Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2407: Weird magic city

The huge magic city floats and sinks in the devil qi, and there are inexplicable qi lingering around. No one knows what is in this magic city, whether there are people from the sunset demon race in it.

Gu Fei and the others stopped thousands of miles away from the magic city.

This time, the Jagged Daoist decided to take action, he asked Gu Fei for an order, and then directly held the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand and walked towards the giant city in front.

The distance of thousands of miles, to the saint, is not a distance at all, just a few steps, the iron-blooded Taoist has come to the front of the magic city.

The open gate of the magic city was like a big mouth opened by a terrifying beast, as if to swallow everything close to the gate.

The magic city was very quiet, and there was no sound coming from it. It seemed to be a huge city that had been abandoned for a long time, and it seemed to be an empty city at all.

However, the iron-blooded Taoist standing in front of the magic city felt that he seemed to be facing a terrifying creature, and this magic city seemed to have life.

"How can I feel like this."

The Jagged Daoist carefully looked at the magic city in front of him. He didn't rush into it, but he couldn't sense the breath of any creatures, not even the breath of monsters.

After confirming that there were no monsters lurking inside the city gate, the Jagged Taoist took the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand and walked towards the city gate.

The phoenix robbery in his hand gave out a ball of fire, and the fire light enveloped him, and the nine Phoenix Dao patterns on the phoenix robbery were looming.

"This little guy is too careful."

In the sky, seeing this scene, the old demon boy couldn't help shook his head.

"It doesn't hurt to be careful."

Said the Nantian Divine Venerable who was standing beside the old Yaotong.

The powerful existence of the three saints were all surrendered to Gu Fei. This is something that I can't imagine, even if I say it, no one will believe it.

However, this is true.

"This magic city is not simple..."

The Emperor Ziyang looked at the giant city dazzling with devilish energy in front of him, a light flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he saw.

At this time, the figure of the Jagged Taoist had disappeared inside the gate of the magic city.

The moment the Jagged Daoist walked into the magic city, he felt something was wrong. In this magic city, there was a ray of energy that was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

The street was quiet, and no creatures could be seen at all, and the houses on both sides of the street were completely dark, without a trace of light coming out.

Moreover, the doors and windows of every house are tightly locked.

The Jagged Daoist walked forward step by step, he tensely sensed the movement around him, and he did not dare to relax at all.


At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded, it was the sound of something hitting, a breeze blew, and a cloud of dust hovered on the corner of the street.

Soon, the dust was scattered on the ground.

The Jagged Taoist was taken aback by the sudden sound, and he quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from, but realized that a window on a house not far to the right had been opened. The breeze blew in and made a noise. .

It was pitch black inside the window, and I couldn't see anything at all.

At this moment, Jie Xue Dao Ren suddenly felt that something was peeping at him secretly, which made him feel uneasy.

"Pretend to be a ghost, dare to come out for a fight."

The voice of the iron-blooded Taoist spread through the silent devil city, but there was no response. In the ancient city, even a ghost was not seen.


The Jagged Taoist sneered, and then continued to walk forward. This street led directly to the center of the ancient city.

"what happened."

The Jie Xue Taoist felt that the more he walked forward, the stronger the demonic nature in the city, as if there was a supreme true demon waiting for him in front of him.

"No matter what it is, if you dare to jump out, it will be burnt to ashes."

The iron-blooded Taoist was full of flames, and the nine original barren patterns of the fire line loomed on his body, motivating the power of the heaven and the earth, and the powerful Shengwei swept away in all directions.

On the Phoenix Tribulation that he held in his hand, there was also a hint of imperial aura.

That is, along the way, the Jagged Taoist didn't encounter any monsters at all. When he came to the center of the ancient city, he saw a high platform on the square. On the high platform, there was a black coffin.


Jie Xue Dao Ren couldn't help being taken aback. He could sense that the palpitating magical aura originated from the coffin on the high platform.

He hesitated for a moment, and then walked directly to the high platform in front of him.

However, just as the Jagged Daoist approached the high platform, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the corner of the street next to him and pounced towards the Jagged Daoist.

"Finally can't help but jump out."

The iron-blooded Taoist seemed to know what was going to happen, and he moved a dozen feet away. Then, with a wave of the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand, a ball of fire rushed out of the Phoenix Tribulation and hit the dark shadow.


The black shadow roared, and was instantly enveloped by the Phoenix real fire, then it was burned to fly ashes and dissipated into the void.

It was a black demon dog, full of black energy, but under the real fire of the phoenix, it was not enough to look at it, and it was burned out in an instant.

However, even though the demon dog was burned to death, the Jagged Daoist couldn't be happy, because there was a low roar from the surrounding street corners.

Countless blood-colored pupils appeared in the dim void. I don't know when, countless demon dogs gathered around, which made Jie Xue Dao Ren feel uneasy.

These magic dogs are not enough, but he knows that there is a big guy behind these magic dogs, and the feeling of being peeped still exists.


Suddenly, countless black gas-shrouded demon dogs rushed towards the Jagged Taoist roar, like a stream of black smoke passing quickly across the ground, reaching the extreme speed.

"court death."

The iron-blooded Taoist directly swept the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand, and a group of divine fire swept away from the Phoenix Tribulation and burned in all directions.

Heads of demon dogs roared and turned into fly ash in the Phoenix Divine Fire. Such low-level monsters could not withstand the Phoenix Divine Fire.

The fire illuminates the dim world, and countless dogs were burned to death. Only some black dust was left on the ground. When a gust of wind blew by, the black dust dissipated in the void and disappeared.

The phoenix divine fire dissipated, and none of the demon dogs were spared. They were all burned to death, as if they had never appeared before.


At this moment, the coffin on the high platform suddenly shook, as if something was coming out of the coffin.

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