Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2226: The power of the celestial body

The ancient Dao map woven by the nine original Dao patterns showed insignificant power. The Dao map enveloped the sky and the entire starry sky.


The starry sky is shaking, countless stars are blooming with bright stars, and the terrifying destructive power is mighty.

"This Gu Fei is dead, even if it is against the sky, it is impossible to receive this blow."

Lu Xianweng was shocked to the extreme. He never expected that his elder brother would have such a method, and the power of the Dao map composed of the nine primitive Dao patterns was too powerful.

"The Nine Dao Lines can still be used in this way. Today is considered to be a lesson."

Gu Fei’s Immortal Venerable Eucharist was talking to himself, and the other party’s understanding of the Nine Dao Patterns was clearly superior to himself, which was definitely not a good thing for him.

The ancient Tao Tu spreads infinitely, covering the endless starry sky.


Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body roared, and directly displayed the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, a purple divine light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, breaking through the world.

The Yuanshen Taoist sword smashed the void and cut the starry sky out of a huge hole that was hundreds of feet long. Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Body directly broke through the Antarctic Immortal Venerable's great technique and rushed out.


The moment Gu Fei rushed out of the endless starry sky evolved from the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable, a roar rang out.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body saw a big hand that radiated a monstrous divine light, and patted it directly towards him. On the big hand, there were Dao patterns looming.

The golden light enveloped the world, the void was annihilated, and the power of destruction was vast and terrifying. The person who shot was an existence wearing a black armor.

"what happened."

When Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Body saw the person who shot, he couldn't help being surprised. The person wearing the black armor turned out to be the number one general.

Isn't the First God going to fight his deity? What's the matter?

Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Eucharist was frightened. At this moment, a loud roar came from the distant mountains. Wherever the divine fire soared into the sky, the power fluctuations were extremely strong.

At the same time, Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body sensed the existence of the deity.


When he sensed the situation of the deity, he was shocked to the extreme. It turned out that the First God General had set up an ancient formation and trapped Gu Fei's deity inside.

It was a peerless killing array created by an ancient sage, which could provoke the power of fire between heaven and earth to kill opponents.

At this time, the corpses of the strong men who died in battle can be seen everywhere in the mountains, and the people of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion are still fighting the iron-blooded Taoists.

That Jagged Taoist is not easy to provoke.

"If you want to kill me, then you have the consciousness of being killed by me."

The iron-blooded Taoist said such words, his body was stained with blood, the robe on his body had been soaked in blood, and he still had wounds that were difficult to heal.

This is a Dao injury caused by the power of Dao, and it is difficult to heal.


The Jagged Daoist's murderous intent was shocking. At this time, he was surrounded by more than a dozen strong men, and he roared and rushed continuously among these people.

Hundreds of people originally encircled and suppressed the iron-blooded Taoists. At this time, there were only a dozen people left. The others had been wounded and died.

"Dying struggling, I want to see how many lives you have."

The voice of the kendo expert was extremely cold, and radiant sword lights burst out from him, like a heavenly sword, constantly hacking towards the iron-blooded daoist.

The powerful fluctuation of sword energy is heart palpitating.

This is a terrifying strong man, but this strong man also had injuries on his body. A piece of his clothes was torn off on his back, and the five **** wounds had not yet healed.

The fierce man who was like a fierce beast had been killed by the Jagged Taoist man.

In order to kill the murderous man, the iron-blooded Taoist paid a heavy price, and was almost beaten back by the murderous man, suffered heavy injuries and almost fell.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky, and then, a big hand dropped from the sky and blasted towards the killing array of the deity who trapped Gu Fei.


A great destruction occurred in the mountains, the force of terror obliterated everything, and the mountains continued to explode, directly turning into dust and dissipating in the world.

Like the destruction of the world, it is terrifying to the extreme.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

"this is……"

The Jagged Taoist felt a familiar aura, and couldn't help being surprised.

In the mountains, countless array patterns are dissipating, the sacred fire that soars into the sky begins to dissipate, and amidst the sacred fire, you can see a blazing phoenix dissipating.

Ten Divine Phoenixes exploded in the flames.

"Ten Phoenix Burning Sky Great Array."

With an exclamation, a young man in black appeared above the sky. He was shocked to the extreme when he saw the scene below. He recognized this killing formation.

At this time, everything that had disappeared from the sky reappeared in front of everyone.

"Success to death."

The words of the clone of the Antarctic Xianzun were extremely cold, and the ancient road map that he had evolved from the original nine lines was still suppressed towards Gu Fei's sacred body.

As soon as the ancient road map came out, it immediately sealed a world of heaven and earth, and it became infinitely larger, covering the entire world, and the mighty destructive power.

This power can definitely obliterate everything, this is the strongest kind of ultimate killing technique that the clone of Antarctic Immortal Venerable can show.

"How could it be that the Antarctic Immortal Mansion actually mastered this ancient technique."

Above the sky, there are many old antiques watching the battle. Some of them recognized the most powerful technique displayed by the incarnation of the Antarctic Xianzun.

The ancient road map seems to have attracted the ancient power, giving people an invincible feeling, as if the saint is as weak as an ant in front of this ancient road map.

"This is a powerful technique beyond the holy rank."

An old-fashioned existence said such words.

The killing technique created on the basis of the original Nine Dao Patterns was really terrifying, even Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Eucharist also felt a great threat.

"There is no real holy rank in this world. If you want to kill me, dream."

When Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Eucharist was speaking, there was a burst of divine sound from his body, as if countless sages were chanting in his body.


A shocking power erupted from his body. This was the power of the Immortal Venerable's Eucharist, which was guided by Gu Fei's secret technique. At this moment, the strength of Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable's Eucharist soared by at least a few. Times.

The power of the powerful Eucharist caused the void around him to vibrate, and a series of pitch-black cracks appeared constantly, and this world was almost unable to bear his incomparably powerful Eucharist.


The incarnation of Antarctica Xianzun couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene. He couldn't believe that the other party still had room for it.

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