Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2219: The Island of God

Just when Gu Fei was fighting the First God General, a sneaky figure touched the island of God above the sky, silently, and did not attract anyone's attention.


At this time, the Jagged Daoist also fought against the people under the First God General. His murderous aura was so powerful that he was against the two powerhouses who were not under him.


A fierce man with a disheveled hair was roaring like a madness, like a wild beast, his body exuded a wild and incomparable aura, and he constantly rushed towards the Jagged Taoist fiercely.

This is a man who is like a fierce beast, jumping and moving, sometimes as if going out to sea like a blue dragon, unstoppable, sometimes as agile as a condor, flying high.

A man who is like a fierce beast is an alternative. This simple and direct action shows incredible power.


A corner of the iron-blooded Taoist sleeve was torn off by the murderous man, and the iron-blooded Taoist felt a hot sensation on his forearm.

He quickly lowered his head and saw that five dark red finger marks appeared on the forearm of his left arm.


The Jagged Daoist was shocked and angry, and he shook the Phoenix Jie in his hand and forced the murderer away.

Just when the Jagged Taoist was forced to retreat the murderous man, the kendo master made a move, the bright sword light rushed thousands of feet, turned into a big dragon, and rushed towards the Jagged Taoist.

"The sword gas turns the dragon."

The Jagged Daoist couldn't help his heart beating when he saw this scene. This kendo master did have an extraordinary place on the way to the kendo. This guy had the confidence to kill everything with a sword in his hand.


The iron-blooded Taoist urged the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand, and a series of fire spirits rushed out from the simple holy artifact, intertwined into a layer of light net, and protected themselves under the light net.

The dragon-shaped sword qi pounced directly from above the sky.


With a loud noise, the Dragon Shadow Sword slammed into the protective light around the Jiexuedao human body, and the entire void was shaking, and a series of pitch-black space cracks centered on the two people, spreading in all directions.

The Jagged Taoist was slashed from the sky by the sword master.


The iron-blooded Taoist roared up to the sky, and his evil spirit was mighty. Since his debut, he has really never encountered a sword cut from the sky.

"Ten Fangzheng."

The Jagged Daoist held the Phoenix Jie and headed towards the sword master Zhenfeng.

The Eight Divine Patterns rushed out of the Phoenix Tribulation in the hands of the iron-blooded Taoist, and instantly sealed a place of heaven and earth, and the void of heaven and earth seemed to be solidified.

The kendo master shook his body for a while, and his movements slowed down unexpectedly.


The kendo master was taken aback.

At this moment, the iron-blooded Taoist had already slew in front of him, holding the Phoenix Tribulation, and slammed down on the sword master.


With a muffled sound, the kendo master was smashed directly from the sky by the iron-blooded Taoist, smashing the ground into a big hole.

The Jagged Daoist is extremely powerful, after smashing the kendo master, he shot directly at the murderer.

The murderous man was so fierce, as if he didn't know what the fear was, he still attacked and killed Gu Fei, and the fierce power he showed was palpable.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The iron-blooded Taoist used his great technique to urge the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand, and an extremely powerful imprisoning force spread from the Phoenix Tribulation.

There was no suspense, the iron-blooded Taoist took the advantage of the murderous person's body to stop for a while, and only punched the murderous person to vomit blood and fly away.

The iron-blooded Taoist cultivated the phoenix art, and his body was also very strong. If he was hit by a punch, it would definitely not be a good thing.


A pair of golden wings appeared on the Jagged Daoist's back. They were the wings of Phoenix's strength, not real wings.

The pair of wings shook, and the iron-blooded Taoist body instantly disappeared. The next moment, he instantly appeared above the murderous man who was flying out.


The iron-blooded Daoist was beating with golden sacred fire, and he seemed to transform into a nine-day divine phoenix, pounced from the sky, tearing his hands towards the murderous man.

The murderer screamed, and was actually torn in half by the iron claws of the iron-blooded Taoist, blood splattered, and the blood was nauseous and vomiting.

"You are fierce, I am more fierce than you."

The words of the iron-blooded Taoist were extremely cold. At this time, in the blood mist, a divine light was looming, trying to escape, but the iron-blooded Taoist directly defeated the divine light.

Both form and spirit are destroyed, this is the monk's method of death.


Just when the iron-blooded Taoist killed the person who looked like a fierce beast, the kendo master killed him again.

Jiexuedao's body was full of brilliant sword lights, these sword lights intertwined into a big net, trapped him in the big net, and the sword master was trying his best.

At this time, on Gu Fei's side, Gu Fei displayed all kinds of martial arts combat skills, which actually forced the First God General to keep retreating, and did not dare to shake him hard.

The Chaos Martial Body is extremely powerful, even if it is as strong as the first **** general, it is shocked to the extreme, this is definitely an indestructible treasure.


Nine swords light rushed into the sky, and the nine sword killing array was in motion, showing the terrifying power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and the void was annihilated.

The First God will no longer be easy, he is desperate, can force the First God will not be able to desperate people, there are really few such people in this world.

Obviously, Gu Fei is one of them.

In the Nine Sword Killing Array, there are nine chaotic Dao patterns looming around Gu Fei's body. The Nine Dao patterns seal the void of the world where Gu Fei is located, and block all the destroying sword light from the chopping. .

This original nine-dao pattern is really magical. As Gu Fei got more and more in-depth to understand these nine original doo-patterns, his understanding of his own avenues was constantly improving.

The Nine Dao Rune has great power, and it can even contend with the power that can destroy the sage.


Just when Gu Fei was about to display his assassin and intend to end the war, a loud noise suddenly came down in Gao Tianzhi.

He quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a divine island shaking violently above the sky. Numerous formation patterns rushed out of the divine island and then disappeared into the void.


An angry roar was uploaded from the divine island in the sky.

"Who the **** dared to run wild in my place."

That was the voice of Land Immortal Weng, and the voice was full of murderous aura. At this time, Land Immortal Weng really wanted to kill people, because the formation on his **** island was actually breaking down, and his subordinates would return. The medicine field was patronized, and all the elixir was looted.

Hearing this news, Lu Xianweng almost vomited blood.

(The ancient world, a good fantasy novel, friends who like this type of novel may wish to check it out, haha,)

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