Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2217: Fierce

Gu Fei fought against the No. 1 God General, the whole world was shaking, and the powerful force shattered the void, and the cracks in the dark space appeared like black lightning.

"too strong."

At this time, the Jagged Daoist had retreated far away. He couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. The saint was really terrifying, and it was not comparable to the quasi saint.

Even if it can't show the cultivation base and combat power of the holy rank, the powerful saint body power is enough to destroy the quasi-sage of Dacheng.

This is the gap, the insurmountable gap.


At this moment, those hundreds of strong men had already killed the iron-blooded Daoist. They were a group of gods under the command of the Antarctic Xianfu, and each of them was a master of Megatron.

Among these hundreds of powerful people, the weakest in cultivation are all semi-sages. It can be seen that the foundation of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion is really profound.


The Jagged Daoist sneered. Although he lost to the No. 1 God General, it didn't mean that he was not an opponent of these people.


The iron-blooded Taoist shocked the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand, and the eight Phoenix Dao patterns immediately rushed out of the Phoenix Tribulation, turning into a head bird, and rushing towards the hundreds of powerful men who had charged.


The sky and the earth shook, and it was as if eight rounds of divine sun appeared under the sky. The terrifying divine phoenix real fire broke out, and half of the sky was red from the fire.


Among the hundreds of people on the opposite side, there was a sound of golden iron trembling, and then, a bright sword light soared into the sky, strangling towards the eight rounds of Shenyang.

The sword aura was 30,000 li, and the sword light was dazzling, as if it had split the world in half.

That kendo master shot, Senhan's sword aura was heart palpitating, a sword cut, actually showed an invincible terrifying fighting intent.

That kendo master was really strong, and with a sword in his hand, all the golden suns formed by the eight phoenix patterns were resisted.

"it is good."

The hearts of the Jie Xue Dao people are shaking, and the opponents are many and powerful. Among these people, there are indeed a few powerful existences whose combat power is not under their own.


There was a roar, and just as the kendo master resisted the iron-blooded Taoist Phoenix Tribulation, a figure full of evil spirits rushed out of the crowd.


The man was crazy and rushed directly from the "shenyang" formed by the eight phoenix patterns, and hit the iron-blooded Taoist with a punch.

Void shook, and a black dragon shadow rushed out of the man's fist, and instantly turned into a ten thousand-foot black dragon, exuding a ferocious aura to the extreme, and rushed towards the Jagged Taoist.

"It's you madman."

The Jie Xue Dao Ren couldn't help being surprised when he saw that person. This person was one of the most powerful people in this group.


The iron-blooded Taoist directly suppressed it with the phoenix robbery in his hand, and the ten-thousand-foot black dragon that had hit him immediately exploded in the void.

Without any words, the iron-blooded Taoist fought with the murderous man, and the group of Shenyang radiated divine fire, floating around him.

The swordsman is also taking action, the bright sword light constantly collides with the eight groups of Shenyang.

There was a kendo master and the murderer, and everyone else retreated far away. If the two of them couldn't kill the iron-blooded Taoist, then the others would be even more impossible.

Just when the Jagged Daoist faced the two great powers, the First God General had already driven the Nine Sword Killing Array, and the battle with Gu Fei had reached a white-hot stage.


The bright sword light rushed for thousands of feet, like nine heavenly swords, slashing towards Gu Fei, the formation was moving, and the powerful fluctuations were in all directions.

This kind of power, although not reaching the level of the holy rank, is still astonishing enough. This kind of combat power is absolutely infinitely close to the holy rank.

Only by self-sealing a holy rank cultivation base can it be done.


Gu Fei laughed in the Nine Sword Killing Array, and the nine brilliant sword lights strangling towards him, the power of destruction could even shatter the void.

However, such an attack was still not enough to see in front of Gu Fei. He waved his fists, punched out with one punch, the punch was slow, but there was a power that turned corruption into a miracle.

Gu Fei showed his invincible fists and used his own power to fight the Nine Sword Killing Array. The ancient swords of the Nine Handle Town Array were blasted away by Gu Fei with his fists.

This scene was extremely shocking, and everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned. It is really hard to imagine that a person's physical body can be cultivated so powerful.

Gu Fei ran rampant in the Nine Sword Killing Array, even with the ability of the first **** general, it was difficult for Gu Fei to help him for a while.

"You are actually a descendant of Wuzu."

The first **** will scream in surprise. At this time, he realized the origin of Gu Fei, this person actually got the inheritance of the supreme martial ancestor.

The power of the sacrament of martial arts, as the first **** of the ancient sage, will know very well that this is definitely a saint in human form.


Gu Fei had no words, but printed a palm towards the First God General. He shot the sky-shielding hand, and the big chaotic hand appeared in the void in front of him, covering the entire world.


The Great Chaos Hand revealed a peerless and powerful wave of power, which was wiped out from the sky towards the First God, and the vast emptiness turned into nothingness.


As the killing formation revolved, a tremolo sounded from the void, and the first **** would fully drive the Nine Sword Killing Formation, and the Nine Handed Town Formation Divine Sword emitted unprecedented powerful sword energy fluctuations.

That was the divine sword of the nine-handed holy rank. At this moment, the power of the nine-handed holy sword seemed to have completely awakened.

Numerous Dao patterns emerged in the Nine Sword Killing Array, and the first **** would make an all-out effort to push the power of the Nine Sword Killing Array to the strongest state, and greet the great chaos descending from the sky.


Two earth-shattering forces collided together, this was a big bust, where the cathartic storm of destruction passed, shattered everything, and nothing could be kept.

The Nine Swords Killing Array resisted Gu Fei's hand covering the sky.

However, even though the great chaos hand was blocked, the mighty power from the big hand wiped out the formation pattern of the entire killing array by a fraction of the time, greatly reducing the power of the killing array.

"This man is too fierce."

Some of the ancient sages who watched the battle in the distance were stunned. Gu Feiqiang was a bit outrageous. It was hard to imagine that this person had just become a holy.

"This Gu Fei..."

Far in the sky and above the sky, in the divine island, Land Immortal Weng was also shocked. The combat power displayed by the opponent was too amazing, which was not a good thing for him and the entire Antarctic Immortal Mansion.

At this time, Land Immortal really regretted it, he never thought that Gu Fei would become a holy, maybe he really shouldn't be provoked by this evil star.

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