Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2415: Deification of the Nine Realms

In the depths of the Demon Territory in the setting sun, it turned out to be a Demon Earth. I don't know how big this Demon Earth is. Under the dim world, demonic energy is lingering, and there are mountains looming in the magic energy.

At this time, in the mountains ahead, the demon bird and the beast were fighting fiercely, the earth shook, and the chaotic world was spreading across the sky.


A huge magic wing swept past, a towering mountain peak broke off when it stood, and the upper half of the mountain fell from the sky.


A huge fist slammed out of the devil qi and collided with the devil wings swept out by the devil bird. The devil bird screamed and retreated quickly.


The monster roared up to the sky, and the power of the evil spirit was mighty, and then, a beast hand covered with long black hair grabbed it from the mountain and grabbed it directly to the evil bird.

The demon bird screamed again, and its wings vibrated, soaring to the sky, avoiding the beast claws, and then the wings vibrated repeatedly, and a wave of black light immediately shot out from the demon bird’s wings, towards The horror monster on the opposite side penetrated through it.

That was the magic light formed by the feathers on the wings of the demon bird. In every magic light, there are magic patterns looming, attracting great power.

Demon Dao is also a Dao, can be cultivated to the extreme, can also become holy, and can even become an invincible demon ancestor.

Above the sky outside the Demon Earth, Gu Fei couldn't help but shake his heart when he saw this scene. This demon bird seemed to have cultivated a powerful magical power.

The magic light formed by the feathers of the magic bird showed great power. Wherever the magic light passed, the void was directly penetrated, leaving a black void crack.

In the mountains, a huge beast shadow was looming, and the monster roared, and then an extremely powerful swallowing force burst out from the mountains.


The large mountains in front of the beast were immediately sucked from the ground by this swallowing force, and then collapsed into the void, all the pieces were swallowed directly by a black vortex.

"This is the real power to swallow the sky."

Above the sky outside the magic land, the old demon boy suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, the countless magic lights that went through the hole of the beast were all swallowed in by the black vortex, and no magic light could get rid of the devouring power that erupted in the black vortex.

"Could it be that the beast was actually one of the ten ancient beasts, the Sky Swallowing Beast."

The Nantian **** is muttering to himself.

Sky-swallowing beasts, that is a powerful beast that can compete with the ancient big fierce unicorn, this kind of beast is known to be able to swallow the sky, and the adult-swallowing beasts are absolutely powerful.

"It won't be a pure-blooded Devouring Beast."

The Emperor Ziyang looked at the huge beast shadow looming in the mountains ahead and said.

"Well, even if it's not the ancient hero, it's definitely his descendant."

The old demon boy nodded and said.

That monster only showed the cultivation base and combat power of the holy rank. Although this strength was very strong, compared with the ten ancient monsters, this monster was actually not much stronger than the ants.

At this time, the devil qi lingering in the mountains dissipated, and everyone could see the look of the monster. It was a head covered with long black hair, with a blood-colored unicorn growing on top of it, with long hands and feet. A long man, there are 18 brutal beasts with bone spurs more than ten feet long on his back.

Gu Fei had never seen such a monster before, but he knew that this monster in front of him was definitely not something ordinary saints could handle.

At this time, the demon bird was surprised to see that the sky-swallowing beast swallowed all the magic light from the feathers of its wings into its stomach.

The demon bird wanted to escape, and it shook the two bare wings and was about to rise into the sky.

However, it was already too late at this time, and the mighty power of the sky swallowing from the big mouth of the swallowing beast had already enveloped the demon bird in an instant.


There was a fierce flash of magic patterns in the black hole in the big mouth of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, and the void around the body of the Demon Bird instantly distorted. Before the Demon Bird could react, the Sky-Swallowing Beast had already swallowed the Demon Bird in one bite. Up.


Above the sky outside the Demon Earth, everyone couldn't help but shake their hearts when they saw this scene. The Sky Swallowing Beast was indeed well-known, but the Sky Swallowing Divine Ability should not be underestimated.


After the Sky-Swallowing Beast swallowed the demon bird, there was a rumbling sound from its body, and magic patterns appeared on its body.

A powerful magic Dao rhyme is surging in its body. This Heaven-Swallowing Beast is refining the demon bird that he swallowed. An extremely powerful magic Dao force is transformed into its body, and then it is destroyed by it. The magic body absorbs.

"What, that demon bird was refined so quickly."

Gu Fei couldn't help being moved when he saw this.

"It is said that the belly of the Swallowing Beast can destroy the world. This does not seem to be an exaggeration."

The Immortal Demon Tong said in a deep voice, there was a flickering light in his eyes, if he could cut off this Sky Swallowing Beast and take out its stomach bag, he could be refined into Sky Swallowing Bag.

In the ancient years, a fierce man did this. The fierce man slayed a Sky-Swallowing Beast that hadn't grown up, and then refined its stomach bag into a Sky-Swallowing Bag.

That swallowing bag was also a great magic weapon of the holy way in that ancient time.

The old demon boy couldn't help but move when he thought of this. You must know that the Heaven Swallowing Beast in the mountains ahead is a holy beast, and it has grown up.

However, just when Immortal Demon Tong wanted to take a shot, a figure flickered beside him, and a person had already rushed out, stepped forward, and came to the front of Swallowing Beast.

"Old Nantian..."

When the old demon boy saw him, he couldn't help being startled. The one who was one step ahead of him was actually the **** of Nantian.

"Humans, gods, demons, haha, I haven't eaten these things for a long time, I miss them very much."

The body of Swallowing Beast sent a powerful wave of divine consciousness.

"Hmph, your appetite is too big. If you want to eat us, you are not afraid to die."

The Nantian Divine Venerable looked at the adult Heaven-Swallowing Beast in front of him with cold eyes, and then said such words, his eyes flickered, and the whole person radiated a powerful pressure from the Holy Venerable.

However, even though the Nantian God Venerable released a powerful pressure from the Holy Venerable, the monster on the opposite side had no influence at all.


The **** Nantian seemed to have thought of something, his face couldn't help becoming a little hard to look at.

"If the **** food delivered to the door is not eaten, wouldn't it be a waste? I'm not welcome."

When the Sky Swallowing Beast spoke, he directly opened his mouth and sucked at the Nantian Divine Venerable. A dark whirlpool immediately emerged from the Swallowing Beast's mouth, and a mighty force of Swallowing Sky came out.


Nantian Divine Venerable didn't dare to neglect, he lifted his right hand, and the Nine Divine Patterns immediately rushed out of his palm, instantly imprinted in the void in front of him.

The Nine Divine Patterns bloomed with brilliant divine light, motivating the divine power of the Dao Dao, and blocking the mighty force that swallowed the sky.

However, the nine gods imprinted in the void in front of the Nantian God Venerable were shaking, and there were signs of collapse, the swallowing power was too strong.

"It seems I underestimated you."

The Southern Heavenly God Venerable's heart is shaking, this Heaven-Swallowing Beast is definitely not as simple as an ordinary holy-ranked Beast, such a combat power is definitely a Demon Venerable.

At this time, the swallowing power that came out of the swallowing beast's mouth was still increasing, and in the dark whirlpool, magic lines were looming.


The Nantian Divine Venerable felt a great deal of pressure. Even though there were nine gods patterns in front of him to resist the swallowing force, the nine gods patterns became unstable.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the Nine Divine Marks suddenly exploded in his thoughts, and the extremely powerful power of the Lord erupted, and the swallowing power was shattered.


The Nantian God Venerable left an afterimage on the spot, and then quickly retreated for the first time, rushing out from the envelope of devouring power.

The fat meat that arrived at the mouth actually flew, which made the Tiantian Beast be furious, and then walked out of the mountains directly, stretched out his big hand, and patted the Nantian god.


The sky and the earth shook, and the huge beast hand shook away the magic clouds on the horizon. The power of this shot turned out to have a powerful power to destroy the sky and the earth.

At this time, the Nantian Divine Venerable's body burst into endless divine light. In his thoughts, the nine divine patterns rushed out on his body again, and then a small world formed by nine kinds of heaven and earth power evolved around his body.

"Deify the Nine Realms."

The Nantian gods roared, and directly rushed towards the swallowing beasts. The nine small worlds revolved around him, and the mighty power of the gods came out.


Nantian Shenzun pointed his right hand, and the small world, which was completely transformed by the power of thunder and lightning, immediately greeted the beast claws shot by the swallowing beast.

That huge beast claw was directly shot into the small thunder and lightning world.


The Sky-Swallowing Beast roared, and its beast claw that was shot into the thunder and lightning world quickly retracted, and I saw that the power of thunder and lightning was wandering on the claw, and it had been bombarded by the power of lightning. , It's still steaming above.


At this moment, the other eight small worlds around the Nantian God Venerable's body spread out, swallowing this Heaven-Swallowing Beast into his nine realms of God's Way.

I have to say that this Sky-Swallowing Beast is really powerful and terrifying. Eight small worlds swallowed it, and the Sky-Swallowing Beast showed its housekeeping skills and opened its mouth to suck.

The black vortex emerged, and the power of the swallowing sky exploded, and the eight small worlds were directly shaken by this power, and they flew towards the black vortex in the mouth of the swallowing beast, showing signs of being swallowed.

"Huh, this monster is going to be unlucky."

The old demon boy said such words, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

Sure enough, at the moment when the eight small worlds were about to be swallowed by the Devouring Beasts, the eight small worlds exploded without warning.

This is the power that destroys the sky and the earth. The destructive force formed by the eight small heavens and earth exploding together is really too strong, and the Sky-Swallowing Beast is directly shaken away.

But at this time, the ninth Thunder Heaven and Earth rushed up in an instant, suddenly became bigger, and the entire huge swallowing beast was collected into Thunder Heaven and Earth.

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