Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2258: Gossip old man

Li Lingfeng survived. Although he died nine times, he had a lifetime. Although the saint's robbery was terrifying, the heavens were insufficient, leaving a trace of vitality.

Anyone who can successfully overcome the catastrophe is at the most dangerous juncture, seizing the trace of life, and then gaining a new life.

Li Lingfeng was no exception, but at the moment he passed the tribulation, he was extremely weak, because he had almost completely consumed the essence of his body.

This is the reason for the need for guardians to protect the way, especially the saint's tribulation. If he is killed by someone after the tribulation, it will be really wronged.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

The old man took Li Lingfeng away when he finished the catastrophe. Many people wanted to catch up, but the old man's cultivation base was so high that even the ancient sages could not track it up.


The two figures kept flashing between the dim world and the earth, and with each flash, the two men would leap forward tens of thousands of miles, at a speed that was even better than the great movement of the void.

It was a tens of thousands of miles in a flash, such a speed was very simple for a saint, but it was a bit scary to take a step of hundreds of thousands of miles, which is why the ancient saints could not catch up with the old man.

The old man ran all the way with Li Lingfeng, who was seriously injured and dying, and soon drove everyone away and entered a primitive zone deep in the chaotic world.

Here there are many stone mountains, chaotic air lingering, the sky and the earth are dim, there is no human trace, even those powerful chaotic relics are not haunted here.

This is the most primitive area in the Chaos World, and there is no spiritual land where spiritual energy gathers. No one will come to this place to practice.

The old man took Li Lingfeng to a stop on a huge mountain that soared into the clouds.

"Hmph, I didn't expect someone else to follow."

The old man was talking to himself. He put Li Lingfeng on the ground, then slowly turned around and looked at a place where the chaotic energy gathered in the distance.


Li Lingfeng couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He knew very well that his master was so powerful, this was a powerful existence that could kill the saint.

Back then, the old man traveled to the Tenglong ancestor star and encountered Li Lingfeng, who was seriously injured and was pursued and killed. Seeing that he had gossip supernatural powers in his practice, he rescued him.

"No need to be nervous, you take care of your body."

The old man threw a jade bottle to Li Lingfeng.

Li Lingfeng took the jade bottle and said, "Thank you, Master."

He knew that in this jade bottle, there must be a divine pill made from the magic medicine sacrifices collected by the master over the past ten years.

This kind of pill is extraordinary. It is said to be made from ancient recipes and has a magical effect like heaven and earth.

The old man didn't say anything to Li Lingfeng, but stared at the seemingly inconspicuous chaotic energy in the distant sky, with hexagram patterns looming in his eyes.

"Hey, I haven't drunk the Holy Blood for a long time. I really miss that taste."

The old man said that there was an almost crazy look in his eyes, his eyes began to turn red, and a violent breath spread from the old man.

At this time, Li Lingfeng had already unplugged the jade bottle, and a scent of fragrance immediately spread from the jade bottle.

When Li Lingfeng smelled this scent, he immediately rejuvenated his spirit. The faint essence in his body started to work gradually, and there was spiritual energy in the surrounding void converging towards his body.

At this time, Li Lingfeng, the essence in his body was almost exhausted, and it was precisely because he needed a lot of aura to replenish the consumed essence in his body.

Li Lingfeng didn't think much, he quickly poured out the **** pill in the jade bottle. They were three golden pills, each of which was the size of an adult's finger.

On the pill, there is a pattern that is completely natural, and there is a layer of golden light circulating on it, like a golden spirit, containing huge psychic energy.

The legendary magic drug, Dao Wen Tiancheng, above this kind of pill, there is also this kind of natural Dao pattern, which really shocked Li Lingfeng.

These three gods are incredible.

Without hesitation, he threw the three golden gods pill in his hand into his mouth and swallowed it.

At the entrance of the **** pill, it immediately turned into three golden sacred fluids, flowing into Li Lingfeng's abdomen, the golden sacred fluid turned into a huge psychic energy, spreading towards Li Lingfeng's body meridians.

Just when Li Ling was wearing the magic pill, the old man was already impatient. In his eyes, there were hexagram patterns emerging, and the power of the great road was condensing.


The two hexagram patterns immediately rushed out of the old man's eyes, and rushed towards the chaotic energy in the distant sky. The powerful hexagram patterns shook the world.


Just when the old man made his move, the group of chaotic energy exploded, and a large chaotic hand shot out of the chaotic energy, facing the two hexagram patterns from the town.


The big chaotic hand collided with the two hexagram patterns, and the powerful force exploded. The two hexagram patterns radiated the brightest divine light, and then exploded into the void, and the power of the hexagram patterns dissipated.

The big chaotic hand was also dissipated into the void under the collision of the Gua Wen power.

A figure appeared in the void, no strong aura radiated from this person, and no strong aura appeared.

However, the fact that that person stood in the void like this made the old man also feel a powerful and incomparable pressure.

"A little baby who is still wet."

When the old man saw that person, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. He didn't expect the other person to be so young that even those ancient sages could not catch up with him, but this little baby caught up.

With the cultivation of old people, one can tell at a glance whether a person is an old antique, and no one can imitate the unique temperament of old antiques.

This person is Gu Fei, and only if he has an eight-step speed, can he catch up with this old man.

At this time, Li Lingfeng had no distractions, running the profound arts and refining the medicinal power with all his strength. During this period, he would not pay attention to everything in the outside world.

If he could look at Gu Fei, this battle would not break out.

"Little baby, you are very good."

The old man’s eyes flickered, and Gu Fei’s strength could be sensed. This was one of the most powerful opponents he had encountered in the chaotic world.

"Old man, you are not bad, you can sense my existence."

Gu Fei looked at the old man with a calm expression on his face. He was also very frightened. You must know that no one had ever discovered him when he was performing the Anti-Void Secret Art.

"It's a shame to kill you."

The old man shook his head and said.

"Hehe, it depends on whether you can kill it."

Gu Fei smiled and said, this is a very strong opponent. He did not explain the relationship between him and Li Lingfeng. You must know that even in the Chaos World, it is difficult to meet such an opponent.

"Hey, you little baby is really interesting, come over and let your grandpa and I hit you a few times and see if I can kill you."

The old man said with a low smile.

"Old man, it's better for you to come over and let me fight a few times to see if your old bones are scattered."

Gu Fei said.

"Well, old man, I seem to like you a little bit. If you can worship under my door, old man, I will reluctantly do it and spare your life."

The old man thought for a while and suddenly said such words.

"I am my own master, and I don't need to be a teacher at all."

Gu Fei said.

"Good boy, don't you teach yourself to become a saint along the way."

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. If it were true, then this little baby's talent would definitely go against the sky.

"Roughly the same."

Gu Fei didn't hide anything.

"Hey, great, then I have to see how strong you are."

The old man took the shot, never dragging his feet, waving his hands, and the Eight Diagrams pattern emerged, forming a congenital diagram of the Eight Diagrams, and headed towards Gufei Town.

As soon as the congenital gossip Tao map came out, the world suddenly changed color, and the surrounding heaven and earth's spiritual energy was immediately moved by the gossip Tao map, converging frantically toward the gossip Tao map.


The emptiness shook, and a powerful dao force appeared on the gossip road map, which immobilized one side of the emptiness.

"It's useless to me."

Gu Fei said that his chaotic martial art was extremely powerful, and he directly ignored the powerful force of enforcing from the Bagua Dao map, and directly blasted towards the Bagua Dao map with a punch.


The void shook violently, and Gu Fei's fist slammed on the gossip Dao map, and flew the gossip array upside down, almost disappearing into the void.


The old man couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. The other party's punch was so powerful that he could fly his own innate gossip Dao diagram, which was really unimaginable.

"Are you a descendant of that line."

The old man seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but move.


At this moment, Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and patted the old man in the air. A chaotic Dao pattern rushed out of his hand and turned into a big chaotic hand, which instantly enveloped the sky and the earth and suppressed the old man.

"The martial arts combat skills cover the sky, you are really the descendant of that line."

The old man exclaimed. He backed away for the first time. With his footsteps, his whole body instantly pushed out more than ten miles away, and then raised his hand, the congenital gossip road map that was fisted and flew away by Gu Fei immediately flew. Came back.


The old man yelled, he did not dare to neglect, he had already put away his contempt, and then shot with all his strength, the innate gossip Tao Tu bloomed in his hands with brilliant light, and every hexagram pattern seemed to be burning, releasing Out of the peerless and powerful God can come.

On the map of the Innate Eight Diagrams Dao, it seems that there are eight heavens and earths evolving, and each hexagram pattern sprays out a monstrous divine power, which seals the heavens and the earth.

The old man was extremely powerful, far beyond the comparison of ordinary saints. At this time, he shot with all his strength, and Gu Fei's Chaos Sky Covering Hand was immediately set in the void, and it was difficult to suppress it downward.

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