Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2223: Starry sky endless

Gu Fei’s incarnation of the Immortal Venerable is a true sacred body of the Immortal Venerable.

A breath came from the Saint Body of the Immortal Venerable, which made the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable on the opposite side very jealous. He never expected that the other party had such a combat body.

The avatar of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable has already seen that Gu Fei’s avatar is different, it seems that it is not a clone, but the deity is the same.

How can I feel this way.

This made the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun puzzled. He couldn't imagine that this clone of Gu Fei was not an ordinary clone.

On that day, Gu Fei's Yuanshen Dao womb was born and became the master of this Immortal Venerable Eucharist. To a certain extent, this is beyond the scope of a general clone, like a brand new life form.

Gu Fei's primordial corpse and the sacred body of the immortal were completely integrated, and gradually controlled the sacred body of the immortal.

Through this method, Gu Fei had successfully separated the primordial spirit that belonged to the Immortal Dao in his body. In this way, there would be no two different powers above his Chaos Martial Body.

Immortal Dao and Martial Dao no longer coexist in Gu Fei's body.

"You should be on the star of Zu Zhou, the master of Antarctic Immortal Mansion."

Gu Fei’s Holy Body said that Land Immortal is the younger brother of Antarctic Immortal, and it is not surprising that Antarctic Immortal left an incarnation to protect Land Immortal.

"Know where I came from, you still don't get out."

The incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable is very strong, even facing the sacred body of the Immortal Venerable Gu Fei.

"Haha, you guys really do not live or die, and you are the one who is going to kneel down and beg for mercy."

Hei Tian smiled. He knew very well that Gu Fei would never do anything uncertain. Since he had already taken action, it meant that he had no fear of this guy.

"If that's the case, then you go to die."

The tone of the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun became cold, and then, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it directly toward Heitian and Gu Fei.


With a blast, the palm of the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable rushed out of the palm of the eighteen groups of dazzling divine light, like eighteen stars in the sky appearing between the sky and the earth, revealing a wave of extreme star power. .

"Stars in the palm."

Hei Tian couldn't help but jump when he saw this scene, and his pupils contracted involuntarily.


Hei Tian didn't dare to neglect, he attracted the power of the seven killer formations, the seven paths represent wind, fire, thunder, rain, snow and frost, and the divine light of seven celestial phenomena descended from the sky, and went through the hole toward the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal.

At the same time, Hei Tian quickly retreated, and the power of the stars from the eighteenth group of divine light was too strong, shattering the void, and he had to retreat.


The seven divine lights directly penetrated the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun. Seven large holes appeared in the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun. However, the scene that made Gu Fei and Heitian stunned appeared.

The seven holes in the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable were healed quickly, but within a few breaths, the seven large holes disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Hei Tian's heart trembled, and even Gu Fei's Xianzun Saint Body's expression became serious.

"Haha, my eldest brother actually left an immortal incarnation here, you are dead."

Land Immortal laughed.

The Antarctic Immortal Venerable is mysterious and unpredictable. Even Land Immortal Weng does not know how far his elder brother's cultivation has gone, but Land Immortal knows that his eldest brother has cultivated into an immortal incarnation.

"Indestructible Avatar."

Hei Tian couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, but at this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much. The eighteen groups of divine light turned into stars, sealing the sky and the void, and actually resisted the power of the seven lore array.


Gu Fei’s incarnation of the Immortal Venerable directly rose into the sky and punched out, and the powerful Immortal Venerable Eucharist power erupted. The eighteen “stars and mornings” in the sky immediately shook, and then a gap was punched out by this punch. , Six "stars" were shaken off.


The incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable saw Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Eucharist only defeated his great skill with one punch, and couldn't help being surprised. This opponent was very strong.

"I want to see how you are immortal."

The eyebrows of Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body lit up, and a purple vertical mark appeared, as if a sky eye was about to open, the vertical mark was shaking.

"The Nine Secrets of Immortality."

The incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable sensed the fluctuations from Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Body, and couldn't help being shocked. The other party actually cultivated the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao.

This time the trouble is big.

The incarnation of Antarctic Xianzun was secretly shocked.


At this moment, Gu Fei's Xianzun Saint Body brow burst out with a purple divine light, and that purple divine light turned into a purple divine sword and slashed towards the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun.

On the purple divine sword, there is a great road **** pattern looming, and there seems to be a great road divine sound from the divine sword, resonating with the great road of heaven and earth.

"The Great Dao Sword of Yuanshen is indeed the Nine Secret of Immortal Dao."

At this time, the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable no longer doubted that the other party had cultivated into one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, which made him unbelievable.

You know, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao have been incomplete in the ancient years, and in this world, these nine secrets are considered to have been lost by the cultivation world.

However, the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable couldn't imagine that the Ninth Secret of the Immortal Dao, which was thought to have been lost, reappeared.

"The starry sky is endless."

The incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun performed a great technique, and a starry sky appeared around his body, and then instantly spread.

In an instant, the starry sky that spread from above the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable actually enveloped everyone in it. Even the God Island and the seven lore formations under the black sky seemed to be all at once. Was moved to the endless starry sky.


Seeing the surrounding environment change in an instant, Heitian was shocked. Could it be that this guy actually took himself into the inner world in an instant? If it really is, it would be bad.

Hei Tian refines the cave sky left by the ancient sages on the red star that day. He is very clear about the power of the inner world. If it is taken into the inner world, it will become meat on other people's cutting boards.

You know, in the opponent's inner world, the opponent is the supreme **** in this side of the world, and can mobilize all the power of this side to kill the opponent.

At this time, Hei Tian was shocked to discover that the Seven Killing Array he had laid down was collapsing, because in this endless starry sky, the Seven Killing Array could not gather a trace of aura.

"Is it really against the sky."

Heitian's face became hard to look.


Lu Xianweng's laughter came.

I saw that the Land Immortal Weng and the Ziyang Sanren had escaped, and the Land Immortal Weng even beckoned and took away the three divine objects that were moving fast in the void.

"My dragon blood **** gold."

Heitian couldn't help being frightened and angry when he saw Lu Xianweng taking away the three gods.

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