Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2243: Master's brother

While everyone was waiting nervously, a figure walked out of the chaotic hole.

"It's him……"

"How could it be that he actually won."

After someone saw that person, they couldn't help but exclaim. Before that, almost no one was optimistic about this person. You know, this person's opponent is an ancient sage.

"It's Master, haha..."

After Gu Zhong saw the people walking out of the big chaotic hole in the sky, he was so excited that he was a little bit incoherent. The master won, and he cut an ancient sage.

"Gu Fei..."

Above the sky, some ancient sages quietly retreated.

"It was unexpected."

The ancient sage looked away, and that great wild ape was too useless. It could not even beat a new saint. It was really ashamed of the name of the ancient sage.

The battle ended, the Great Desolate God Ape refused to give in, and finally died in battle. When such news spread, the entire Chaos Divine Land was shaken.

At this time, amidst the endless chaotic energy above the Chaos Divine Land, there was a divine island floating and sinking.

"Unreasonably, that guy Gu Fei killed the Great Desolate Ape."

In the island of God, there was a roar, and on a pavilion, an old man with a childlike face shattered a wine glass in his hand.

"Uncle Master, you are about to enter the secret room. Please don't be so excited."

Opposite the old man, sat a young man wearing a Taoist robe. This young man was different from the average young man. He actually carried a breath of vicissitudes.

This kind of breath that can only be found in Old Antique, who has experienced countless things and lived for endless years, actually appeared on a teenager.

"Xuantong, after I enter the secret room, you immediately go and kill Gu Fei that kid for me."

The old man's white beard was shaking.

"Yes, Uncle Master."

The young man nodded and said, then raised the white jade wine glass in his hand and drank the fairy brew in the cup, showing a very enjoyable expression on his face.

"Uncle Master, you really deserve to be the No.1 Immortal Brew in Antarctica Shenhai."

Xuantong said with recollection.

"You like it very much."

Lu Xianweng suddenly turned to look at the opposite Xuantong and said.

"Well, I like it very much, but I can't drink it all the time."

Xuantong nodded and said, although this uncle's cultivation level is not very good, but there are a lot of good things, which makes him envied by this nephew.

"Haha, how difficult is this? As long as you bring the head of Gu Fei to me, I will give you all the fairy brew that is treasured here."

Lu Xianweng said with a big smile.

"Very good, then I will go to meet Gu Fei for a while to see if he can kill the ancient sage with three heads and six arms."

Xuantong stood up as he spoke.

Afterwards, Lu Xianweng entered the secret room and began to rush through.

And Xuantong, the first disciple under the seat of the Antarctic Xianzun, left the divine island in the sky, descended on the chaotic earth, and headed towards the area where the divine mountain was.

Few people in the world knew how strong the first disciple under the Antarctic Xianzun seat was, because all those who knew it were killed by him directly, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

As Xuandong went to the sacred mountain, a figure appeared at the foot of the sacred mountain. At this time, the phantom of the mountain and river tripod had disappeared.

Above the sacred mountain, everyone is stepping up their cultivation, because in the near future, this chaotic world may be in chaos, and only with strong power can it cope with this chaos.

"Stop coming."

Just when this person wanted to climb the mountain, a figure appeared in front and intercepted him.

I saw that this man was a middle-aged man with red hair. This middle-aged man was tall and had very bright eyes. In the red law, a pair of small horns could be vaguely seen.

"True dragon breath."

The man glanced at the red-haired man with a look of surprise on his face, but he did not expect to meet his own kind here.

"you are……"

At this time, the man with red hair also sensed the aura that belongs to the dragon clan on the opponent's body, and his eyes lit up.

"I'm here to find my big brother."

The young monk said.

"What, your big brother is on the mountain."

The man with red hair was startled when he heard the words, and was very surprised. There were so many people on the mountain, who was this guy's eldest brother.

"Who is your eldest brother."

Chilong asked.

"My eldest brother is called Gu Fei, and I heard he is on the mountain."

The young monk replied.


Chilong was taken aback. This guy turned out to be Master's brother. How could this be possible? He seemed to have never heard of Master's brother having a dragon clan.

Although he hadn't heard of it before, Chilong didn't dare to neglect, he went straight to the mountain, and soon, a young man in black clothes with a folding fan walked down the mountain leisurely.

"Old Hei, long time no see."

The man screamed as soon as he saw the young man in black.

"Who dared to call you this way, Lord Jia, you will die."

Hearing someone calling himself like this, Hei Tian's sword eyebrows were erected immediately, and his eyes flickered with fierce light. Except for Gu Fei, there is also the Heaven Realm person. No one has ever dared to call himself like this.

However, when Hei Tian saw that person, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

"This this this..."

Hei Tian looked at the opposite person in disbelief, but he was speechless for a while.

"This person knows Uncle Hei."

Chilong was shocked when he saw that his fellow clan actually called Heitian to be Lao Hei, but what made him even more shocked was that Hei Shishu didn't even freak out.

"Little Xiaoqing, it's really you."

Hei Tian opened his eyes wide, unbelievable, isn't Xiao Qing in the heavens, how could he appear here? Could it be true that the chaos divine soil can communicate with the three realms and six realms in the legend.

"It's not me or who, it's like a fake change."

Xiaoqing smiled and walked over.

At this time, Hei Tian's eyes were intertwined with black and white Dao patterns, and he displayed the yin and yang divine eyes, directly seeing the other party's origin.

"It's really you kid."

Hei Tian put away the yin and yang eyes, walked up with a big laugh, hugged Xiaoqing, then let go of him, and looked carefully.

"Chilong has seen Uncle Master."

At this time, Chilong recovered from the shock, and then saluted Xiaoqing.

"You are my elder brother's disciple."

Xiaoqing was a little surprised, because Chilong is a dragon, it seems it is difficult for the dragon to practice martial arts combat skills.

The martial arts tactics created by the martial ancestors are only suitable for human cultivation. It is impossible for creatures of other races to practice martial arts tactics, because these creatures are not humans.

"Walk around, come with me to see Gu Fei."

Heitian took Xiaoqing and walked up the mountain.

At this moment, everyone only felt a flower in front of them. The next moment, a person appeared in front of them, standing there smiling and looking at them.

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