The old Jiao roared into the distance.

He has been guarding this flat peach tree on the mountain for nearly ten thousand years. When the blood flat peach was mature, he was stolen by someone even with the flat peach tree. How could this not make him crazy.

"Haha, this cheap pick is big, this **** flat peach is a rare thing even in ancient times."

In a mountain tens of thousands miles away from the mountain, the mysterious man in black was extremely surprised. This **** peach was a life-saving thing for the monk.

This kind of divine fruit can make monks live in the second life.

Even saints must be jealous. You must know that even saints will fall. If there is such a divine fruit, those saints who are about to fall can come back to life again.

To a moderate degree, this kind of magic fruit is comparable to the magic medicine of death.

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