Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2400: Demon Change

The Sunset Demon Realm is just ahead, and everyone is a little nervous. The three major forbidden lands in the Fall Shenhai are not good places. The God Island of Life and the End of the World no longer exist.

The three forbidden areas only left the Sunset Demon Cave in front, and with the Sunset Demon Cave as the center, the sea area with a radius of 100,000 miles is a veritable Demon Territory, known as the Sunset Demon Territory.

In the setting sun, monsters run rampant, and even monsters that are as powerful as the venerable appear. It can be said that it is one of the most dangerous and terrifying fierce lands among the three fierce lands.

The "black line" that appeared in front of everyone was the junction between the demon-shrouded area and the outside world.

Although I have seen the sunset demon realm, when Gu Fei and the others actually came near the demon realm, it was already an hour later.

It looked very close from a distance, but only realized that it was far away when he was really marching towards that sunset demon realm.


Very abruptly, a demon roar suddenly sounded when Gu Fei and the others came outside the Demon Realm. Inside the Demon Realm, there was a dim void, with devil energy lingering inside, and everyone's vision was blocked, and they couldn't see far.

Gu Fei used martial arts heavenly eyes, with chaotic lines intertwined in his eyes, to see through the falsehood, he looked directly into the Demon Realm for a dozen miles, and it was difficult to see further.

Even the martial arts Tianyan could only see more than ten miles into the Demon Realm, which surprised Gu Fei.

This sunset magic cave is worthy of being the place where an innate demon ancestor was once bred. There is a kind of magical energy in this place, which can block outside peeping.

"There is an island ten miles ahead."

Gu Fei retracted the martial arts Tianyan, and then said.

"I can't get in."

The Jagged Taoist glanced at Gu Fei and then said.

"Why not go in, just go all the way."

Yan'er said, and then, she was the first to walk into the dim world that was shrouded in devilish energy in front of her, a light circulated in her body, blocking the devilish energy outside her body.

"Huh, a group of big men can't match a woman."

The face of the old demon boy was not so good-looking, he also walked directly into the demon realm ahead.

The twelve bandits and others couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when they heard the words, and then everyone walked directly into the Demon Realm, and under Gu Fei's leadership, they headed towards the island in front.


When everyone came near the island, there was a sound of water, and a head as huge as a hill emerged from the sea below, and then opened a big mouth of blood, biting towards the people above.


Everyone was taken aback, and then quickly dispersed, avoiding the sudden attack.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, a huge and fierce beast stood up from the sea. It was a dragon with two wings on its back.

The dark dragon body is like a huge lizard. This is a magic dragon. It is fundamentally different from a normal flood dragon. However, its strength and ferocity are more powerful and more fierce than a normal flood dragon. and.

The body of that magic dragon was covered with black scale armor, blood-colored pupils, huge enough to be the head of an adult, and in the big mouth of the blood plate, black magic fire was looming.

"I met the big guy as soon as I came in."

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised. The devilish aura on this devil dragon's body was mighty, and the fierce aura was vigorous. Obviously, this was a powerful existence of Quasi-Holy Grade.

Quasi-sage, that is the highest level that a strong man in the human world can cultivate to under the suppression of the power of scourge.

To a certain extent, the quasi-sage is already the most powerful existence in the human world. Of course, the quasi-sage is far from enough in front of the self-sealed saints.

"I come."

Chilong stepped forward, and then shot directly, a huge scarlet dragon claw appeared above the sky, covering the entire world, and grabbing towards the devil dragon below.

He used the Heavenly Dragon Claw as soon as he came up.

The crimson dragon claw showed an incomparable power. When the dragon claw passed, the void was directly caught and cracked into space.


The demon dragon raised its head and opened its mouth and spouted a mouth of demon fire. The dark demon fire spread in an instant, enveloping the red dragon claws that had been caught from the sky.

The red dragon claws evolved by the red dragon were condensed from the fire of the true dragon. The fire of the true dragon and the demon fire collided together, and the fire of the true dragon and the demon fire disappeared into the void at the same time.

"Quick decision."

Gu Fei said to Chilong.


Chilong took the command, and then directly used the secret technique of ascension to heaven, his combat power soared several times in an instant, he turned into a bright flame, and rushed up in an instant, so fast that the huge monster like a mountain had no time at all. Go to hide.

The fire light penetrated directly through the body of the magic dragon, and then, the fire light dissipated, and the figure of the red dragon appeared from the true dragon divine fire.


The magic dragon roared to the sky, and then, above the huge dragon body, a silky dragon fire radiated out, and the body of the magic dragon was disintegrating, turning into flying ash, and dissipating into the void.

A fiercely quasi-sage-level magic dragon was thus killed by Chilong.

Chilong had already cultivated to the realm of Quasi-Sage Dacheng, and under the premise of using the secret technique of ascension, it was enough to sweep all opponents of the same rank.

He is a disciple of Gu Fei. The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are magical, not only those of the Immortal Dao can cultivate, even the Dragon Clan can master this secret technique.

Cut off the devil dragon, everyone then boarded the island.

"this is……"

The island is not big, but everyone found some ruins in the middle of the island, which seems to be an ancient teleportation formation, which has long been destroyed.

"Could it be that there are still people alive in the Sunset Demon Race."

The old demon boy said that he knew a lot of ancient secrets. He was lucky to survive the great change in the ancient times. Many of the strong monsters he knew did not survive. Among them, the stronger monsters were stronger than him. There are so many strong clan.

The sunset demon ancestor once led the demon race to fight in the three realms. In the end, the sunset demon race ended up with a dead end.

"This is a relic of ancient times."

After carefully inspecting the ruins, Nantian Shenzun spoke such words.

Gu Fei planted a restriction on the spirit of Nantian Divine Venerable, which made Nantian Divine Venerable surrender to Gu Fei, because Nantian Divine Venerable did not want to die.

The same goes for Ziyang Tiandi, these old antiques who have lived for endless years, the longer they live, the more they are afraid of death.

Time can obliterate everything. Only by becoming the Supreme and Human Emperor can eternity. The way of the Supreme and Human Emperor is immortal and eternal.

Only the same as the Supreme, can kill the Supreme.

This historic site should be a post on the periphery of Sunset Demon Realm, but unfortunately, this post has been abandoned for endless years.

Gu Fei and the others did not stay on the island for long, just as they were about to continue to march towards the depths of the sunset demon realm, a peerless and powerful wave suddenly emerged from the depths of the sunset demon realm.


The entire sunset demon realm was shaking, as if a peerless evil demon had awakened, Gu Fei and others couldn't help changing their colors.

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