Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2221: Looting

The Seven Killing Array began to operate, and the pattern of the Killing Array continued to spread. Soon, the entire Killing Array even enveloped the entire God Island.

"Old man, fight with me, you are not qualified yet, haha."

In the killing formation, Hei Tian laughed.

The Master Formation Master is not a vegetarian. With this method of forming an empty formation, Hei Tian is confident that he can compete with all the strong below the saint.

"Damn it."

Land Immortal Weng hated and mad, the surrounding world was completely darkened, and the cloud of tribulation in the sky was sinking toward him, like a real tribulation coming.

This kind of majesty of heaven and earth, as long as there is no sanctification, it is difficult to contend with it. Under heaven, all living beings are ants, even quasi-sages, quasi-sages, before the fullness of the heavens, are just stronger ants.

"Little friend, you are too much."

At this moment, a purple figure soared from the island of God to the high sky. This person was full of purple divine blossoms, like a round of purple divine sun appearing in the seven lore array. Very dazzling.

"Which green onion are you?"

Hei Tian stood in the void and said cursingly, he was hidden in the killing formation, and the opponent could not see him, but he could see him.

"Disperse people in Ziyang."

The purple-clothed man said, his voice was incomparable, and the other party must have been shocked when he heard his name. You know, in Zhou Zuxing, all the older generations of strong people know him, even if they don’t know him, they should have heard of his reputation. .

"What about Ziyang and Hongyang, your uncle has never heard of it."

Heitian said.


Upon hearing this, the arrogant face of Ziyang Sanren suddenly turned into consternation. He only felt that his face was hot, and there was a feeling of anger and anger.

"This kid..."

The scattered people in Ziyang were choked by the black weather.

"Hey, what Ziyang's, since you have thrown yourself into the trap, your uncle, I will reluctantly, and I will send you and the old man to the Paradise of Bliss."

Hei Tian said nonchalantly, seeming to be talking about a trivial matter.


Land Immortal Weng roared, this guy dared to underestimate himself so much, it was damned.

Even that Ziyang Sanren was also angry.

"Well, there seem to be many treasures on this island."

Hei Tian no longer paid attention to the Nourish Sanren and Land Immortal Weng trapped in the killing array. He noticed that there were some places on the divine island below that there were bright lights looming, and his eyes lit up immediately.


Land Xianweng couldn't help changing his color when he heard the words. He was the owner of this sacred island. He naturally knew what was stored on this sacred island, and some of these things did not belong to him.

"Haha, old man, you really are a local tyrant, but a big local tyrant."

Hei Tian smiled. He had yin and yang **** eyes. At a glance, it was difficult to hide the treasure light. On the **** island below, there were at least three places where treasure qi leaked.

"If you dare to move those things, I can guarantee that you will never survive."

Land Immortal's voice was extremely cold, and his tone was full of murderous intent.

"Hey, I can't live anymore, this is my business, you should take care of yourself."

Hei Tian said that he rushed directly to the God Island below. At this time, the Seven Killing Array was already in operation, and he didn't need to control it himself.

At this time, the island of God has become a mess, violent storms, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and various celestial phenomena are raging. If it were not for the guardianship of the formation on the island, all the pavilions on the island would probably be destroyed.

"Haha..., you black uncle is here."

Hei Tian laughed and fell from the sky, just like the big devil who just emerged from the trap.

"Those who trespassed on the island of God died."

At the moment Hei Tian fell to the ground, a loud shout rang from the side, and then Hei Tian heard a very faint sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Hei Tian didn't turn around at all, his right hand just flicked backwards, and a scream immediately sounded. Then, a figure flew away and hit the ground, not knowing whether it was death or life.

"Hmph, the little ants dare to scatter wild in front of the dragon."

Hei Tian said disdainfully.

"Kill him for me."

Above the sky, the voice of Land Immortal Weng came.

All the cultivators on the God Island immediately rushed towards the place where Hei Tian was, all wanting to slay this guy who descended from the sky, so as to get the attention of the land immortal.

Land Immortal Weng's position in the Antarctic Immortal Mansion is detached. Whoever can get his appreciation will have a bright future.

"Damn, your uncle is afraid of you if there are too many people."

As Hei Tian said, evolving yin and yang, a yin and yang **** figure emerged from his body, the power of yin and yang was intertwined, and the void around him was distorted.


At this moment, a ball of fire smashed towards the black sky, and the heat spreading from the fire ball was terrifying, but the void became a little unstable.

"Three flavors are really hot."

Hei Tian disappeared in the same place instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already rushed into the group of people who had killed himself like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Suddenly there were screams and shouts, and there was blood and light in the crowd. Hei Tian was very strong. Those people were not opponents at all. After a few breaths, most of the people died in Hei Tian's fists. Above.

"Rice buckets, rice buckets, are a bunch of rice buckets, what's the use of me raising you."

The voice of Land Immortal Weng was uploaded from the sky, and Heitian was going to looting the God Island again, which was definitely not a good thing for him.


The Seven Jue Killing Array is in motion, and the thunder is coming, as if crossing the tribulation, the land immortal is trapped in the Seven Jue Array, and it is difficult to get out of the trap for a while.

This big formation can gather all directions of auras independently, multiplying the power of the killing formation.

The purple-clothed man also roared again and again at this time, and he was also in big trouble. The power of the seven celestial phenomena was too strong, even if they had heavy treasures on them, it would be difficult to break through this killing formation.

At this time, Heitian was honest and polite. He broke open a pavilion directly, and amidst the half-destroyed pavilion, the light burst into the sky and aura lingered.

Magic medicines and magic weapons have everything you need, even if you are practicing exercises, you have a lot to collect.

Hei Tian did not hesitate, seeing the treasure that was like a hill, he was extremely excited, and then took all the contents into his inner world.

This sacred island is simply a sacred treasure, and there are many good things on the sacred island.


At this moment, there were shouts of killing from the outside of the Seven Killing Array, and it seemed that countless powerful men were rushing towards the island of God, and the terrifying murderous aura changed the colors of the world.

Outside the Seven Lore Array, the battle continues. Gu Fei and the First God will fight desperately. They each displayed all their best and displayed all kinds of great skills. They fought into the depths of the mountain and shocked the powerful and fierce in the depths of the mountain. The beast ran away.

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