Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2296: Root of the chaos

Gu Chongdu Jie was thrilling, and in the end, even the seal of Gu Fei left on the heavenly path turned into a humanoid lightning and descended, fighting endless battles with Gu.

The humanoid lightning formed by Gu Fei's Dao Yin was extremely terrifying, as if Gu Fei personally shot it, but after all, it was just a Dao Yin.

Even so, Gu Zhong was in great danger, and Gu Fei was almost about to break the robbery, he couldn't just watch Gu Zhong die in front of him.

But in the end he still didn't make a move, and Gu Zhong also successfully survived the saint's catastrophe and became a martial sage.

Gu Zhong is the veritable second martial sage in the world. He became a sage by martial arts. This has destined him to be a strong man among all the sages. You must know that the invincibility of the martial artist is not a lie.

"Congratulations brother sanctified."

In Laogui's shrine, everyone gathered together, and Laogui used the flesh and blood of many sacred beasts as materials, and prepared a table of extremely rich delicacies to celebrate Gu Zhong.

Only Laogui has such a big deal.

"What is that, the legendary fire phoenix wings."

"The **** bear's paw on Snow God Mountain."

"And the golden dragon carp in the depths of Wuji Linghu."

Xiao Qing and the others exclaimed that even though he was sanctified, the Master did not put on such a banquet to celebrate for himself, he was a little jealous.

These things are all the flesh and blood of the sacred beast collected by the old turtle when he fought in the heavens. He is very greedy and often feeds on the flesh and blood of the sacred beast.

The fire phoenix wings were not the wings of the true sacred beast, the phoenix, but the wings cut from the sacred bird with the blood of the phoenix.

But the divine bear on the Snow God Mountain was a veritable pure-blood divine beast, extremely powerful, but it was still directly killed by the old turtle's etheric seal.

The Wuji Linghu is also a forbidden place in the heavens, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter it. There are powerful creatures in the Linghu. Even if the quasi-sage enters, there is only a dead end.

However, such a fierce land was flattened by the old turtle. The reason is very simple, because he likes to eat the golden dragon carp that only grows in Linghu.

This was a feast. In the shrine, everyone had been carnival for two hours before they dispersed.

"Master, I want to leave for a while."

Master Gu Fei stood at the highest point of the divine palace, overlooking the chaotic earth below. Gu Zhong said such words, he was sanctified, but there was one thing he wanted to do.

"You're thinking……"

Gu Fei guessed what Gu Zhong wanted to do, and Gu Zhong wanted to return to Tenglong Continent. Where there is his roots, the Gu family in Wudi is his root on Tenglong Ancestral Star.

"Go ahead."

Gu Fei said, there used to be his roots in Tamron Continent, but now, he is a bit confused, where is his roots, or he is a person without roots.

It has always been Gu Fei's wish to rebuild the Taixuan Gate. Since meeting Li Lingfeng, he felt that his wish should be realized.


Gu nodded. He was a decisive person. Since he decided to leave, he left directly. He didn't want to disturb anyone.

"Remember, go back to Tenglong Ancestral Star, don't have any scruples, kill if you should."

Just when Gu Zhong turned around, Gu Fei said such words to him.

"The disciple remembered."

Gu Zhong flew to Gu a salute, then turned and left, his long black hair was fluttering. At this moment, he felt a sense of passion.

The current Tamron ancestor is definitely not at peace.

Gu Zhong left, Gu Fei stood on the top of the shrine, with a cool breeze blowing his face, his hair fluttering back lightly, and after a while, he recovered.

"The kid is gone."

Just when Gu Fei wanted to jump off the top of the divine palace, a voice suddenly sounded.

Gu Fei turned around to look, but didn't know when, Laogui had reached the top of the divine palace, holding a jar of immortal brew in one hand, and two jade bowls in the other, walking towards Gu Fei.

"Come on, drink a few bowls with me."

The old turtle seems to be worried.

"What's the matter, now you guys have a deep learning role."

Gu Fei hadn't really seen Laogui have such a side. Ever since I met Laogui, this guy has been unreliable and always looks like a human being.


The old turtle came to Gu Fei and sat down, then put the jade bowl in his hand aside, stretched out the mud on the wine jar, and filled the two jade bowls.

A strong aroma of wine spread immediately.

This is the celestial brew that Laogui treasures. It was the celestial brew that he took away from an old wine sage when he was in the wild.

For this matter, the old turtle was chased and killed by the old wine saint for 100,000 miles, and almost caught the old wine saint.

"The fairy pours, and the fairy pours if it smells it. This is the best fairy brew I have ever tasted."

The old turtle picked up the jade bowl and drank it.

At this time, Gu Fei also sat down, picked up the jade bowl, raised his head and drank the fairy brew in the bowl to the end.

"Great chaos will start, so the days of drinking and singing, I'm afraid it will be gone forever."

The old turtle sighed and said.

Gu Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and then said: "Why do you say that? Is it because of your ability, how can someone else get you?"

"Hey, although I haven't experienced the catastrophe that year, but I can guess that even the Supreme Dao is not immortal, and it may fall."

Laogui is the son of the Emperor, and naturally he knows a lot of secrets.

"What the **** was the chaos that year."

Gu Fei couldn't help but shake his heart when he heard the words. What a terrible catastrophe it was, and it was unbelievable that even Ji Dao Supreme could not be spared.

"I don't know very well. I was captured by one of my father's rivals, and then trapped in a deadly formation. Instead, I escaped that disaster."

When he was captured by his opponent, the chaos hadn't erupted, but there was already a warning, and Tai Huang was already preparing to deal with the chaos.

"Maybe it has something to do with demons."

The old turtle thought for a while, and then said.

"It's related to demons."

Gu Fei was taken aback. Was it also related to demons this time?

The chaos on Tenglong Ancestral Star seemed to have been caused by demons, and the Demon Ancestor Yingtian was raging everywhere, as well as the phantom demon that had been in trouble recently.

"My father once told me that demons are the source of all chaos."

The old tortoise continued to drink himself. He told a lot of secrets. This was the first time he talked about these secrets.

However, Gu Fei became more and more frightened when he heard it. Taihuang said that demons were the root of all chaos. What did that mean? Could it be that all these were made by demons.

He thought of a lot, and it seemed to be the case, whether it was on Tenglong Ancestral Star or in this chaotic world, behind all the chaos, there were demons.

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