Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2245: Xuantong killed

Gu Fei and Xiao Qing met. Gu Fei was overjoyed. He took out the corpse of the great wild ape, took out the mountain and river tripod, and boiled the **** ape.

This is a holy ape. Although there was a battle with Gu Fei, the essence of the flesh and blood has been consumed seven or eight eight. But the essence of the flesh and blood is still very powerful.

It is best to refine the body of the **** ape with the mountain and river cauldron. Only in this way can all the essence of the **** ape's flesh and blood be refined.

This is definitely a peerless magic medicine.

Gu Fei was on the top of the sacred mountain, igniting the chaotic sacred qi in the mountain and river cauldron. The singular qi turned into a chaotic sacred fire, completely wrapping the corpse of the sacred ape.

Under the refining of the chaotic divine fire, the divine brilliance began to escape from the sacred body of the divine ape, and merged into the spring water of the surrounding life divine spring.

Inside the mountain and river tripod. Water and fire are compatible. Divine radiance wisps. Divine light rushes out from time to time in the tripod. Above the sacred mountain. Divine rainbows are constantly appearing. This is definitely a wonder.

"what happened."

On a stone mountain thousands of miles away from the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was located, stood a young man wearing a Taoist robe. At this moment, the young man looked into the sky.


A divine rainbow soared into the sky from a distance, and then dissipated in the dim world, a powerful wave of psychic energy spread.

"What the **** are those Gu Fei doing?"

The boy was talking to himself. This boy was Xuantong, the first disciple under the seat of Antarctic Immortal Venerable.

At this time, some people who have been paying attention to the movement on the sacred mountain have also noticed this kind of vision. They are very surprised. They want to know what happened on the sacred mountain.

However, the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was located was no longer the sacred mountain entrenched by golden birds. After Heitian went up the mountain, many killing formations were arranged on the sacred mountain.

Using the method of the Black Sky Array Master, the killing array he set up was terrifying. Even if the saints were close to him, it was impossible to dive up the mountain without touching the killing array.

A few hours later, the divine essence contained in the Divine Ape Saint in the Cauldron of Mountains and Rivers was completely refined and blended into the spring water of the Divine Fountain of Life.

Purple qi lingers in the mountain and river cauldron. The water from the original colorless and tasteless life divine spring has now all turned purple. This is a cauldron of purple magic medicine.

"After the cultivation base breaks through to the holy rank, it will be easier to refine the flesh and blood of these holy beasts."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. It was only a few hours before he refined a pot of peerless magical medicine. This was before he was sanctified. It was something unimaginable.

"Big Brother. This..."

Xiaoqing couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He used the flesh and blood of a holy-rank beast to refine the magical medicine. This is really too tricky. Even if it is the son of the old turtle, the fierce who masters the imprint of the extreme demon soldier, the Emperor. ...Have never used the flesh and blood of holy rank beasts to refine magical medicine.

The divine medicine made from the flesh and blood of the holy-ranked beasts is extraordinary. In the purple light shining from the mouth of the ancient tripod, the phantoms of the Taoist apes can be vaguely seen.

"Xiaoqing. Iron blood. And Heitian. The three of you can fly into the sky in only half a step. Break through the shackles of cultivation. You have become a holy powerhouse. You can go to retreat after taking the magic medicine in the cauldron."

Gu Fei looked at Xiaoqing and said.

"Thank you, brother."

"Thank you, Lord."

"Gu Fei. My good brother. Come. Hug one."

Among the three, only Hei Tian was still smiling. He actually came forward and wanted to hug Gu Fei.

"do not."

Gu Fei hurried away. It's not a good thing to hug this guy. This guy is the ancestor of the black hand. Being hugged by him. The things on his body will definitely be touched by this guy.

"If you don't hug, don't hug."

Hei Tian said with a good feeling about himself.

"You guys start."

Gu Fei said. He wants to improve his cultivation and combat power as much as possible. He can foresee that this chaotic divine land may be in chaos.

In the chaos, only the strong can protect themselves and survive.

Xiao Qing and the three of them didn't say anything any more. They walked forward and took out the magical medicine in the cauldron. Each drank a big bowl. Then, the three of them immediately heard powerful fluctuations.

The three of them were surrounded by purple energy. The power of the magical medicine was exploding. All three of them quickly left and went to retreat.

If Xiaoqing and the others can reach the ranks successfully, Gu Fei's strength will be greatly increased. At that time, he will return to Tenglong Ancestral Star. Even those superpowers with long heritage will have some scruples about them.

Next, the two disciples of Gu Fei, Chilong and Yaoyue, also took the magical medicine in the cauldron. Then they said goodbye to Gu Fei. They left the top of the sacred mountain and went to find a place to retreat.

Zhong Limeng also took the magic medicine, and then left.

The Twelve Great Kou and others. The outstanding children of the Meng clan. They are all here. A tripod of magical medicine was quickly eaten up. Above the sacred mountain. Everyone is practicing. They are refining the spirit of the magical medicine. Come to strengthen yourself.

Only Gu Fei continued to sit on the top of the mountain.

"Gu Fei. Come out and die."

At this moment when everyone was in retreat, a voice suddenly came from far away.


On the top of the sacred mountain, Gu Fei sneered, and then looked in the direction from which the sound came. Only a thousand miles away, above the sky, stood a white and pure young man wearing a Taoist robe.

Gu Fei could clearly sense the other party's killing intent on him.

"Who is this person."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. This young man in Taoist robes. This is the first time he saw him today. Why did this person kill himself? This made Gu Fei puzzled.

"who are you."

The ancient flying disc was sitting on a large rock on the top of the mountain, and did not stand up at all.

"Xuantong, the first disciple under the seat of the Antarctic Xianzun."

Said the young man in Taoist robe.

"Antarctic Xianzun."

Gu Fei couldn't help being startled when he heard the words. Then he understood. The feeling is that the **** land fairy has invited a master to deal with him again.

"The first disciple of Antarctic Xianzun."

Gu Fei coldly looked at the boy opposite. A powerful war intent came out from him. The shawl and long hair were windless, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"I'm going to pick your head to change wine."

Xuantong said that he swooped directly at Gu Fei on the top of the sacred mountain, and broke into the sacred mountain in an instant, touching the killing formation under the black sky.


The divine light rushed to the sky. A shocking murderous aura suddenly appeared. Then, a bright divine light penetrated the void, like a peerless Heavenly Sword, stabbed towards the mysterious boy who broke into the killing array.

The killing array under the black sky is really extraordinary, and even a saint can be trapped.


There was a muffled sound, that Xuantong was incomparably powerful, and he broke the killing formation with his hands up and rushed out.


Xuantong roared. He couldn't think of it. On this sacred mountain, there were formations everywhere. He suffered a little loss. This made him more murderous towards Gu Fei.

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