Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2404: Far Ancestor Bone

The blood of the ancient monster Qilin is inherited in the body of the holy beast. At this time, this holy beast has to use the power of its blood.


A huge and incomparable demon shadow appeared between the heavens and the earth, and a terrifying demon evil aura that made all heavenly beings tremble erupted from the body of the holy beast.


The body of the holy-ranked beast blasted the abnormal sound of bone fracture and regeneration, the appearance of the beast of dragon head and unicorn tail was changing, and the short double horns on the head began to grow.

On the body covered with scales, a brand like magic fire began to appear, and the unicorn tail became thicker, and the scales on the unicorn tail made a clanging sound.

When the two dragon horns appeared on the head of the holy-ranked beast, a shock of magic power burst out from the body of the beast.


At the place where the power of the holy-ranked monster was, the void shook fiercely, and a ball of magic fire emerged from the body of the monster, covering the monster in it.

"Huh! You are too arrogant, you shouldn't let me display the strongest combat body."

The voice of a holy beast sounded, and two palpitating **** eyes stared at the opposite immortal combat body without a trace of emotion, and said coldly.

"Cut, even if your ancestor arrives, it's hard to do anything to me, let alone you?"

Gu Fei's indestructible battle body said disdainfully, although the ancient great fierce demon unicorn was powerful enough to hunt down ancient gods and men, it was also difficult to obliterate the indestructible battle body.

"You are too arrogant, take it to death!"

The holy beast roared, and above the two dragon horns, black lightning rushed out and bombarded Gu Fei's indestructible body.

This is the Nirvana Demon Thunder, if it is hit, even the saints will be destroyed, turning into flying ash, extremely powerful.

"Inverse chaos!"

The hands of the indestructible warrior were dancing in front of him, a wave of power surged from his hands, the void was distorted, and the nirvana demon thunder that bombarded him was all reversed and turned back towards the holy Boom to the order of monsters.


The holy beast was taken aback, it was unbelievable that the opponent could reverse its own attack and use its own attack to attack itself.


The holy beast roared and rose into the sky, hiding from the waves of extinguishing demon thunder that blasted to him.

"What magical powers are you!"

The holy beast is not calm anymore, the other party actually masters this kind of great technique, which makes it feel a lot of pressure, if the other party is standing in an invincible place!

"It's funny, why should I tell you?"

Gu Fei's immortal combat body smiled.


While speaking, Gu Fei's indestructible battle body blasted directly at the opposite holy-rank monster, and the extremely powerful power fluctuations erupted from his palm.

A rune emerged from the palm of the Immortal War Body.


A big golden hand appeared between the heavens and the earth, revealing a wave of terrifying power that made the heavens pale, and slapped toward the holy beast in the sky.

The Indestructible War Body once again displayed the Sky Covering Hand.

This killing tool is really against the sky, with immortal divinity inside, and it seems to be able to perform a variety of different spells, even martial arts combat skills.

Sometimes Gu Fei even felt that this indestructible battle body is a carrier, a carrier that can accommodate any power, and different people who enter this battle body can show different techniques and combat skills.


With a muffled sound, the huge holy monster like a mountain was shaken away by the golden light master.


The immortal battle body showed eight steps of extreme speed, just one step forward, and it had already caught up with the holy beast that flew away, and then it was shot with a palm.

Without any suspense, the holy beast was once again shaken away.

The holy beast roared again and again, and the black magic fire was beating all over, and a series of flame-like magic patterns appeared on the huge demon body, drew the strongest magic unicorn power.


When Gu Fei's indestructible battle body slapped once again, the claws of the holy-rank beast blasted forward with all its strength, bloodline power exploded, and Shengsheng blocked the blasting golden light hand.

However, just when the holy-ranked monster was delighted, a figure had already arrived above its head, and the holy-ranked monster raised its head fiercely, and then it saw a foot plate rapidly expanding in its pupils.



The holy beast only felt black in front of his eyes and a pain in his head, and almost fainted, and his huge body fell directly from the sky.


The earth shook, and the holy monster directly hit the ground, smashing the ground out of a huge pit, and the dust was flying.

That holy-level monster was almost going crazy. It rushed out of the ground desperately, and saw that one of its dragon horns had disappeared. Obviously, that dragon horn was broken by the foot of the Indestructible War Body.


A black bone rushed out of the body of the holy beast, and then smashed towards the immortal war body.

"what is this?"

The Indestructible Battle Body was a little surprised. A black bone seemed to be a half-cut bone. What's the use?

However, when the Indestructible War Body punched out and wanted to shake this black bone away, there was an unmatched force on the black bone.

The indestructible battle body was directly shocked by the force erupting from the black bones thousands of feet away.


Indestructible Fighting Body didn't feel pain, but it didn't mean that he couldn't feel the signs of injury. He looked down and saw that there were small cracks on the right fist.

But in the next moment, the tiny cracks in his fist disappeared.

"Good guy, this bone hurt me?"

Gu Fei's indestructible battle body was surprised, staring at the black bone that flew back towards the holy beast.

"what is that……"

Above the high sky outside the magic island, Gu Fei's eyes suddenly burst into two ray of light, and there were chaotic lines looming in his eyes, and the chaotic energy dazzled in his eyes.

He wanted to look into the depths of the Devil Island, but at this time, a strange wave enveloped the entire void of the world in front of him, and even if he had a martial arts eye, it would be difficult to see it.

"A piece of real bone?"

Gu Fei was talking to himself.

At this moment, the holy beast roared towards Gu Fei's indestructible battle body, and the black bone floated and sank above its head, black air lingering.

"Huh! You are actually forced to use the true bones of my distant ancestors. You are the first person in these tens of thousands of years."

The voice of the holy beast was extremely cold, and its murderous aura was so high that a dragon horn was broken by the foot of the immortal war body. This is definitely a shame for this beast!


The holy beast directly sacrificed the black bone and smashed it towards the indestructible battle body. The true bone power recovered. Before the black bone was hit, the indestructible battle body felt the surrounding void as if it had solidified. Was imprisoned.

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