Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2292: Yaner in distress

"Yingtian, you were the defeat of my father back then. Today, you will also lose in my hands."

The old tortoise was extremely powerful, he punched out, and nine demon patterns emerged on his fist, smashing toward the **** magic light that penetrated through it.

He smashed the **** magic light with a fist, and then forced it towards the Demon Ancestor Yingtian.


Mozu Yingtian's heart trembles, this grand emperor's son unexpectedly has a somewhat invincible demeanor of the grand emperor's back then, this he was frightened and angry, and itchy with hatred.

"My thing hasn't been repaired yet, but he has the seal of the Emperor, and the situation is not good for me." Mozu Yingtian felt a little bad.

To kill this guy in no hurry.

When Mozu Yingtian thought of this, he immediately jumped up, showing supreme killing skills, turning into countless magic shadows, and killing the old turtle like an overwhelming sky.

As if countless demon heads were shooting at the old turtle at the same time, the powerful magic power burst out, shattering the void, obliterating the world, and the earth sinking.


The old turtle's heart moved, and then he tried his best. The nine primitive Dao patterns turned into a terrifying sacred light of killing. As long as they were shrouded by this light, the magical shadows that swooped on disappeared into the void and returned to invisible.

"not good."

At this moment, Old Turtle's heart suddenly moved. He seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly killed the place where Demon Ancestor Yingtian was.

The terrifying light of killing and killing spread, and countless ghosts are dissipating.

Then, Lao Gui found that the true body of Mozu Yingtian had long been missing, and no one knew how the Mozu Yingtian had left.


At this time, the old **** general roared, and the nine demon patterns burst out with an unprecedented intensity of demon light, and finally broke the blood evil demon net and rushed out.

"Where is the win?"

The old **** general's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and his voice spread out from afar, but no one responded.

"This guy is as cunning as ever."

The old turtle sighed, he knew very well that the other party was afraid of the Supreme Emperor's Seal in his hand, that was the Supreme Demon Soldier made by the Supreme Emperor of the Demon Race.

Yingtian retreated, everyone was relieved, but then they felt very uneasy again, this demon ancestor is too powerful, if it encounters it, I am afraid it will be too bad.

Laogui had no choice but to return to the shrine to meet Gu Fei.

The two are life and death brothers, and they haven't seen each other for many years. Of course there are endless words for this reunion. Laogui set up a banquet to entertain Gu Fei and the others.

Just when Gu Fei and Old Turtle got together, Yan'er and the little fat man ran into big trouble.

After Yan'er separated from the little fat man and the old turtle, they went to look for Gu Fei. When they rushed to the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was located, they accidentally broke into a ruin and were trapped by a disabled formation, making it difficult to get out.


The ancient tripod shook, and a **** tripod was floating and sinking in the endless formation. In the tripod, there were two people standing, one was a fairy in white clothes, and the other was a fat boy.

"Master, what do you do now."

The little fat guy Gu Xiaofeng said nervously, they have been trapped in this broken formation for three days and three nights, and they still haven't been able to break through this broken formation.

"The ancient formation is really amazing..."

Yan'er couldn't help sighing, this broken formation should be a killing formation laid by an extremely powerful saint. The endless years passed, the killing formation had become incomplete.

"Are we going to be trapped here to die."

After all, the little fat man was still young, and he couldn't hold his breath.

"Be safe and not restless."

Yan'er said, she was thinking of a way to break the formation. If Heitian were here, it would not be difficult to break through this broken formation with Heitian's ability.

However, Hei Tian has left, and no one knows where he is.

"Haha, two more idiots have been recruited."

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from a distance, and then, a tall figure came from a distance, it was an old man with gray hair.

The old man came to the side of the broken formation and looked at Yan'er and the little fat man who were trapped in the formation. When he saw the divine cauldron, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"That is the legendary Ten Thousand Medicine Qiankun Ding."

The old man was talking to himself, although his voice was not loud, it was enough to make Yan'er and the little fat man barely hear it.

"who are you."

Yan'er asked, this person is a saint, she has to deal with it carefully, the other person is not a kind person.

"Who am I, haha..."

The old man smiled.

"Quickly let us go."

The little fat man shouted, this guy really ate the courage of the bear heart and leopard, and even dared to plot against them, and sooner or later he wanted this guy to look good.

"Hand over everything on you, I might be able to let you go."

The old man's gaze was staring at the ancient ding, very fierce, he couldn't rush forward, **** the ancient ding away, and then went back to study slowly.

"It's funny, why don't you hand over all your things and beg me to let you go."

At this time, Yan'er's voice sounded.


The old man was furious, and these two guys really did not know how to live or die, they were all trapped in the battle. They didn't seem to be so nervous, they still talked and laughed.


The old man directly operated the killing formation, and that side of the remnant formation immediately revealed even more powerful and terrifying power fluctuations, and a palpable aura of destruction permeated.


The strength of the remnant formation madly rushed towards Yan'er and the little fat man who were trapped in the killing formation, hoping to completely wipe them out and disperse them between heaven and earth.

"go with."

Yan'er let out a low roar, and the eighteen poisonous bodies rushed out of the Ten Thousand Medicine Universe Cauldron, and pounced fiercely at the old man outside the formation.

These eighteen poisonous bodies are very dangerous. As long as the eighteen poisonous bodies rush to the body, there will be only one end, that is, the body and spirit are destroyed, and nothing will remain.

"this is……"

The old man seemed shocked. Could this ancient tripod really be the legendary ancient tripod, it could condense eighteen poisonous bodies.

The old man quickly stepped back and escaped, avoiding the eighteenth body that swooped.

At this time, Yan'er was desperately urging the immortal Dao power in his body, the Ten Thousand Medicine Universe Ding was shaking, the nine primordial monster patterns were intertwined, and the great power was mighty.

The silhouettes of the eighteen poisonous bodies became much more condensed, as if they were about to come out of the void, each poisonous body sent out peerless and powerful waves.


The ancient Ding vibrated, and a circle of transparent ripples visible to the naked eye spread from the ancient Ding. The ancient Ding was moving slowly, and Yan'er wanted to forcefully rush out.

Wanyao Qiankun Ding is not an ordinary holy artifact.

Although the remnant formation of the holy rank was terrifying, it couldn't hurt Yan'er and the others.

"If you want to come out, dream."

The old man roared, and then, the remnant formation began to operate frantically, and the power of destruction swept across the world. The old man wanted to kill Yan'er and the little fat man in the remnant formation.

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