Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2421: Demon Reappearance

Shanhe Ding's Ding Soul resurrected, showing its extreme power, only one move wiped out the remnant soul of the Dao Demon Ancestor, which shocked everyone to the point where it was hard to add.

The Ji Dao sacred artifacts are really too powerful. Under the Ji Dao, all creatures in the Ji Dao sacred artifacts are all ants.

At this time, Gu Fei and the others pushed forward, and no powerful monster dared to jump out. However, the failure of other monsters did not mean that the sunset demon clan would not.

The sunset demons were almost wiped out in the ancient catastrophe, but there were still some slippery fish that escaped the catastrophe and survived.

When Gu Fei and the others came to the area near the sunset magic cave, the aura of the whole world became a little different, and there were black peaks high in the clouds.

Gu Fei discovered that these black mountain peaks were actually covered with traces left by swords, spears, swords, and halberds. There seemed to be a big battle here.

However, apart from the traces on the black mountain peaks, Gu Fei and the others could no longer find anything. The surroundings were very clean, even a piece of dry bone could not be seen.

what happened. "

Yan'er couldn't help but said, she felt a little strange. The surroundings were too quiet and surprisingly quiet. It seemed that when she walked into this black mountain peak, outside voices could not be heard, as if she had entered the other world. The same.


When everyone was walking among these black peaks, the old demon boy suddenly changed his face, and then stopped.

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden exclamation of the unold demon boy, and they couldn't help stopping, looking at the unold demon boy.

"this is……"

At this moment, Nantian Divine Venerable also seemed to have noticed something, his face became difficult to look at, and then he carefully observed the surrounding terrain and sky.


When everyone was in a state of uncertainty, Shi Feng suddenly heard a loud laugh, and then a figure walked out and appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that this person was a white-haired young man. In the young man's eyes, there was blood flickering, and the black magic energy was lingering around him.

"It's you."

Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw this person.

When everyone saw this man, they were all shocked and inexplicably shocked. This white-haired young man was the demon who drew the power of the magic tablet to compete with everyone.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, but you just want to break through. You are looking for death by yourself."

The words of the white-haired demon were extremely cold, and there was a cold and murderous tone in his tone, and there was a fierce light in the palpitating blood-colored pupils.

"A magical formation based on the terrain and the sky?"

At this time, Gu Fei also found that something was wrong. Although his formation method was not as good as Heitian's type of formation master, he could still observe the general situation of the world to judge whether this area was laid by anyone. Kill the array.

This time, they were careless.

"It's you demon again."

The Ziyang Tiandi couldn't help being frightened and angry when he saw this white-haired demon. The opponent was extremely powerful, and his cultivation level was definitely not under him, so he couldn't help being fully guarded.

"Why, do you still want to fight a battle."

The white-haired demon looked at Ziyang Tiandi with disdain and said, as if he didn't put Ziyang Tiandi in his eyes at all.

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

As the Emperor Ziyang said, he took a step forward, an earth-shattering warfare spread from his body, his long hair went without wind, and the fairy lights intertwined on his body.

"As long as that person doesn't use the sacred weapon of the ultimate path, there is nothing wrong with fighting you."

The white-haired demon stood on a black pinnacle, glanced at Gu Fei, and then said.

"This is easy to handle."

Suddenly, the old demon boy smiled and said.

Then, as soon as he stretched out his right hand, a battle platform appeared in his hand. The battle platform was only the size of a fist, and flew from his hand, soaring into the sky.


Void shook, and a small battle platform instantly became as huge as a mountain, and an extremely powerful demon power spread from the battle platform.

"This is a supreme battle platform, you can fight to the death on it, to ensure that no one can interfere with you."

The old demon boy looked at the white-haired demon opposite and said.

The white-haired demon looked at the battle platform dazzling in the sky, with blood flickering in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, after the catastrophe, there will still be such things in this human world."

The white-haired demon was talking to himself, and then he actually took a step forward and landed directly on the ancient battle platform of the monster race, without any scruples.

"Courageous enough."

Seeing this, the old demon boy couldn't help but nodded secretly. This white-haired demon is very powerful and proud. Perhaps he knew the function of this battle platform, so he dared to step on the battle platform.


Ziyang Tiandi roared directly, and rose up into the sky, and landed in the ancient battle platform of the demon race, standing opposite the white-haired demon, staring at the white-haired demon in front of him.

"Come on, let me understand your secret of "no"."

The white-haired demon said to Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.


Ziyang Tiandi gave a cold snort, did not say much, and then took a step forward, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the white-haired demon opposite.

The white-haired demon's figure was photographed when Ziyang Tiandi's big hand grabbed it. It was suddenly blurred, and then disappeared into the void.

The next moment, when the white-haired demon reappeared, he had already reached the sky above Ziyang Heavenly Emperor's head, and stepped on the heavenly spirit cover of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.

The power of the white-haired demon’s footfall is extremely powerful. There are magic patterns emerging under his feet, and the whole world is collapsing. Then it turns into a more powerful and terrifying destructive force, and it rushes down to the Ziyang Emperor below. .


Ziyang Tiandi's big hand turned over, and then he patted it out, shaking hard with the big foot that had stepped down from the sky.

The white-haired demon was stunned into the sky by the palm of Ziyang Tiandi, and Ziyang Tiandi was uncomfortable. He was directly stepped down from the sky by the white-haired demon.


The earth shook, and the ground under Ziyang Tiandi's feet was collapsed by him. The nearby ground cracked and cracked and the dust was flying.

Outside the Yaozu ancient battle platform, everyone saw this scene and couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for Ziyang Heavenly Emperor. Only then, Ziyang Heavenly Emperor was in a disadvantageous position.

"What is the origin of this demon?"

Gu Fei looked at the demonic figure on the ancient battle platform, and couldn't help being shocked. He never expected that there would be such a powerful person in this sunset magic cave.

You know, that Ziyang Heavenly Emperor is a closed disciple of the Supreme Taoist Ancestor, who has cultivated an immortal Taoist supernatural power, and also has the secret of "wu".

And that demon can fight endlessly with Ziyang Tiandi, which is enough to say that this demon is extraordinary, this demon definitely has a great background.

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