Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2276: Undead war slave

The old man was very powerful, and he directly killed the King of Arrows on Tianshen Island. This was a saint, and he killed him if he said to kill it. This was shocking and shocking.

The strength of Tenjin Island is far inferior to that of the Ji Clan. In the entire Tenjin Island, only Arrow Emperor is a saint. Once the Arrow Emperor dies, Tenjin Island will have no deterrent power.

Even if the old man didn't make a move, Tenjin Island would be destroyed by several other superpowers.

Ji Changkong is the grandson of this old man. Although Ji Changkong does not have the physique against the sky, his talent for cultivation is very good.

In the line of the old man, the people are not prosperous, and Ji Changkong's parents died early. It can be said that Ji Changkong is the old man's heart.

When Ji Changkong was lost in the chaotic world, the old man almost pierced the ancestral court of the Ji clan into a big hole. He had no evidence, so he endured it.

And now, someone dared to shoot Ji Changkong in front of him, and if he touched his inverse scales, he was furious, and then the King of Arrows died.


At this time, Ji Changkong's saint's heavenly calamity was raging, and the power of destruction swept everything. The nine patterns rushing out of Ji Changkong's body turned into nine divine lights and enveloped him.

Ji Changkong's method of crossing the catastrophe was very different from Gu Fei's. Gu Fei was shocked with the catastrophe as soon as he came up, but Ji Changkong took a defensive position.

Everyone looked at all this, and they were all shocked.

Especially the old man was extremely excited. You know, Ji Changkong is his grandson. At this time, anyone who dares to attack Ji Changkong will be ruthlessly killed by him.

Those who are on the side of the contemporary Patriarch of the Ji clan dare not act rashly. The King of Arrows of the God Island was a good example that day. No one wanted to die.

Just when those people could only watch Ji Changkong pass the catastrophe, a powerful figure appeared at the end of the sky, and an extremely powerful force of destruction came in mighty.

"this is……"

The old man could not help but feel moved when he sensed this force.

"The war slave is here..."

There is a master of the Ji clan who is surprised and delighted. This is the back hand of the Patriarch. Few people know that the Patriarch of the Ji Clan actually has an extremely powerful war slave.

The terrifying figure walked towards Ji Changkong step by step.

"Who is it that dared to send out this killing tool."

There was a bright light in the old man's eyes, and the powerful sacred aura spread from his body. This kind of war slave only obeyed his master.

This is a special kind of life form, a supreme slaying tool refined by people with supreme magical powers. Even if a saint encounters such a monster, he has to retreat.

It was a tall middle-aged man, dressed in black, like a death in hell, giving people a cold and merciless feeling.

"What is this."

When Gu Fei saw this middle-aged man, he couldn't help being a little curious. This middle-aged man was extremely powerful, but his eyes were dull, without that kind of spirituality, as if he had lost his soul, like a walking dead.

This kind of life form was very strange, which surprised Gu Fei. He could sense that the power of this middle-aged man had not disappeared, and the nine primitive Dao patterns still existed.

Who made this kind of thing, how did he do it.

Gu Fei wanted to know.


At this moment, the war slave had already arrived nearby, and then he directly punched out, breaking through the cloud of tribulation, and slaying towards Ji Changkong under the heaven.

"So courageous."

The old man roared, like an ancient wild beast, he swooped directly.


With a wave of the old man's right hand, nine purple sword lights rushed out of his hand immediately, piercing through the war slave, every sword light tore the void.

However, Zhan Slave was really strong, he directly ignored the nine sword lights that penetrated the old man, and still rushed towards Ji Changkong.


Nine purple sword lights pierced through Zhan Nu's body in an instant, and came out from his back. However, Zhan Sl didn't seem to be conscious at all, allowing the Dao Jianguang to penetrate nine blood holes in his body.


The old man is really moved this time, this is the great sword light, the powerful great power inside, being struck by these nine sword lights, even the saint will be cut off, and the soul will die.

The war slave did not stop, it seemed that the sword energy of the Great Dao did not hurt him at all, and the nine flesh and blood on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The war slave is immortal, this old guy is dead."

The confidant of the Patriarch of the Ji family was whispering.

The target of the Zhan Slave was not the old man, but Ji Changkong. I saw that the Zhan Slave had already rushed to a distance of less than a hundred meters from Ji Changkong.

"Damn it."

The old man was anxious, he tried desperately to shoot, his instantaneous movement speed increased to the limit, a large purple hand blasted a terrifying destructive power towards the slave.

However, it was a bit late, the war slave had already broken through the triple divine light, and his big hand directly grabbed Ji Changkong in the divine light.

Although Ji Changkong was contending with the catastrophe, he was always paying attention to the surrounding movement. He knew that Gu Fei would not let him die in the hands of this monster.

Sure enough, just when the nine-fold **** mask outside Ji Changkong's body was broken by Zhan Slave, one hand after another broke open eightfold, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed Zhan Slave's right hand.

The next moment, the war slave flew up without help from the master, and was thrown away by the man at will.


The big purple hand that the old man turned into stopped in the air for a long time, and someone rescued his grandson, which surprised him.

"who are you."

The big purple hand stopped in the sky, and the old man was very cautious, staring at Gu Fei.

"Hehe, I am not your enemy."

Gu Fei smiled.

"It's not an enemy, it's a friend, you are my grandson's friend."

The old man looked at Gu Fei up and down and said, he had already seen that this young man was a powerful saint, and he felt strong pressure from this young man.

Intuition tells the old man that the cultivation base of the young man in front of him is definitely not below him.

"To be precise, I am his master."

Gu Fei said, with a smile still on his face.


When the old man heard the words, those snow-white eyebrows were erected immediately, his eyes showed sharp gaze like a blade, staring at Gu Fei.

The old man was about to speak, but at this time, the war slave who was thrown away by Gu Fei had already walked over.

The combat power displayed by Zhan Slave was heart-palpiting, and the power of the Great Dao was difficult to kill. This was a super monster that could not be killed, and the old man could not think of any way to destroy this monster for a while.

"Let me come."

Gu Fei smiled, then walked up directly.

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