Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2413: Yiding Town Mozu

The human emperor's magic weapon could not stop that magic hand, which shocked Gu Fei. You know, that is the emperor's power, which can compete with the supreme power.


Without any suspense, Gu Fei's indestructible battle body was shocked to fly thousands of feet away, and the battle body was covered with cracks, as if it could break into tens of millions at any time.

However, the immortal divinity of the indestructible battle body is at work. The cracks on the battle body are quickly disappearing, and those cracks seem to have never appeared before.

The golden light on the body of the immortal battle body is beating, and the whole person is like a group of golden divine fire. In the dim world, like a round of golden divine sun, it emits a ray of light, illuminating the world.

The Emperor's power fluctuations spread from the battle body, dispelling all the devilish energy.

However, a demon hand rushed directly from a distance, grabbing towards the indestructible battle body, completely ignoring the emperor power on the indestructible battle body.

"How can you be so perverted."

The Immortal Battle Body was shocked. The Human Sovereign power he mobilized was very limited. Even if the Human Sovereign divine mace was melted into his body, it would be difficult for this Emperor Extreme Sacred Artifact to exert its truly invincible power.

If the human emperor's divine mace fully recovers, the first unlucky person is the immortal war body, and the power of the human emperor divine mace will directly obliterate the immortal war body.

Eternity and immortality are also relative. For the existence below the supreme, the indestructible battle body is absolutely indestructible. However, for the supreme and the human emperor, the indestructible battle body can easily be wiped out.


The magic hand grabbed it, and the void shook, and a dark whirlpool emerged in the palm of the magic hand's palm. In the whirlpool, there was devilish energy.

A swallowing force that was so powerful that it could not be countered came out from the black hole in the palm of the magic hand. The vast void was collapsing, and then it was directly swallowed by the black hole.

The body of the indestructible war body also flew towards the black hole.


The shock of the Indestructible Battle Body is really no small thing. This magic hand is too terrible, with the supreme power of the magic way, and peerlessly powerful, it wants to destroy itself for life.

Behind the black hole that emerged from the palm of the demon's hand, it was like a terrifying demon realm connected to it. There were waves of demon screams from the black hole, and countless demon shadows were looming.


The human emperor's divine mace was shaking, and a golden figure rushed out from the divine mace, and a strong emperor's power spread from that figure, contending with the swallowing power that swallowed from the palm of the demon's palm.

The speed of the indestructible battle body flying towards the demon hand immediately slowed down, but the indestructible battle body still flew slowly towards the demon hand without stopping.


The Immortal Battle Body felt the danger, roared again and again, and the emperor's power was mighty. However, no matter how he urged the emperor's power, he could hardly resist the devouring power that erupted from the magic hand.

This is not to say that the human emperor magic weapon is not strong, but the person who uses the human emperor magic weapon does not have the ability to make the emperor magic weapon exert its due power.

The indestructible battle body is not the master of the human emperor's magic weapon, this magic weapon is a spiritual thing, it does not actively attack the magic hand.

"how is this possible……"

The Indestructible Fighting Body was unwilling to do so. If it were so obliterated by this magic hand, it would definitely be a great loss for Gu Fei.


Just as the immortal battle body was continuously being pulled towards the magic hand by the devouring power in the magic hand, a loud noise suddenly spread over the ancient city.

In the next moment, the endless magic cloud covering the sky over the magic city rolled violently, and then dissipated into the void. A great cauldron broke through the heavy magic clouds, fell from the sky, and directly pressed down on the magic city.


On the great cauldron, the chaotic humongous qi is surging, and the chaotic great qi falls from the great cauldron, like a great dragon, revealing the terrifying power that crushes the ages.

"this is……"

Above the magic hand, there was a wave of divine thoughts.

"There is still a remnant soul in this magic hand."

At this moment, the Immortal Battle Body finally knew why this demon hand was so abnormal. It turned out that a strand of demon soul of the ancient demon ancestor was still attached to it.

The sky and the earth quaked, and an ancient ding that was bigger than a giant mountain was directly suppressed from the sky, and the terrible failure to sweep the sky and the earth made the heavens tremble.

The whole magic city shook, and a series of hideous cracks broke out on the city body, as if it might break open at any time, as terrifying as the end of the day.

"This thing turned out to be..."

A vague magical shadow appeared above the magic hand, and the magical shadow looked up and seemed shocked.

When the magic shadow emerged, the void around the magic hand was immediately covered with magic patterns, and the magic energy was overwhelming. The magic array under the magic hand was running, condensing the magic power of the eight directions.

When the great cauldron was suppressed, the magic shadow that emerged from the magic hand drew the magic power condensed by the magic array below, and the endless magic power was all swallowed by the magic shadow in an instant.


A demon power that dominates the sky and the earth, so powerful that the indestructible body can hardly bear it, appeared between the sky and the earth, just like the real supreme demon ancestor descended.

At this moment, not only the Falling Sun Demon Territory, but also the Falling God Sea outside the Demon Territory, and even the powerful creatures on the entire Tenglong Ancestral Star had a feeling of palpitation.

"What happened again."

On the Tenglong Continent, in the Fengdu Ghost Mansion, the Fengdu Ghost Emperor who had just returned from overseas had not yet sat on the throne, and suddenly stood up from his seat.

"It's overseas again..."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor was a little upset.

"Couldn't it be that little guy who is tossing again, the big catastrophe is not far away, how can this little guy toss the more powerful."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor seemed to have thought of something.

"Forget it, after all, it's an overseas issue. As long as it doesn't affect the Tenglong mainland, let them toss."

With that, Fengdu Ghost Emperor sat down, but this time, Fengdu Ghost Emperor did not rush overseas.

At the same time, a powerful aura spread from other forbidden areas on the Tamron Continent, and the strong presence of the human world sensed the fluctuations from overseas.

However, no one left the forbidden area. Everyone was waiting and making final preparations. No one paid attention to overseas affairs.

When it flourishes and declines, heaven and earth will usher in a catastrophe, and all beings in the Three Realms and the Six Paths will not be spared. Some people have already begun to prepare for this catastrophe.

At this time, in the depths of the sunset demon realm, in the demon city, the demon shadow that emerged from the demon's hand roared up to the sky, and it hit the suppressed Shanhe Ding directly with a punch.


An extremely powerful dragon rushed out of Mo Ying's fist and rushed straight to the mountain and river.


The magic dragon directly hit the mountain and river tripod, but the terrifying power capable of destroying the sky and the earth could hardly shake the mountain and river tripod. The ancient tripod still suppressed it downward, and the void of heaven and earth seemed to be solidified.


Seeing that magic shadow, he couldn't help being taken aback.

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