Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2233: Close

Xuantong's holy way aura was vast for 100,000 li, and at that moment, the ancient sages in the chaotic divine soil all sensed this powerful aura.

"Ancient sage has descended on Chaos Divine Land again."

There are geniuses from the ancestors of life in awe, no matter how amazing they are, how invincible they are at the same level, as long as they are not sanctified for a day, they are ants in front of these ancient sages.

"Also let people live."

Some geniuses lamented that this was originally an opportunity for them to become holy, but now an ancient sage appears in the chaotic divine soil, which makes this divine soil full of variables.

Gu Fei has become holy, but some people have tried after Gu Fei became holy. It seems that this divine soil has not suppressed other geniuses to attack the holy steps.

In this life, there will be the biggest change in history, and the ancient sage guesses, this may be related to that matter.

The catastrophe is approaching, and all beings in the Three Realms and the Six Paths will not be spared. This is definitely a catastrophe that is more terrifying and terrifying than the fragmentation of the ancient primordial world.

This time, perhaps no one can escape.

"There really is a problem."

At this time, in the depths of the chaotic sacred soil, a middle-aged man dressed in animal skins and holding a stone rod stood on a rocky mountain and muttered to himself.

This middle-aged man with animal skins is the Emperor Jiang.

The Jiang Clan was a large clan among the Human Clan in the ancient years, even the current Huanggu Jiang Clan is just a side branch of this clan.

The Emperor Jiang is from the Jiang family.

"I hope I can end with those guys this time."

Emperor Jiang Ren looked up to the sky, his eyes became extremely deep, as if he wanted to see through all the earth-shattering secrets in the three realms and six realms.

"That demon is really cunning."

Jiang Renhuang chased and killed the phantom and came to the depths of the chaotic gods. He chased it here and let the phantom escape. If his body is intact, he can destroy the demon with his hands.

But now, even though he got a drop of Gu Fei's undead liquid, which could suppress the ancestral demon corpse poison in his body, the ancestral demon corpse poison was too powerful, and it was difficult to get rid of it in a short time.

Phantom Demon knew very well the terrible poison of that ancestor's corpse poison, even as powerful as the Emperor Jiang, who had to use the method of suspended animation to save his life after being hit by the ancestor's corpse poison.

"Time waits for no one, and I don't know how long those guys can last."

Jiang Renhuang sighed, and then disappeared directly on top of the stone mountain. He wanted to find a place to retreat, and the magical matter must be put aside.

That phantom demon repair has the power of devouring the sky, which can swallow all the spiritual energy in the world. Although the vitality of the phantom demon is severely injured, if he is allowed to continuously devour the essence of the human race powerhouse, I believe he will soon recover.

But there is no way, Jiang Renhuang can feel that the catastrophe is approaching. Only by completely restoring his cultivation base and expelling the ancestral devil corpse poison in his body can he be qualified to fight.

"Old man, where to go."

Just when Emperor Jiang Ren was looking for a place to retreat, Hei Tian was chasing and killing that land immortal in another area in the chaotic land.

The two figures moved quickly between the mountains. Every time Heitian stepped out, the Yin-Yang Dao pattern appeared under his feet. The speed was so fast that it might not be under Gu Fei's eight-step speed.

Lu Xianweng didn't say a word, but fled all the way, trying to get rid of Hei Tian.

But Hei Tian obviously had a speed footwork in his practice. He chased after Lu Xian Weng unhurriedly, yelling from time to time, and the distance between the two was shrinking.

"Damn it."

Land Immortal Weng was frightened and angry. He was so embarrassed before that he was chased and killed by a younger generation boy. If this was passed out, he would not laugh off the big teeth of others.

When Heitian was chasing the land immortal, the big disciple Xuantong under the seat of Antarctic Xianzun had already taken action.

"The life card is not broken, the uncle is still alive."

Xuantong breathed a sigh of relief, the life card in his hand showed no signs of breaking, that is to say, Land Immortal Weng still had not been killed by anyone.

If the land immortal was killed, then he would be unlucky.

"In that direction."

Xuantong was talking to himself. He took out a jade plaque that was only **** wide. On the front of the jade plaque was written the words "Mingpai", while on the back of the jade plaque, the name of Ludi Xianweng was written.

This is the life card of Land Immortal Weng. If this life card is broken, it means that Land Immortal Weng has been killed.

With the life card of Land Immortal Weng in hand, Xuan Tong can easily sense where Land Immortal Weng is.

Soon, Xuantong's figure disappeared into the void.


At this moment, from the depths of the Chaos Divine Earth, bursts of thunder were heard, and those lightning bolts were as thick as a mountain, and bombarded from the depths of the sky.

The lightning brought an aura of destruction, as if God was furious, trying to suppress those who dared to challenge the might of heaven.

"Someone is crossing the robbery."

The fluctuations from the depths of the Chaos Divine Land shocked many people. Since Gu Fei became a holy, everyone has been watching and dare not try easily.

Now, someone finally hit that level again.

The roaring thunder was raging, and the black clouds almost fell from the sky to the ground, shocking extremely, the mighty sky was raging, and he wanted to obliterate that person.

At this time, someone had discovered that the person who was crossing the catastrophe was actually an old man.


The old man stood under the robbery cloud, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, the whole person exuded an extremely powerful breath of life, and he pointed the halberd to the sky with his hand.

"Come on, Lao Tzu will give it up."

The old man was as strong as never before. This was a power that surpassed the realm of Dacheng Quasi-sage, and completely touched that realm. He waved the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, blocking all the lightning that bombarded him from the sky.

This old man is desperate. He has lived long enough and knows many secrets of the world. If he cannot be sanctified in this life, then he has no chance.

The saint's robbery is moving, the coercion between the heaven and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, and the imprint of the heavenly path of the Xeon has not yet appeared.

The old man only persisted for a long time under the saint's catastrophe, and finally died away. He failed to become a saint and survived. He only ended up with a complete destruction.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

These old antiques have lived for endless years. Some old antiques are even people from ancient times. Fortunately, they survived. The most demanding of these people in their lives is to become holy.

Seeing that old man was blasted to death by the catastrophe, some people couldn't help but shake. No one is not afraid of death, and the longer the person lives, the more afraid of death.

The robbery ended, and another strong man fell.

The road to sanctification is definitely a dangerous road. For endless years, I don’t know how many of the most outstanding beings of the human race will set foot on this road, and then compete with the people of the ancestors of life.

"The fellow Lu Xianweng..."

At this time, Gu Fei was looking for the traces of Landing Xian Weng and the Ziyang Sanren in the chaotic sacred soil, cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze was blowing again. It was impossible for him to easily let the two of them escape.

"Lord, let's find it separately."

Jagged Taoist said.

"Very well, if you find that guy, crush this jade talisman."

With that said, Gu Fei handed a jade talisman to the Jagged Taoist priest.

The Jie Xue Taoist quickly took over this jade talisman, this is a letter of jade talisman, as long as this jade talisman is crushed, Gu Fei will appear instantly.

The two separated immediately, and then pursued in two directions.

"Why is that Gu Fei so perverted."

In a valley, Ziyang scattered people talking to himself, he came from an ancient power, he was not afraid of Gu Fei, but he didn't want to risk himself.

Gu Fei Na is an extremely dangerous existence.

Ziyang Sanren intends to hide in the Chaos Divine Earth first, and then find the space channel connecting the Chaos Divine Earth to the outside world and leave here.

Gu Fei has become a holy, in this chaotic divine soil, his cultivation base and combat power are no longer suppressed, if he meets Gu Fei in this place, then he will only have a dead end.

Ziyang scattered people very carefully. After all, it was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to find a person in the vast chaos and divine soil.

When Ziyang scattered people lurking, Heitian finally caught up with the land immortal, intercepted him, and the war broke out.

"Don't force me."

Lu Xianweng was frightened and angry. The yin and yang mirror of life and death in his hand was constantly shaking, and the black light of death burst out from the cathode mirror and swept away towards the dark sky.

The black light of death pierced the void, leaving a dark space crack wherever it passed.

Land Immortal was really anxious by Hei Tian, ​​as it was said that a dog would jump the wall if he was anxious, let alone people, Land Immortal's counterattack was not a joke.

"Haha, what do I force you to do, what can you do to me."

Heitian laughed.

"If this is the case, then we shall all be together."

Lu Xianweng's face became extremely hideous, and his eyes became a little crazy, as if he was really going to fight Hei Tian.

However, Hei Tian knew that this guy was just bluffing, and if this guy dared to fight himself, he wouldn't have to run away before.

It is impossible for a person like Lu Xianweng to cherish his life so desperately.

"Haha, I laughed so hard, desperately, do you dare."

Hei Tian laughed again, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He hadn't been so happy for a long time. After killing this guy, he would get a sacred weapon that suits him best.

"You think I dare not, you dare to underestimate me."

Lu Xianweng's voice trembled, as if his body was trembling by the weather, and Heitian's disdainful gaze deeply stung him.

"No one dares to underestimate me, you have to pay the price."

Land Immortal roared and was about to use secret techniques.

At this moment, an extremely powerful holy way aura appeared in the distance.


Hei Tian sensed the aura of the Holy Dao, he didn't even think about it, and immediately came a big movement of Yin and Yang, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and walked away.

At the moment Heitian escaped, a figure appeared in front of Lu Xianweng.

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